Chapter 783 Hong Yu? Xueyao?

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"Also, I need some spiritual herbs..."

Ye Wuhan also talked about a bunch of spiritual herbs, medicinal herbs, etc., such as auxiliary spiritual herbs for refining Lingxue Dan.

These are auxiliary spiritual herbs, which are relatively common. If you have them, you will have them. If you don’t have them, you don’t have them. If you have them, it will save you trouble.

The most important thing is that this sect's residence is like a paradise, and he thinks it should be.

Things like spiritual herbs, even if they don't make elixirs, they will boil medicinal liquids and take them to improve their cultivation. For such a sect, at least there should be a reserve of usable herbs, and if there are, they don't have to find them by themselves.


Just let them go? It's too easy for them. You can kill them if you want, and beg for mercy if you want? He thinks it's not too much to take something from them, and it can be regarded as getting the best of both worlds. It's good not to destroy their sect. I really think my time is worthless.


Of course he understands that if you are strong, people will respect you. If you are weak, they will destroy you. What's wrong with taking something from them?

"Spiritual stone?"

Lu Gu almost stopped crying. Everything else was easy to talk about, but the spirit stone really hurt his heart. He said in his heart that you were borrowing it. You clearly wanted it, but how could he dare to say no? Now as long as he can keep the sect,

Needless to say, spiritual stones, you have to give them to your sect even if they vacate them.

As for the secret books? It only makes sense for the sect to have secret books. If the sect is destroyed, can people just take the secret books casually? And those spiritual herbs that Ye Wuhan mentioned are not too precious, and most of them are actually in the herbal library.

"Go and get the spiritual stones for my little friend. Bring all the ones you can list, and also bring me my secret book."

Lu Gu hurriedly looked at an elder who looked highly respected, and then insisted on explaining the location of the secret book in a few words in a low voice.

What makes him most miserable is that he still doesn't know what Ye Wuhan's name is, and he doesn't dare to ask unless someone tells him.


Although the elder looked reluctant, he still hurried to get the spirit stone.

To be honest, Ye Wuhan is really looking forward to the secret books. China is really magical. Some of the ancient martial arts secret books are really mysterious. Combining them with the cultivation techniques can make them more powerful. Now it seems that they are weak because they don't have enough skills.

, the powerful secret book is comparable to the secret technique of cultivation and can be turned into your own use.

Soon, the elder walked out with a reluctant look on his face, holding several jade boxes containing spiritual herbs, a bag of spiritual stones, and a secret book.

Lu Gu hurriedly took it, and reluctantly walked over with the help of others, handed the thing to Ye Wuhan, and said: "Little friend, here are all the fifteen spiritual stones of our sect. In addition, this is

Spiritual grass, this is the Nine Palaces Divine Walking Footwork."

To be honest, he had no intention of getting the secret book back after he gave it away. If he gave it away, would he return it to you? The secret that is not passed down by the sect can only be practiced by the master. Even if it is taken outside, it will be broken.

Brain snatched.

Ye Wuhan glanced at it with his consciousness and knew that there were 15 spirit stones inside. The other party said it was all of them. He felt that he would definitely keep some, but he would not kill them all. To be honest, this was already a lot. He didn't even hold it in the first place.

Too much hope.

As for the herbs, whether they were useful or not, the other party gave some more. Plus what he already had, it was enough for him to refine the Lingxue Pill.

But as soon as Ye Wuhan took the spirit stone bag, a ray of silver light jumped out of his pocket and landed on the mouth of the bag. It was the ice spirit.

"Your nose is quite sharp." Ye Wuhan was speechless. Looking at this little guy, he had a headache and wanted to eat spiritual stones.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The little guy squeaked while picking up the bag, and kept winking at him, as if he was about to eat it.

Ye Wuhan took out a spirit stone and threw it to it.

"Squeak, squeak!"

Bing Ling was so excited that she caught it in the air, held the spirit stone in her little paws, and jumped onto his head. She actually hung it on his hair and chewed the spirit stone.

