Chapter 780

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"The terrain here is pretty good, it can be called a paradise in heaven!"

Looking at the ethereal mountain gate opposite, Ye Wuhan sighed secretly.

Of course, it was impossible for the ancient warriors to set up the formation. Ye Wuhan guessed that this concealment formation might have been left over from ancient times and was used by them to hide the mountain gate.

The predecessors of some hidden sects were cultivation sects. In the Age of Ending Dharma, spiritual energy became increasingly thinner. Many sects began to practice ancient martial arts that were less dependent on spiritual energy. Over time, some cultivation inheritances were cut off, but the original formations still remained.

, there are even sects that rebuilt the mountain gate on the ruins, which is why it is extremely difficult to find the hidden gate.

There are even some mountain gates that have mountain protective formations, which is even more terrifying.

It would be really difficult to find this Jiugong sect without someone leading the way. How dare ordinary people jump off the cliff? In other words, if Ye Wuhan didn't understand the formation and jumped off without authorization, he would have fallen to his death.

"Who dares to break into my Jiugong sect?"

While he was looking at the mountain gate, two disciples suddenly jumped out from the mountain gate, pointing their swords at Ye Wuhan with angry expressions on their faces.

Both of these two people were wearing long robes with the words Jiugong embroidered on their chests. They were obviously disciples of the Jiugong sect.

"Is there really someone here?" Ye Wuhan smiled bitterly. For a time, he even suspected that this was a historic site.

"Bold fanatic, I have a question for you." A disciple roared at him.

"Sorry, I lost my way and accidentally bumped into the mountain gate. I'm really sorry, I'm leaving now!"

Ye Wuhan turned around and wanted to leave. After all, in his opinion, he just bumped into them by chance, and there was no hatred between the two parties. He couldn't afford to conflict with them, so he just wanted to leave directly.

Unfortunately, he wanted to leave, but the other party wouldn't let him go.

"Be brave, do you want to come and leave the sect's holy land whenever you want?"

The two disciples jumped up with their swords in hand and caught him one after the other.

Ye Wuhan frowned, "What do you want?"

"How's it going? Of course it's your life, but my Immortal Sect is also something that ordinary people like you can pry into at will?"

As he spoke, the disciple who had cut off his retreat swung his sword and stabbed him. Looking at his fierce and ferocious posture, he actually wanted to kill him with one sword.

"We just bumped into each other by chance, and you want my life?" Ye Wuhan was also a little angry. For two ordinary gatekeepers to act like this, it shows how domineering the Jiugong Sect is.

It is said that people in the Hidden Sect look down on the secular world and regard human life as nothing. This is really not just talk. It can be seen from the two disciples.

He would never hold back anyone who wanted to kill him. Both of them were only yellow-level, so he would never take them seriously.


Ye Wuhan directly punched out, and the disciple charged so hard that he was knocked away by Ye Wuhan with his sword. A cloud of blood mist exploded, and he was killed on the spot.


Ye Wuhan was also stunned. He wanted to test his pure physical power after refining his body. Originally, he just wanted to hurt the other party, but he didn't expect that he was beaten to death.

I think the other party deserves it, who made you rush so fiercely?

If he dies, he dies. Ye Wuhan has nothing to feel guilty about. If the other party didn't want his life, he wouldn't die.

" actually killed Senior Brother Lu?"

Another disciple was frightened when he saw this, turned around and ran back, shouting as he ran, "Someone's dead, someone's been killed, Senior Brother Lu has been killed, someone broke into the mountain gate."

After entering, this kid pressed the switch and temporarily closed the mountain gate, probably because he was afraid that Ye Wuhan would catch up with him.

Ye Wuhan frowned. Wasn't this a big feud already forged? If he left like this, the other party would not be able to hunt him down for revenge, and maybe even his family and friends would be unlucky, which would be even more troublesome.

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. Just break in and see what kind of existence this Jiugong Mountain is."

Ye Wuhan was also a little angry, and now the only plan is to fight them to the end. At worst, I will destroy your Jiugong Sect.

Ye Wuhan simply raised his hand to sacrifice the flying sword, and slashed down the twenty-foot-long sword at the mountain gate.


The sword energy was everywhere, and the mountain gate was cut off on the spot. It was blown to pieces by the raging sword energy, and then Ye Wuhan stepped in through the smoke and dust.

Entered the mountain gate.

For him, this was an unforeseen disaster, and for the Jiugong Sect, it was also an unexpected disaster.

Is there a butterfly effect? ​​A seemingly insignificant thing can easily lead to a catastrophe.

