Chapter 416 Double Swords (Please subscribe and vote)

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"Where did you get this knife?"

Chu Xisheng asked curiously.

Although the sword was in its sheath, Chu Xisheng had already sensed its extraordinary aura.

Is this sword not a second-grade magic weapon?

Ji Qianqian threw the knife directly in front of Chu Xisheng's chest: "Just now, a great master from the Far East Ice City sent it to the mountain gate and named it to give it to you. I happened to meet him when I went up the mountain, so I gave it to you.

You brought it here."

Chu Xisheng's mind moved and he took the long knife in his hand.

"That person just gave you the knife? Didn't he have anything else to say?"

This sword is also in the style of a straight sword from the Tang Dynasty, about four feet long.

The moment Chu Xisheng held the sword, he felt the powerful force surging within the blade.

Chu Xisheng took out another section of the long knife and found that the blade was extremely smooth.

It is brighter than a mirror and reflects the surrounding scenery extremely clearly.

Above the guard of the handle of the knife are engraved the four antique seal characters "Jing Hua Shui Yue".

The cold light flowing on the blade was like a flowing spring.

"No." Ji Qianqian shook his head and thought carefully about the man's expression: "I said I could bring him to see you, but the man seemed to be in a hurry and looked hurried. After confirming that I am your Taoist attendant,

, I just said goodbye and left."

She looked intently at the knife in Chu Xisheng's hand.

Ji Qianqian felt a little uncomfortable and laughed: "Jing Hua Shui Yue, this is the Jing Tian method of the second system of gold and water. The Lord of the City is quite attentive to you. This is even more powerful than the sword that Li Tiangong forged for you.


Both the metal element and the water element can derive the 'mirror sky' method.

This kind of heavenly law is not unique to Yazui.

The reason why Yaizhen's method of mirroring the sky is strong is because of its power of retribution. It is a combination of multiple forces that can reflect the laws of heaven and earth in a corresponding form.

However, this knife can also greatly enhance Chu Xisheng's strength.

Although this is not tailor-made for Chu Xisheng, it suits Chu Xisheng very well.

Chu Xi thought that this knife was indeed suitable for him.

The person holding the sword can strengthen the fourth level of Jing Tianwu Yi.

This can be integrated into his Yajuan Sword, improving the level of Yajuan Sword Intent and perfecting the Yajuan Heavenly Rules.

In addition, this sword can also strengthen the first level of martial arts such as Gengjin and Guishui, as well as the third to fourth level of similar bloodline talents, with a maximum limit of twenty-two levels.

Chu Xisheng's Shenyuan Wuxiang Kung definitely cannot be improved with this knife.

However, he can upgrade his 'Nine-Refined Ultimate Purple Gold Body'.

The Nine Refining Ultimate Purple Gold Body is exactly the gold system technique.

In terms of bloodline talents, you can choose ‘Blood of Yaju’ and ‘Rahu’.

Unfortunately, judging from the effect Chu Xisheng sensed, this aspect is of little use.

Jia Can can only be promoted to two levels, and Rahu can only be promoted to one and a half levels.

This is because the blood levels of the two major talents are very high.

Yaizhen's bloodline is currently only at the top level. If classified according to grade, it can enter the first-grade forest.

However, this bloodline can be improved and evolved.

Once you enter the fifteenth level and condense the 'Yaiju True Blood', you will be a half-step divine level.

In the future, when we reach the twenty-fourth level, we will break the boundaries between humans and gods, which will be the ‘blood of the gods’, which is also a divine grade.

Chu Xisheng waved his sword again and used the Yaizhan sword move.

I just felt that this knife was so easy to use that I almost didn't need to get used to it.

He can easily activate all the power of this sword.

The Geng Metal aspect has Rahu, and the Water element aspect has the Hunyuan Gong to imitate it.

Among the three-phase martial arts that Chu Xisheng learned before, there is also the "impermanent" martial arts derived from clouds and mist.

Nowadays, the Three Phases of Martial Intention has been upgraded to the Heaven-Slaying Martial Intent.

However, Chu Xisheng has not given up on the "impermanence of clouds".

In addition, this ‘Jing Hua Shui Yue Knife’ has the same dual nature as gold and water, so it is extra strong and extra flexible.

All in all, it’s a good knife!

Although it is not as good as the magic sword Xueyai, it is more at your disposal.

This is a second-level lower-level magic weapon, and it doesn't have a sword spirit yet.

Only the level of the sword is a bit high, but combined with the ‘Heart of Chaos’, it just works.

Chu Xisheng was quite surprised. After putting the knife into its sheath, he hung it directly on his waist.