Bang, bang!

The crunchy texture is like biting a stone, without any hindrance.

"I go!"

A group of disciples and elders from Jiugong Mountain were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Ye Wuhan was carrying such a thing, and that this little guy actually ate spiritual stones. This was so painful.

In fact, not only did their balls hurt, but so did Ye Wuhan's. In just a short time, they had already eaten two of his spirit stones. Fortunately, he had gained something, otherwise he would not have been able to raise it.

Lu Gu's weak eyes looked at Ye Wuhan, full of astonishment.

"This child will become a great person in the future." He murmured in his heart, can anyone eat spiritual stones to feed him?

While Bing Ling was chewing on the spirit stone, Ye Wuhan picked up the secret book and flipped through it. It was very mysterious, containing the changes in the Nine Palaces and Bagua, and it also had illustrations to explain it. It is no wonder that he can cast such a mysterious phantom of the Nine Paths.


But Ye Wuhan flipped through it and threw the so-called secret book to him.

He has a photographic memory. After reading the book, he has already engraved the contents in his mind. There is no need to keep the secret book.

"Sir, don't you want it?" Lu Gu said with a look of astonishment on his face.

"After talking about it, of course I won't ignore your things." Ye Wuhan said calmly.

The group of disciples and elders who heard this were scornful and said to themselves, "You still said you didn't want the spirit stone, so why didn't you take it too?"

But of course they didn't dare to say it, and they didn't even dare to show their angry faces. They all had to smile with each other, as if they were very happy when someone took their things.

"These guys are so hypocritical!"

Ye Wuhan cursed secretly.

"Okay, it's not polite to come back and not return. I have a few pills here. You can keep them for healing."

As he spoke, Ye Wuhan raised his hand, and a pill bottle flew out. Inside were the pills he used before, and six or seven more.

Now that he knows how to make elixirs, this thing is no longer needed, and it would be a waste to keep it any longer. He just wants to be a favor and give it to them.

The respected elder just took the elixir bottle, opened it, and was pleasantly surprised.


In their opinion, this is much higher quality than the "elixir" that they are usually reluctant to use. This should be a real elixir.

"Thank you sir!"

A group of people hurriedly made a big gift. In their opinion, these elixirs were worth a lot of money. So, giving away those spiritual stones, spiritual herbs, etc. should not be considered a loss.

If not for Ah Q's spirit, who wouldn't have it? When your skills are inferior to others, you can only comfort yourself in this way, not to mention that in their opinion, these "elixirs" are indeed good.

The elder quickly gave the leader a pill to take.

"Lu Gu, I hope you fulfill your promise, otherwise your mountain gate will be destroyed, and you will all be doomed."

After saying that, Ye Wuhan turned around and left. Several rising and falling figures had already arrived at the mountain gate.

The group of people watching were stunned. They felt that this young man was too powerful and that he had not tried his best just now.

"Congratulations, sir!"

A group of people hurriedly gave him away, and even Lu Gu, who was seriously injured, followed suit. Only then did they realize how powerful they had unintentionally offended.

"It is difficult for wounds to heal if the sword energy remains in the body. You and I can work together to help your master force out the sword energy!"

Ye Wuhan's voice came from afar, and before he finished speaking, his figure had completely disappeared. He still showed mercy to Lu Gu, otherwise eight of them would have died.

A group of people rushed to help the leader heal his injuries.

Lu Gu, on the other hand, stared at the direction Ye Wuhan left in a daze. For a time, he suspected that he was from the Divine Sword Sect, but then he thought it was impossible. The Seven Stars Sword Technique of the Divine Sword Sect could only produce seven points of sword light.

There are dozens of them, and they are not on the same level at all.

"This man is terrible."

Only now did he understand how lucky he was to be able to preserve his sect.

"Farewell, sir!" Lu Gu suddenly saluted again. At this moment, he was really convinced and also scared.

This chapter has been completed!
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