Chapter 777: Xiao Zhu's Plan

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Ye Wuhan had an idea, and he was basically sure that this aroma should be emitted by the same thing as the aroma that was wafting just now.

Upon discovering this, Ye Wuhan was overjoyed. He quickly held down the edge of his sword, landed downwards, and then slowly searched for it on the ice wall on the side.

To be honest, he used to fly very fast with his sword, but now it's so slow because he's not used to it and it's very difficult.

This refreshing aroma is getting stronger and stronger. Just one sniff gives people a feeling of rising clouds, making Ye Wuhan more and more excited.

But he also knew that places where good things are located are usually guarded by spiritual beings, so he was very careful.

Finally, Ye Wuhan discovered a crack in the ice cave about one meter wide on the side. What surprised him most was that there was a faint flash of colorful light in this ice cave, and it was full of fragrance and aura.

Based on his intuition, Ye Wuhan felt that there should be high-level spiritual grass inside. He hurriedly and cautiously descended down. When his consciousness scanned that there was no danger inside, with a pop, Ye Wuhan suddenly inserted the dagger that he had used before.

In the ice wall, I used this to balance my body so that I didn't have to step on the sword.

With his current level of cultivation, it is very easy to support his body with just a short sword.

After coming to a complete stop, Ye Wuhan was excited, raised his breath, held the sword in one hand, and looked inside the hole with the other.

After investigating, Ye Wuhan was overjoyed, and saw that there was a lot of vitality inside, and there were actually three clear snow lotuses growing like ice sculptures.

The colorful brilliance just now overflowed from these three snow lotuses and complemented the cave wall.

Ye Wuhan swallowed and observed the snow lotus carefully. The three snow lotuses were all crystal clear and flawless, and had a certain thickness and texture, as if they were carved from the most crystal-clear jade. The whole body was filled with aura and exuded Qin.

The fragrance that is deep in the human heart, just one sniff can make people feel like they are intoxicated and want to fly.

The most exciting thing is that there are lotus seeds in the lotus disk above each snow lotus. To be precise, the colorful and dreamlike halo is emitted by these lotus seeds.

"Isn't it? Thousand-year-old snow lotus seeds?"

For a moment, Ye Wuhan was so excited that he almost fell off the ice wall.

Not to mention his inheritance, the Millennium Snow Lotus Seed is recorded in the Spiritual Grass Chapter he obtained from Shennongjia. It is definitely an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth in the world.

Snow lotus itself contains rich spiritual power, which can help advance and cure diseases, but snow lotus seeds are even more important. If lotus seeds are combined with other auxiliary spiritual herbs to make Lingxue Dan, it can have the power of life and death, human flesh and white bones, and it can even be said that the effects of

The injury can be healed as long as you don't die.

This is different from the Baby Shaping Pill. The Baby Shaping Pill only repairs the meridians, while the Lingxue Pill heals wounds and heals the flesh and blood. The functions are not exactly the same.

Especially for practitioners, Lingxue Dan is undoubtedly more effective and can heal extremely serious internal and external injuries at any time.

This is thousands of times stronger than the pills he used before.

"Haha, this time is not in vain!"

Even if he didn't find Qingti Zhi, Ye Wuhan felt that he had made a big profit. Three thousand-year-old snow lotus plants were definitely priceless treasures.

If you can find one plant, it is a blessing from heaven. But I found three plants at once. It is worth the trouble. It is so worth it.

But he suddenly thought that snow lotus grew in the crevices of the ice. How did he smell it outside?

He was convinced that what he smelled was a scent.

Ye Wuhan couldn't help but glance down and understood that there were cracks in the ice cave itself. Sometimes when the wind was strong, wind would blow in, causing the aroma to overflow.

There should be gaps in the glacier above, causing the aroma to overflow upwards, but it was covered with snow and I was too tired from walking just now so I didn't notice it.

After this fragrance overflows, it becomes extremely weak when blown by the wind. It is impossible for ordinary people to discover it. If it were not a coincidence, they would not find it here.

And these are not what he has to consider now. He can't wait to pick the snow lotus, but to be cautious, he still takes out a jade box from the ring in advance to put the snow lotus in to prevent the loss of spiritual energy.

Because he had to refine elixirs and collect spiritual herbs, he prepared a lot of elixir bottles, jade boxes, and even jade, so that even if there was nothing to hold the spiritual herbs, he could still make them at will.

Then Ye Wuhan reached into the cave wall, picked out the lotus seeds first, and stored them separately.

He specifically checked and found that each snow lotus has six lotus seeds. With three plants, a total of 18 lotus seeds can be obtained. And every three lotus seeds can be used to refine a furnace of Lingxue Dan. Each furnace can produce six pills, 18 pills.

You can refine six furnaces of Spirit Snow Pills, and if everything goes well, you can get 36 Spirit Snow Pills.

"Hey!" Ye Wuhan felt even more fortunate to have visited Mount Everest. This was simply a huge fortune.

Putting the lotus seeds into the ring, Ye Wuhan put his hand in again, carefully pulled out one snow lotus, and then pulled out the second one, and put them all into the jade box.

When he pulled out the third snow lotus, Ye Wuhan put the snow lotus in front of his nose and smelled it. Wow! The fragrance was so refreshing that it felt like the clouds were rising to the sky. He couldn't wait to taste it.

So Ye Wuhan first tore off a piece of lotus petal and put it in his mouth. Even though it looked like a lotus petal, it melted in his mouth, just like the cold rain. It was so refreshing. After taking it, the sweet spiritual power came to him.

It exploded in his chest and abdomen, and turned into gurgling true energy flowing through his meridians without much refining.

Ye Wuhan felt that one petal was not enough. Although he had been promoted last time, he still felt hungry for promotion. Moreover, he had such a thing as the Qi-Consolidating Pill and his own cultivation had already stabilized, so there was no problem in continuing to advance.

So Ye Wuhan tore off another lotus petal. As a result, in a short time, he swallowed a snow lotus, including the petals and leaves and stems.


Immediately, pure spiritual energy burst into his body, tearing his meridians and causing pain, and his body felt like it was about to explode at any moment.

Ye Wuhan hurriedly put away the jade box and landed, then sat cross-legged on the ice and tried to advance to the next level.


The barrier of the small realm was broken through, and he successfully broke through to the late stage of the sixth level of Qi training with little effort.

But the spiritual fluid in his body was still rioting, Ye Wuhan simply closed his eyes, and while refining his spiritual power, he used all his energy to advance through the level.

Because of his physical training, at some point his body suddenly glowed with a faint golden light, as if there was a Vajra Buddha sitting upright.

This is the effect of the Vajra Weiran body training, because this is the top body training technique in Buddhism, which can make oneself as strong as yang, but as flexible as steel.

The sun was setting in the west, the stars were moving, and the icebergs and snow were outside. The day passed unknowingly, and it wasn't until the next morning that Ye Wuhan opened his eyes.

He found that he had successfully advanced to the middle stage of the seventh level of Qi training.

This chapter has been completed!
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