He thought for a while, then used a secret method to open the light screen of the Divine Contract Heaven Monument, and issued five words.

"Okay, lend me the knife, thank you!"

Chu Xisheng looked at the message he had sent and suddenly felt the breath of poverty coming to his face.

Five words, fifty thousand taels!

He was already gritting his teeth and enduring the pain to deliver the message.

Ji Qianqian's lips twitched.

Did the Lord really accept it?

How spineless! What’s the difference between this and those weaklings who eat soft rice?

She immediately put an end to this treasonous thought.

The Lord said it was just a loan, so he will definitely pay it back.

And how miserable was Chu Xisheng’s experience?

The Lord struggled to stand up again from the stinky cement pool, so he naturally needed to use all the available strength.

Also, with Chu Xisheng having this knife in his hand, it would indeed be much safer to travel south this time.

Wen Zhuoyi then sent a message in response: "The sword is given to you. It is my private collection, but it is of no use to me. Eight hundred years ago, the Bloody Sword King was invincible in the world, attracting many martial arts cultivators to follow suit and practice the Jingtian method.

This 'Jing Hua Shui Yue' was produced in that era. However, in today's world, there are very few warriors who can achieve success in the method of Jing Tian.

In addition, if you lack suitable magical weapons, you can also ask me. In the past, I asked a certain person to contain the martial arts in the Central Plains and fight all over the world. During this period, he killed a total of fifty-four people with first and second level cultivation, and there are many hidden in the treasury."

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but take in a breath of cold air.

How rich is this Lord of the Far East Ice City?

Just asking Baht Yi more than 100 words is equivalent to the current monthly income of the Iron Banner Gang.

Chu Xisheng shook his head: "This City Lord is really -"

He didn't know how to evaluate it.

In the end, Chu Xisheng could only press his newly acquired sword with his hand and let out a bitter smile: "This kind of kindness makes people helpless."

Ji Qianqian had a strange look on his face, and a sentence automatically came to his mind.

It's hard to refuse kindness, but it's disrespectful to do so. Being respectful is worse than obeying orders.

Ji Qianqian tried very hard to maintain respect for Chu Xisheng, but then he remembered two words.


Chu Xisheng then strode outside the hospital.

He glanced at Chu Yunyun's room and saw that the doors and windows there were tightly closed, and there was no sound inside.

Chu Xisheng knew that this king was still angry and shy!

She was embarrassed to see him and didn't know how to face him.

However, Chu Xisheng knew that Chu Yunyun must be hiding in the room and watching her.

The corners of Chu Xisheng's lips raised slightly, and there was a bit of pride in his heart. He turned around and said to the window with a serious face: "Take good care of your injuries at home. The more you recover now, the safer we will be. I

I will try my best to come back as soon as possible, and I will also try my best to improve the blood of eternity——"

His tone was like a husband giving instructions to his wife.

But before Chu Xisheng finished speaking, Chu Yunyun's voice sounded from behind: "Who are you talking to?"

Chu Xisheng was slightly stunned and turned his head.

I found Chu Yunyun walking over from the other side of the courtyard.

Behind him were two people, one was Kuang Jian Feng San and the other was Li Tiangong.

Chu Yunyun looked at Chu Xisheng with an expressionless face: "I took Mr. Feng to Daoyi Palace. Considering the danger of your trip, the sect leader did not hesitate to use his life force to inspire Mr. Feng and let him succeed quickly.

The first level of the Ping Tian Sword.”

Kuangjian Fengsan bowed to Chu Xisheng with great gratitude: "Pingtianjian is a famous sacred method in China, and unexpectedly Fengsan also has the fate to practice it! Fengsan is grateful for the love between the Wuxiang Divine Sect and the Lord.

If not, I must repay it with all my heart! Feng has already studied part of the mysteries revealed by the gods, and must initially master them within twenty days and use them for the Lord."

Chu Xisheng felt slightly embarrassed.

He immediately looked at Chu Yunyun with aggressive eyes.

Facing this king, the purpose is to be shameless, not to be timid, it is best to be stronger than her!

Chu Xisheng then retreated in defeat and looked away.

Chu Yunyun looked at him with eyes as cold as ice, without any expression.

Chu Xisheng felt that if he continued to watch, he might not be able to leave this door today.

Might be beaten to death!

His hegemonic body is not strong enough yet, so he might as well give in first.

He turned to look at Kuang Jian Feng San with great admiration: "Very good! Mr. Feng is the one who supports Mr. Chu on his journey south this time. Your Pingtian Sword is very important."

