Chapter 6065 Can’t Die

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 But if it was due to lack of energy, then it would be too unjust and too oppressive to die.

Every warrior who can break through to the divine beast realm has very high martial arts talent. Most of them will prepare a large amount of black stones for themselves. Very few warriors will fail to break through due to insufficient energy.

If it fails for this reason, it would be a joke.

And if he died here, he would not be able to continue climbing the stairs, nor would he be able to go to the third floor of Lingyun Cave.

Qin Ming was very curious about the function of the golden steps above the stone steps and what the mysterious third floor of Lingyun Cave was.

It is very possible that the benefits he got from the first two floors of Lingyun Cave were not as good as those from the third floor. .??.??

According to the rules, the higher you go, the more benefits Lingyun Cave has.

But if he died here, his trip to Lingyun Cave would stop here.

"And my breakthrough this time requires a lot of energy. If I die here, if I go out and break through again, it will also consume a lot of energy."

"And with the amount of energy I need to absorb now, the energy in the air is just a drop in the bucket!"

Ordinary warriors who have broken through to the realm of divine beasts will find a place with sufficient energy in the air, which can save a lot of black stones.

But he is different. He needs too much energy to break through, and the energy in the air is of little help to him.

In other words, there is not much difference between breaking through here and breaking through outside.

There is a large amount of golden light here, which is unmatched outside. If the breakthrough fails due to lack of energy, then breaking through again will definitely require so much energy.

So much energy, for Jin Xuan
It is a huge burden for the macaque tribe.

Moreover, the Jinxuan Macaque Clan wants to prepare the black stones he needs for his bloodline breakthrough. If he uses the black stones now, how can he get more black stones so that his bloodline can break through?

There are a lot of black stones in the Supreme World, but those three ancient races definitely don't want any warriors to surpass peerless strength, so they must take action to stop them.

"Can't fail, failure will be too great a loss for me." Qin Ming looked at those golden lights firmly, knowing very clearly in his heart that this time his martial arts realm broke through to the divine beast realm, he could only succeed, not fail.

So how can we achieve a successful breakthrough?

Qin Ming's mental power is concentrated in the space ring, which contains a large number of black stones.

Compared with the consequences of this failed martial arts breakthrough, it doesn't matter even if all these black stones are consumed.

But even if all the black stones are consumed and all the golden light in the sky is absorbed, he may not be able to successfully break through.

Without enough energy, no matter how high his martial arts talent is, it will be of no use.

"Is there no other way?" Qin Ming frowned tightly.

It seems that there is no point in doing anything, and he is doomed to fail.

"No, there is another way. With my martial arts talent, I can completely control the speed of my breakthrough. As long as it doesn't slow down to a stop, I won't fail."

"But there is a disadvantage to breaking through slowly. For this state of breakthrough, more energy needs to be consumed." Looking at the energy in the sky, Qin Ming felt that this was a good idea.

The golden light in the sky will increase a lot every day. As long as the increased amount of golden light can exceed his consumption to maintain his current state, he can maintain the breakthrough state until he succeeds. But if it is due to insufficient energy,

It would be an unjust death and a cruel death.

Every warrior who can break through to the divine beast realm has very high martial arts talent. Most of them will prepare a large amount of black stones for themselves. Very few warriors will fail to break through due to insufficient energy.

If it fails for this reason, it would be a joke.

And if he died here, he would not be able to continue climbing the stairs, nor would he be able to go to the third floor of Lingyun Cave.

Qin Ming was very curious about the function of the golden steps above the stone steps and what the mysterious third floor of Lingyun Cave was.

It is very possible that the benefits he got from the first two floors of Lingyun Cave were not as good as those from the third floor.

According to the rules, the higher you go, the more benefits Lingyun Cave has.

But if he died here, his trip to Lingyun Cave would stop here.

"And my breakthrough this time requires a lot of energy. If I die here, if I go out and break through again, it will also consume a lot of energy."

"And with the amount of energy I need to absorb now, the energy in the air is just a drop in the bucket!"

Ordinary warriors who have broken through to the realm of divine beasts will find a place with sufficient energy in the air, which can save a lot of black stones.

But he is different. He needs too much energy to break through, and the energy in the air is of little help to him.

In other words, there is not much difference between breaking through here and breaking through outside.

There is a large amount of golden light here, which is unmatched outside. If the breakthrough fails due to lack of energy, then breaking through again will definitely require so much energy.

So much energy, for Jin Xuan
It is a huge burden for the macaque tribe.

Moreover, the Jinxuan Macaque Clan wants to prepare the black stones he needs for his bloodline breakthrough. If he uses the black stones now, how can he get more black stones so that his bloodline can break through?

There are a lot of black stones in the Supreme World, but those three ancient races definitely don't want any warriors to surpass peerless strength, so they must take action to stop them.

"Can't fail, failure will be too great a loss for me." Qin Ming looked at those golden lights firmly, knowing very clearly in his heart that this time his martial arts realm broke through to the divine beast realm, he could only succeed, not fail.

So how can we achieve a successful breakthrough?

Qin Ming's mental power is concentrated in the space ring, which contains a large number of black stones.

Compared with the consequences of this failed martial arts breakthrough, it doesn't matter even if all these black stones are consumed.

But even if all the black stones are consumed and all the golden light in the sky is absorbed, he may not be able to successfully break through.

Without enough energy, no matter how high his martial arts talent is, it will be of no use.

"Is there no other way?" Qin Ming frowned tightly.

It seems that there is no point in doing anything, and he is doomed to fail.

"No, there is another way. With my martial arts talent, I can completely control the speed of my breakthrough. As long as it doesn't slow down to a stop, I won't fail."

"But there is a disadvantage to breaking through slowly. For this state of breakthrough, more energy needs to be consumed." Looking at the energy in the sky, Qin Ming felt that this was a good idea.

The golden light in the sky will increase a lot every day. As long as the increased amount of golden light can exceed his consumption to maintain his current state, he can maintain the breakthrough state until he succeeds.

This chapter has been completed!
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