Chapter 776 Farewell

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Ye Honghua called the female manager named May Yue over again, introduced Ye Wuhan to him, and asked him to check things out.

"You just make arrangements, I trust you." Ye Wuhan patted Ye Honghua on the shoulder and said.

"Haha!" The two dudes laughed at the same time.

Chang Xi is now slim and graceful. The little girl who has just grown up is like a hibiscus, with good looks and a good figure. Both of them are very satisfied. Even if she is an ugly person, Ye Honghua is confident that she can be packaged into a film and television star, let alone

Chang Xi is so beautiful and so young.

"I seem to have seen a beautiful star rising." Qi Chengzhi also joked.

"Haha!" The three of them laughed in unison.

Chang Xi also smiled a little shyly. A beautiful star was exactly what she was looking forward to, and she also yearned for Beijing Film Academy.

The three of them, together with Chang Xi and their manager, had lunch together again before Ye Wuhan sent them away.

"Big brother!"

Chang Xi was about to get in the car, but suddenly rushed back, kissed him on the mouth, and then leaned into his arms reluctantly.

For Chang Xi, this was the first time to go out so far away, and she was a little reluctant to leave.

“See no evil, see no evil!”

Ye Honghua, Qi Chengzhi, and the female manager ran to the car together.

Ye Wuhan personally recommended the person and sent him off in person. Who would believe that the two of them have nothing to do with each other? Everyone knows what the relationship between the two means, and they just keep it tacitly silent. As far as they are concerned, other people

That's not what they have to consider, they just need to vigorously train her and strive to make her a top star as soon as possible.

"Okay Chang Xi, this is your growth, you should be happy." Ye Wuhan smiled and gently cut away the tears on her face.

"I know, I just can't bear to leave you."

Chang Xi muttered, and with Ye Wuhan's push, she reluctantly got into the car.

The Mercedes-Benz started and left Chang's home heading north.

The Jade Girl Star Development Program has officially begun.

Things are over here. Ye Wuhan also plans to go to Mount Everest. Originally, he planned to go to Hong Kong first, but considering that if he didn’t have the Qi Restoration Pill, he would have to consume spiritual stones, and taking a plane would also waste time, so he

I plan to go to Mount Everest first to look for Qingtizhi. Regardless of whether I can find it or not, it won’t take too long to fly on a sword, and then I can go to Hong Kong in time.

After a little preparation, Ye Wuhan set off. He came to a deserted place and used his flying sword. He flew up, a stream of light flashed by, and his figure disappeared from the place.

Mount Everest, also known as Mount Everest, is located on the Himalayas at the junction of China and Nepal. The top of the mountain is covered with snow and huge glaciers all year round. It is majestic and majestic. It is surrounded by mountains and is sharp and majestic.

For ordinary people, climbing Mount Everest is difficult, but for Ye Wuhan, it is very easy.

It only took him half an hour to fly on the sword, and he arrived at the top of Mount Everest. In a flash of light, a young man with sharp eyebrows and a solitary face appeared on a glacier halfway up the mountain. It was exactly

The night is not cold.

He used the spirit stones to restore the lost energy. After taking a short rest, Ye Wuhan took out the simple diagram he got from Mi Bao. He searched for it according to the marks on the diagram and climbed up.

After all, Mount Everest is Mount Everest, and it is surrounded by glaciers, which are very similar and difficult to identify. What he got was a simplified diagram, so he had to search carefully to identify the place where the mushroom grows.

It was also his first time to visit Mount Everest. Although he was very skilled, the mountain was full of ice caves and cracks, which could easily cause avalanches and landslides, and the temperature was extremely cold, so even he had to be careful.

Ye Wuhan identified the location based on the simple map. All the way up, the higher up, the more cracks in the glacier. Ye Wuhan had to slow down a little. Finally, after identifying through the map several times, he finally came to something similar to what was marked on the map.

Where to grow Chrysanthemum chinensis.

It's just that the place is full of glaciers and snow that never melts all year round. He searched for a long time but couldn't find the Chrysanthemum chinensis. Maybe there was only one plant growing and the mountaineer happened to come across it and plucked it away.

He scanned for a long time with his spiritual consciousness, but still found nothing. Suddenly, Ye Wuhan couldn't help but feel disappointed. He wondered if he was looking in the wrong place?

He was planning to search elsewhere, but at this time, a blizzard rose and a mountain wind blew. In this mountain wind, Ye Wuhan could vaguely smell a fresh spiritual energy floating around.

This trace of spiritual energy is very thin, and has a bit of fragrance. If he hadn't advanced to the sixth level of Qi training and had sharp five senses, he wouldn't be able to smell it at all.

In other words, it is impossible for ordinary people to smell this aura in a blizzard.

This means there is most likely something good nearby.

Ye Wuhan hurriedly searched in the direction of the wind, but unfortunately, the wind disappeared. Otherwise, it was surrounded by gusts of wind, and the biting cold wind blew up gusts of ice and snow. There would be no trace of the fragrance anywhere.

There was no other way, Ye Wuhan had no choice but to search in the direction he felt before.

When the wind blew, the scent might have come from miles away, not to mention that this was Mount Everest. Unconsciously, he had deviated far away from the original direction when he went up the mountain.

Moreover, it was not easy for Ye Wuhan to control the sword in this situation. After all, he was afraid that he would miss something through the snowflakes flying everywhere.

Walking on the smooth glacier to search like this, even if he was very skilled, he was still exhausted. This was him. Another person would have died here.

In this case, he quickly lost his direction and was not sure where the fragrant wind was blowing from.

Seeing a relatively smooth glacier platform appearing in front of him, Ye Wuhan hurriedly stepped on it. He wanted to rest for a while before looking for it again.

But then something unexpected happened.


The glacier under his feet seemed to have reached a critical point and suddenly collapsed. A large glacier crack suddenly appeared. Ye Wuhan accidentally fell into it.

Ye Wuhan hurriedly used the floating technique to avoid being injured.

He glanced down and saw that the large crack was not deep, about two to three hundred meters deep, so he was not in a hurry. He relied on the floating technique to lift his body and lift his breath as slowly as possible to the ground.

Now his skills are also different than before, and a height of several hundred meters cannot hurt him at all.


Ye Wuhan stepped on the ground. There was also a glacier below, and there were also thin cracks around it. There seemed to be a faint wind coming in.

Ye Wuhan raised his head and looked up. There was a faint ray of skylight above, and there were eerie ice walls everywhere around him.

Once a climber falls in a place like this, he or she will freeze to death and will be unable to climb back up.

After taking a look around and finding nothing, Ye Wuhan decided to go up. For him, who could fly with a sword, it was not difficult to go up.

So Ye Wuhan took out his flying sword and stepped forward, but when he was about to go out, he suddenly smelled a refreshing fragrance coming from the side.

This chapter has been completed!
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