Chapter 778

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From the mid-sixth level of Qi training to the mid-seventh level of Qi training, he has advanced to a great level.

Although there was still Snow Lotus, Ye Wuhan felt that it was impossible for him to advance further. Without that desire, it might be counterproductive to force the advancement again, but there was still spiritual energy left in his body.

Ye Wuhan simply used the remaining spiritual energy to temper his physical body. After refining all the spiritual power from taking the snow lotus, Ye Wuhan opened his eyes again.

Seeing that there were stains on his body, Ye Wuhan used the Water Condensation Technique to clean it, and then used his true power to dry it by relying on his own cultivation.

The seventh level of Qi training is already in the late stage of Qi training, which means that his strength has been greatly improved, and his lifespan has been increased by thirty years at a time.

Ye Wuhan calculated that the life span of an ordinary person was 70 years. He felt that he, a cultivator of immortality, could not live to 70 years. If he added thirty years to his life span, wouldn't he say that he could live to at least a hundred years old?


The strong strength made him feel like he wanted to look up to the sky and scream, but he would not do that. Don't forget that this was Mount Everest. If it caused an avalanche, he was not afraid. What if someone happened to climb and be buried in it?

It won't be beautiful.

Ye Wuhan didn't know how he compared with those so-called innate masters, whether he was equal or able to crush them?

To be honest, he couldn't wait to verify it.


Ye Wuhan used his flying sword and struck out with one strike. This time he struck out sixty-four sword rays, enough to evolve into a peacock feather. Each sword ray penetrated the ice wall several feet deep. This was also

It is enough to show how powerful the sword is.


Ye Wuhan was suddenly startled. Why did he always feel like something was staring at him?

He looked around, but there was nothing around him. But for some reason, that feeling always existed, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

Before, I was immersed in promotion, but now that I have some time to relax, I feel naturally sharper.

"what happened?"

Ye Wuhan couldn't explain what it felt like, and he suddenly remembered that he hadn't carefully checked the entrance of the ice crevasse, and there was nothing good left.

So Ye Wuhan stood up on his sword, and when he came to the entrance of the cave, he repeated his old trick. Using the dagger pierced into the cave wall as a support, he leaned forward and looked inside.

After a quick glance, he understood why he felt that way.

To my surprise, there was actually a rectangular and irregular piece of ice left at the bottom of this ice cave. Because the color was similar to the ice wall and snow lotus, he was so anxious to taste the snow lotus that he didn't even see it without looking carefully.

Now that the three snow lotus plants have been taken away, this piece of ice less than one foot is exposed, and there is a living being sealed in this ice block. At this time, this unknown creature is looking at him with wide eyes.

Those eyes were filled with resentment, grievance, and hatred, to name a few. The feeling just now came from here.

"What is this? Is it still alive?"

To be honest, even if its eyes were wide open, Ye Wuhan was not sure whether it was still alive. After all, it was too cold here, and it might be frozen to death inside.

He dug out the ice cubes with his sword and then looked carefully at them.

Under observation, he found that this little thing was actually still alive. He was only one finger long, and his whole body was silvery white. His small body also had a pair of small silver claws, and a pair of big watery eyes that kept moving, as if something was about to drip out at any time.

Tears come.

That cute look was as cute as an elf, but at this moment, this cute elf was staring at him with a pair of resentful eyes.

"What do you mean? I'm not familiar with you, why do you hate me so much?"

Ye Wuhan smiled bitterly and after observing for a while, he seemed to understand that this little thing must have been sealed in the ice for some unknown reason. The reason why it was still alive was entirely because of the spiritual energy overflowing from the thousand-year-old snow lotus to barely survive.


But now, I have taken away all three snow lotus plants. The things it relies on for survival are gone. Of course it is not happy. Not only is its little look anxious, but it even feels wronged and even makes it cry.

The more Ye Wuhan looks at this little thing, the cuter and cuter it becomes. That look in his eyes makes you unable to feel any hatred.

"Okay, since we are destined to meet you, I will simply let you go."

Ye Wuhan used his sword to scrape off the ice layer by layer on the outside. The closer he got inside, the more careful he was, so as not to hurt this cute little elf.

Finally, the little guy showed his head. After all, the appearance of this thing here is a bit evil. What kind of creature can survive in the ice? Let alone how many years it has lived.

In order to prevent unexpected events, Ye Wuhan poured his true energy into his palms and wanted to pinch him out with his fingers and then grab him easily.

But who could have imagined that as soon as he stretched out his finger, there was already a flash of silver light. The little elf was as fast as lightning. He broke free from the ice in advance and flew away.

"Sure enough, it's a bit evil."

He was sure that if it was an ordinary thing, he would definitely be able to catch it. He didn't expect that this little thing could run so fast.

But this little thing didn't fly far. He circled around the ice cave and stopped on the other side of the ice wall.

A pair of small claws gripped the ice wall tightly, showing no intention of slipping off.

It is silvery white all over, crystal clear and smooth, as lovely as the spirit of ice or the spirit of snow.

It's just that such a cute and cute species is staring at Ye Wuhan with a pair of big watery eyes, horrified and angry. His expression is extremely complicated, and his expression is very reminiscent of human beings.

It was obvious that this thing was afraid of Ye Wuhan, but because the food was on him, it was reluctant to leave.

"This little thing can actually fly?"

Looking at its flight trajectory, Ye Wuhan was also surprised. Its speed was like a miniature version of Jiaoruo Jinglong, as fast as lightning and faster than his own speed.

Ye Wuhan carefully controlled the flying sword and jumped over to catch it, but whoosh! Another silver light flashed by, and the little thing actually ran to the other side.

Ye Wuhan couldn't use it in the ice cave, and this little thing was extremely flexible and extremely fast. It seemed that it would fly out of the ice cave at any time. Ye Wuhan tried to catch it several times but failed to catch it.

Ye Wuhan thought for a while, I'm afraid it won't work if I catch it hard. If I really want to scare it, it might just run outside, which would be even harder to catch. I have to think of ways to seduce it.

Aren't you hungry? I gave you something to eat, but he couldn't bear to part with the snow lotus. It was too precious, but there was no shortage of food in his ring.

In his opinion, this little guy must be hungry after being banned for so long, so just give him food.


Ye Wuhan took a bunch of food from the ring and threw it on the ground. Aren't you hungry? Choose for yourself.

He prepared food every time he went out, and it became a habit.

The little thing looked at a pile of food, his cute big eyes rolled twice, but he was obviously not interested.

"No, you don't want to eat anything?"

Ye Wuhan shook his head. He had no choice but to eat it. He couldn't feed it snow lotus every day, right? Who would be tricked?

"Forget it, since you and I are not destined to be together, then you can leave!" Ye Wuhan waved his hands. Although he realized that this little thing is unusual, you have nothing to feed others and you can't keep it.

But the little elf didn't leave. It was still staring at the pile of food on the ground. Suddenly, whoosh! It jumped down again, got into the pile of food, suddenly picked up a shiny thing with its little paws, and flew away quickly.


"Oh my god, you actually ate my spirit stone?"

This chapter has been completed!
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