Does he want to create a "Daigo Shenqi"?

Xia Baishi is good at it, and his attainments in Pingtian Sword should be much higher than those of Jian Zangfeng and Zong Sanping.

It was probably a spiritual suggestion that made Kuangjian Fengsan feel like he knew it.

Chu Xisheng then looked at Li Tiangong again, with anticipation in his eyes: "Is my sword finished?"

With a smile of excitement and pride on his face, Li Tiangong sent a Yanling long knife in front of Chu Xisheng: "This knife is called 'Shura Demon-Slaying Knife'. It is three feet and three inches long and is ranked in the third rank.


It was forged under the personal guidance of Grand Elder Yuyun Xiangyu, who gathered many heavenly materials and earthly treasures brought back by the Lord, and then smelted ninety-nine Shura Demonic Bones as the main material, as well as three drops of blood essence from the Lord."

The Shura lineage is all descendants of Rahu, and they have pure Rahu blood in their bodies.

Chu Xisheng held the knife in his hand and concentrated on it, then raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"Good knife!"

This 'Shura Demon-Slaying Knife' can enhance three levels of Heaven-Destroying Martial Intent, two levels of Rahu bloodline, and the upper limit is also twenty-two levels.

It should be noted that ‘Zhu Tian’ is the martial spirit of the holy level, while ‘Luohu’ is the bloodline of the divine level.

Although this is only an upper-level third-grade sword, the benefits it brings to Chu Xisheng are not as good as those of the Jing Hua Shui Yue Sword.

Perhaps because it was blended with his own essence and blood, Chu Xisheng not only felt that the knife was very handy, but also felt like flesh and blood were connected.

Chu Xisheng thought that with just this sword, he would be able to recruit Li Tiangong as a Taoist servant.

Li Tiangong then sent a few weapons to Chu Xisheng with some intention of claiming credit: "Also, during the few months when the Lord went to Yunhai Immortal Palace, my subordinates worked for you in the Iron Banner Gang.

Forged weapons.”

"very good!"

Chu Xisheng took these weapons in his hands and took a look at them, his eyes filled with admiration: "Although they are all rushed products, the quality is good, which shows that you have put your heart into them.

In the next period of time, there will be no need to refine weapons. Elder Yu has promised me to let you go and help him, and by the way, he will give you guidance on martial arts practice for one year, and you must study hard there."

He had used Yu Yunxiang's talent card on Li Tiangong. This guy should satisfy Yu Yunxiang.

Chu Xisheng did not expect this guy to be as skilled in martial arts and weapon refining as Yu Yunxiang. In the future, he would be satisfied if this person could achieve a third-level cultivation level and reach the level of a great master in weapon refining.

Chu Xisheng then turned to look at Chu Yunyun.

Just as he was bracing himself for words, Chu Yunyun's eyes softened slightly: "You should know your situation. In today's world, countless people want your life. So on this trip south, you must

Be extremely careful!

Brother, although you have cultivated the Divine Will Sword Heart, have that thing to protect you, and have made many arrangements, it may not be able to keep you safe. In short, the wind is not in the right direction, so you can quickly retreat to the Wuxiang Mountain. There is no need to show off, the Iron Banner Gang is here

It doesn’t matter if we don’t need Dongzhou’s foundation, what we really need is time!”

When Chu Yunyun mentioned 'that thing', she thought of the scene last night, and her face suddenly turned slightly red.

This is so courageous!

Chu Xisheng dared to attack her precisely because he had obtained this thing.

However, with this 'Heart of Chaos', Chu Xisheng does have enough power to protect himself.

Chu Xisheng's heart felt slightly warm.

Yunyun still cares about him.

He nodded slightly, with a look of concentration on his face: "I understand, and I will definitely act according to the opportunity and my ability."


In the morning of that day, Chu Xisheng and Kuang Jianfeng drove the sun-bathing boat and flew out of the Wuxiang Mountain without making a sound.

This time he didn't bring anyone with him except Feng San.

Lu Luanli and Liu Ruoxi are still in the Secret Realm of Time.

The time of Secret Realm of Time has been extended to one and a half years.

Correspondingly, the two of them also need to stay there for a month and a half.

Although Ji Qianqian and Zhou Liangchen's combat capabilities have reached a certain level, they are not suitable this time.

This time Chu Xisheng's enemies were all experts with cultivation levels as high as the second or third level, with combat prowess that could enter the Heaven and Earth Ranking.

Chu Xisheng had to rely on his own speed to get around, and following him around would only become a burden.