The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs, so don't blame others for resisting you.

The disciple was still running in front, and Ye Wuhan followed all the way behind. After passing through a canyon, the two came to a square surrounded by trees. There were two main halls in front, on the left and right, and between the trees.

Because of the disciple's shouts and exaggeration, people kept rushing out from inside with killing sticks, and soon surrounded Ye Wuhan.

"Brothers, this is the man who broke into the mountain gate without authorization and beat Brother Lu to death." The disciple just turned around and pointed at Ye Wuhan. He came to help and he felt more confident. His words were extremely fierce.

"Where did you come from? Did you eat a bear's heart and dare to break into my Jiugong Mountain without permission? Beat me to death with sticks!" One of the senior brothers shouted, and immediately a group of people rushed to Ye Wuhan's head with sticks in hand to greet him.

come over.

Ye Wuhan once wondered if these people were accustomed to bullying? Didn't you ask why?

How can he hold back at this time? In the worst case, his Jiugong Sect will be destroyed.

Ye Wuhan stood still, watching helplessly as the heavy sticks reached his head, and then he suddenly rose into the sky, spinning his legs out, covering the sky with one leg, completely ignoring the sticks.

Bang bang bang bang!

All of a sudden, sticks were flying all over the sky, and a group of disciples were all kicked out, with the sticks and people thrown all over the ground.


For a moment, these people were all dumbfounded, each one wailing in pain, look at me, look at you, there is no one who dares to rush forward arrogantly, some are even so frightened that they drag their legs back.


Ye Wuhan raised his hand, and the senior brother who had just threatened to kill him was grabbed from the air and turned into bloody mud with one palm of his hand.


The scene was completely silent. The normally unscrupulous disciples were all shocked for a moment. You could even hear the pounding heartbeats of some people who were frightened.

"Who is your leader? Tell him to come out and die!" Ye Wuhan shouted directly, his voice loud and clear, spreading throughout the mountains and rivers.

"Rat, how dare you hurt my disciple!"

Several figures flew out of the hall first, followed closely by a group of elders and deacons, surrounding an old man in brocade robes with broad shoulders and about sixty years old, who walked out of the hall.

The few people who came out in front turned out to be masters above the earth level. As soon as these people came out, they rushed towards Ye Wuhan. Their fists were surging, their palms were powerful, and they pressed towards Ye Wuhan with continuous attacks.



Ye Wuhan soared into the sky. The opponent did not use weapons. He did not use weapons for the time being. He raised his palms and exchanged palms with several people in the air.

Puff puff!

Without exception, several people were beaten until they spurted blood and flew back into the crowd. It was better for Ye Wuhan to show mercy, otherwise he would beat them to death.

"How dare you hurt my deacon!"

There was a person next to him who saw Ye Wuhan being young and didn't take it seriously, so he jumped up to Ye Wuhan.

This person is clearly a late-stage heaven-level powerhouse, and he is not very old, only about forty years old. People like this are definitely the focus of the mountain sect's training, and they are most likely to be the successors to the future head.

"Junior Brother Long, be careful, this guy has some skills!" The leader originally wanted to take action himself, but he didn't move when his elders took action.

After all, only a few earth-level people were injured just now, and he really didn't think that Yin Long was not Ye Wuhan's opponent.

"Senior brother, just relax, there's no harm in trying too hard!"

Ye Wuhan looked this man up and down. He was so young and at the late stage of Heaven Level, so it was obvious that his qualifications were quite outstanding.

But before the two of them took action, another person rushed out from the side hall.

"If you dare to hurt my brother, you will die!"

The man shouted loudly, and then his figure soared into the sky, and then swooped down from top to bottom. The powerful wind of his palm struck Ye Wuhan with the sound of wind and thunder.

This is clearly a mid-level heaven level.

Ye Wuhan couldn't help but nodded secretly. The Hidden Sect is the Hidden Sect. There are actually three or four heaven-level experts under an unknown Jiugong sect. With such strength, it's no wonder that people don't put those so-called Guwu families under

In eyes.

And from the person's tone, it was obvious that one of the people he had injured just now was his own brother, so it's no wonder he was so furious.

Just because you are angry, won’t I be angry?


Ye Wuhan soared into the sky and punched him.


The vitality exploded, and the shocked disciples fell back one after another, and this person was punched away by Ye Wuhan. Ye Wuhan also deliberately shocked them, otherwise these people would not take you seriously. He flew in the air against the wind,

Void Steps actually chased after this person's body and kicked him up.

This chapter has been completed!
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