Chapter 6063 Disappears instantly after entering the body

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"The amount of golden light is not enough." Qin Ming frowned.

The energy in the golden light he had just absorbed was quickly absorbed by his body, but it was not enough for him to break through.

You must know that the energy in golden light is very pure, much better than the energy in black stone.

Qin Ming calculated that the golden light he absorbed just now should be enough for two ordinary warriors at the peak of the Holy Beast Realm to break through to the Divine Beast Realm.

But after absorbing so much energy, my body didn't feel anything at all, and it was far from reaching a breakthrough.

"Is it because I practice four great ways at the same time, so I need to absorb a lot of energy to break through?" Qin Ming touched his head and felt that this was possible.

Ordinary warriors only comprehend one kind of Tao, but he has comprehended four kinds, and the four Taos are all great ways, so it is normal for them to require a lot of energy.

It just seemed too much and he really didn't expect it.

Qin Ming didn't hesitate. Since he didn't have enough energy, he just kept walking forward. There was a lot of golden light here, so he didn't have to worry about not having enough energy.

But before moving forward, you have to wait for a large amount of golden light to appear. It has been a day, and once the time is up, a large amount of golden light will appear from nowhere.

Sure enough, Qin Ming didn't have to wait long before a large amount of golden light suddenly appeared, and Qin Ming continued to move forward at this time.

"For ordinary warriors to break through, they need to be very concentrated. They cannot be distracted at all, let alone move."

"But I'm different. My talent in martial arts is too high. To break through the martial arts realm to the realm of divine beasts, I only need enough energy. I can break through in any way. I can successfully break through 100% of the time.
"Qin Ming is very confident that he will be able to break through and succeed.

The reason why he is confident is because his martial arts talent is so high that it is like a breakthrough through body training, and there will be no surprises.

Ordinary warriors have to worry that their breakthrough will fail, but if they fail to break through from the peak of the Holy Beast Realm to the Divine Beast Realm, it can be said to be a life-and-death situation.

For a true genius, it is really easy to break through to the peak of the Holy Beast Realm. They will only worry about whether their body's potential has been fully utilized, which will affect their progress in martial arts after breaking through to the Divine Beast Realm.

Because he was sure to succeed, Qin Ming felt very relaxed. He climbed the stairs slowly, and as he advanced, more and more golden light came towards him.

After absorbing a large amount of golden light, he stopped again and waited for the energy in the golden light to be released.

Sure enough, not long after, the golden light disappeared, and a large amount of energy appeared in his body, which was quickly absorbed by the body without any waste.

Qin Ming felt that all four of his avenues were undergoing earth-shaking changes, and a large amount of divine beast-level energy began to appear in his body. This was energy that could only be possessed by strong men in the divine beast realm.

It is also because of this powerful divine beast-level energy that there is a qualitative gap in strength between him and the warriors of the holy beast realm.

Qin Ming felt that there was more and more divine beast-level energy in his body, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous.

It's just that the body absorbs energy very quickly. Although the energy generated by the golden light is a lot, it is all absorbed by the body in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on? Breakthrough requires too much energy. Could it be that the energy released by the golden light is not conducive to breakthrough?" Qin Ming's heart tightened. "The amount of golden light is not enough." Qin Ming frowned.

The energy in the golden light he had just absorbed was quickly absorbed by his body, but it was not enough for him to break through.

You must know that the energy in golden light is very pure, much better than the energy in black stone.

Qin Ming calculated that the golden light he absorbed just now should be enough for two ordinary warriors at the peak of the Holy Beast Realm to break through to the Divine Beast Realm.

But after absorbing so much energy, my body didn't feel anything at all, and it was far from reaching a breakthrough.

"Is it because I practice four great ways at the same time, so I need to absorb a lot of energy to break through?" Qin Ming touched his head and felt that this was possible.

Ordinary warriors only comprehend one kind of Tao, but he has comprehended four kinds, and the four Taos are all great ways, so it is normal for them to require a lot of energy.

It just seemed too much and he really didn't expect it.

Qin Ming didn't hesitate. Since he didn't have enough energy, he just kept walking forward. There was a lot of golden light here, so he didn't have to worry about not having enough energy.

But before moving forward, you have to wait for a large amount of golden light to appear. It has been a day, and once the time is up, a large amount of golden light will appear from nowhere.

Sure enough, Qin Ming didn't have to wait long before a large amount of golden light suddenly appeared, and Qin Ming continued to move forward at this time.

"For ordinary warriors to break through, they need to be very concentrated. They cannot be distracted at all, let alone move."

"But I'm different. My talent in martial arts is too high. To break through the martial arts realm to the realm of divine beasts, I only need enough energy. I can break through in any way. I can successfully break through 100% of the time.
"Qin Ming is very confident that he will be able to break through and succeed.

The reason why he is confident is because his martial arts talent is so high that it is like a breakthrough through body training, and there will be no surprises.

Ordinary warriors have to worry that their breakthrough will fail, but if they fail to break through from the peak of the Holy Beast Realm to the Divine Beast Realm, it can be said to be a life-and-death situation.

For a true genius, it is really easy to break through to the peak of the Holy Beast Realm. They will only worry about whether their body's potential has been fully utilized, which will affect their progress in martial arts after breaking through to the Divine Beast Realm.

Because he was sure to succeed, Qin Ming felt very relaxed. He climbed the stairs slowly, and as he advanced, more and more golden light came towards him.

After absorbing a large amount of golden light, he stopped again and waited for the energy in the golden light to be released.

Sure enough, not long after, the golden light disappeared, and a large amount of energy appeared in his body, which was quickly absorbed by the body without any waste.

Qin Ming felt that all four of his avenues were undergoing earth-shaking changes, and a large amount of divine beast-level energy began to appear in his body. This was energy that could only be possessed by strong men in the divine beast realm.

It is also because of this powerful divine beast-level energy that there is a qualitative gap in strength between him and the warriors of the holy beast realm.

Qin Ming felt that there was more and more divine beast-level energy in his body, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous.

It's just that the body absorbs energy very quickly. Although the energy generated by the golden light is a lot, it is all absorbed by the body in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on? Breakthrough requires too much energy. Could it be that the energy released by the golden light is not conducive to breakthrough?" Qin Ming's heart tightened.

This chapter has been completed!
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