There is only one Chu Yunyun left, but she has to stay in Wuxiang Mountain.

Li Changsheng and Yu Yunxiang hid the secret from the Elder Council and used their private money to build a large-scale magic circle fifty miles east of the Wuxiang Mountain, inside the Iron Wall Mountains, to help her get rid of the divine poison and divine curse.

Chu Yunyun's ability to expel poison in one day can be equal to more than two months outside.

This array consumes hundreds of mid-grade spiritual stones every day.

Fortunately, Yuyunxiang has rich assets.

He is a great master of weapon refining who has been famous for more than 60 years, and has accumulated more wealth than Li Changsheng.

Just when the Yuri Shenzhou flew about fifty miles out of the Wuxiang Mountain, Chu Xisheng felt a few divine thoughts locking him in the distance.

There was no fanfare about his outing this time, and very few people knew about it.

However, as soon as he flew out of the range of Xiangshen Mountain, he was stared at.

However, the strength of ‘Sunbathing Shenzhou’ lies in its speed.

Under the influence of Chu Xisheng's 14th-level Shenyang bloodline, the speed of this airship was extremely fast. It was like a white horse passing through the gap, unparalleled.

Before these people could catch up, the 'Sunbathing Divine Boat' had already flown over thousands of miles, breaking away from the remote locks of these martial artists' spiritual thoughts and throwing them far away.

"A bunch of monster clowns!"

Crazy Sword Feng San stood on the bow of the 'Sun Bathing Shenzhou' and hummed softly: "In fact, there is no need to get rid of them. As long as the Lord says a word, Feng will definitely kill them one by one!"

"No need!"

Chu Xisheng's expression was dull: "You already said they are a group of monsters and clowns. It doesn't matter. There is no need to get entangled with them."

They were just a group of fourth-level martial arts cultivators who kept track of his whereabouts. They were not very strong, and there were no great masters.

Even if the three generals of Kuangjianfeng are defeated, the news has already been passed on, which will not help the matter.

What's more, the Xunshan Hall and the Imperial Hall of the Wuxiang Shen Sect are not just for free.

At this time, on the top of the Wuxiang Mountain, the Grand Elder of the Discipline Academy, Lu Shouyang, was looking at the cloud sky in the south with his hands behind his back.

The golden light formed by the sun-bathing Shenzhou had long since disappeared into the distant horizon, but Lu Shouyang was still looking over there.

His face was gloomy and his eyes were full of anger: "I didn't expect that you actually agreed to him going out! Just because Xi Sheng cultivated into the Divine Will Sword Heart?"

"not only that!"

Li Changsheng thought of what Dao Ling, the Bloody Divine Sword, told him last night.

That child actually suppressed Qin Muge for a short time and did what he did to Qin Muge.

It's so audacious and unbelievable.


If he was only 40 to 50% sure before, now he is 70 to 80% sure.

While Li Changsheng was distracted, he walked to the front of the hall and stood side by side with Lu Shouyang. He said calmly and calmly: "Xi Sheng has a saying that deeply touches my heart. You can't just keep it, and our pressure will only get bigger and bigger. Don't worry,

I promise that he will be safe and sound during this trip."

"What guarantee do you have?"

Lu Shouyang turned around and looked at Li Changsheng suspiciously, with a hint of questioning in his words: "Also, in the past few months when Ao Guo and I went north to Bingzhou, the sect leader's behavior was disturbing.

Explanation! What on earth are you doing? What kind of medicine are sold in the gourd?"

In the past few months, the Bingzhou region has been in turmoil.

A talented first-class royal has emerged from the Night Wolf clan and is integrating the tribes.

This person seems to have gained the support of several giant spirit royal families in the Northern China, which has enabled the Night Wolf Clan to rise again and has gathered nearly a million troops in the northeastern Bingzhou area.

He and Ao Guo had to go and sit down to help the Bingzhou border army suppress the situation.

Li Changsheng did not answer. He looked into the distance with a leisurely expression: "You will know, within a few months at most. With the blessing of the Patriarch, our Wuxiang Divine Sect will be able to survive the evil calamity safely this time!"


The Yuri Shenzhou escaped at an extremely fast speed. In less than a moment, Chu Xisheng and the others had arrived at Yan'an County, Youzhou Prefecture.

As soon as the Shenzhou stopped in the sky above Yan'an County, a 'Flying Sword of Heaven and Earth' flew into the sky.

That was the flying sword of the universe sent by the iron-faced judge Luo Yang, and it had been hovering in the sky for a long time.

Once the sword sensed his trace, it flew directly towards him.

Chu Xisheng grabbed the 'Qiankun Flying Sword' in his hand and felt it for a while, then smiled slightly and said: "Let's go, let's go see our friends first."

Mad Sword Feng San looked at the huge city below with cold eyes.

He sensed several powerful waves of consciousness sweeping back and forth, searching the sky.

However, Feng San then saw Chu Xisheng forming a seal with his hands, and with the help of the external magic prodigy, he cast a third-grade spell 'Hidden God of Covering the Sky', covering the auras of the two of them.

At the same time, he also used the Yaizhan Knife to reflect the spiritual thoughts that swept over him.

This principle is a bit like a stealth fighter jet dealing with radar.

Feng San held his sword with his hand, his energy as cold as the edge of a sword: "Two third-grade ones and two earth rankings are probably coming towards us. The Yuri Shenzhou went all the way south, and their whereabouts were deduced.

Also, they seem to have a powerful divination-type magic weapon in their hands, which can predict your general location, Lord. If you can't hide this magic for long, I'm afraid a battle is inevitable."

Chu Xisheng didn't care when he heard this: "It's enough to meet two friends, it's not a big deal if they actually fight."

There was actually a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Feng San changed his mind and thought that it was really no big deal, so he let Chu Xisheng set down the sun-bathing boat and arrived at a mountain temple outside Yan'an County.

This mountain temple is hidden deep in the mountains and is dilapidated. No one has taken care of it for a long time.

When Chu Xisheng flew down from the Yuri Shenzhou, he heard the voice of the iron-faced judge Luo Yang inside: "But your benefactor, Lord Wuji Sword?"


When Chu Xisheng spoke, he raised his hand slightly and actually shrunk the golden boat in the air to the length of a finger, and he could even put it into his sleeve.

The Wuxiang Divine Sect has inscribed the laws of great and small wishes inside this divine boat.

In the past, neither Yan Guilai nor Su Fengdao had magic powers, and they were not the masters of this flying boat.

However, Chu Xisheng obtained the sect's permission to refine this boat.

This is equivalent to the company's distribution of cars.

Chu Xisheng only needs to pay the sect one hundred thousand taels of magic silver every month, and the right to use the sun-bathing divine boat will belong to him in the future.

At the same time, two figures flashed in front of the mountain temple.

One of them was in his thirties, with a tall and strong body, a Chinese-character face, facial features as carved by a knife, and as hard as a rock - this was the iron-faced judge Luo Yang.

The other person is tall and thin, with a younger face, delicate features, and the same stern look.

After this person came out, he looked at Chu Xisheng up and down, his eyes full of scrutiny and measurement.

Chu Xisheng also looked at this person intently, and soon met the figure in his memory.

This is the ‘Divine Fist Judge’ Xi Bitian!

He smiled slightly and held his hands towards the two of them: "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

"Why did my benefactor say this?"

The iron-faced judge Luo Yang bowed deeply to Chu Xisheng: "My benefactor has a special status, so traveling is inconvenient. It's okay if we wait for a while."

Xi Bitian also saluted, but his expression was neither arrogant nor humble: "Xi has met Mr. Wuji Dao! I would like to thank Mr. Dao for saving my brother's life, and also thank Mr. Dao for his support in the past six months.

It has benefited all the brothers like me a lot.

However, next time Dao Jun summons you, it is best to make arrangements in advance. Dao Jun really kept us waiting this time. You made a long-distance move and made us come all the way. We have been waiting here for a full day and night. Dao Jun.

Do you regard us as your subordinates? We can be dispatched at will, and we can come as soon as you call them, and leave as soon as you wave them off?"

The dissatisfaction in his eyes was beyond words.

Kuang Jian Feng San heard this and looked unhappy: "You are so impudent! What is the status of my master? It is not easy to come here to see you. Don't be ignorant!"

Xi Bitian immediately narrowed his eyes and looked sideways at Feng San: "Who are you?"

At this moment, the swords and fists of the two collided violently.

The dilapidated mountain temple next to it also exploded instantly, and was blown into powder under the impact of the two people's true energy.

Xi Bitian originally wanted to say, ‘It’s your turn to speak here’? But at this time, he took back the words that were on his lips.

His fist intention was forcibly broken by this man's sword intention, and it rushed directly in front of his eyebrows.

Xi Bitian's eyes gradually became serious, and he uttered a few words again: "Who are you, your Excellency?"

He is ranked twenty-seventh on the Earth Ranking, and has almost no rivals among the strong men at the same level.

However, this person's cultivation level was comparable to his, but he easily won the battle between the two of them.

This chapter has been completed!
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