Chapter 6062 The quality of golden light

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When he came to Lingyun Cave, he never thought that he could refine his body and break through to the realm of divine beasts.

So far, Lingyundong has achieved his goal, allowing his martial arts realm to break through to the realm of divine beasts.

Moreover, it was only the second floor of Lingyun Cave, and the stairs in front of him had not yet reached the end, so why should he be unhappy.

"The golden light is really magical. I feel that the energy of golden light is not only of the quality in front of me. There may be other ones with higher quality than the golden light in front of me."

"If we can find higher quality golden light, maybe it can continue to help me refine my body and achieve breakthroughs!" Qin Ming suddenly had an unrealistic idea in his mind.

Since there is a kind of magical energy in front of me, it is completely different from the energy in the black stone.

Black stones have grades, and all energy in the world has grades. So does the golden light in front of you also have grades? .??.

Moreover, these golden lights are all in wisps. Is it possible that the number of golden lights will be very large, so much that it can cause a qualitative change.

The golden light on these stairs. When Qin Ming first saw them, he felt that the amount of golden light was very large, but now that he looked at it, he felt that there was a little less.

For a warrior in the Holy Beast Realm, these are very enough, but for a body that has reached the Divine Beast Realm, there is a qualitative difference from the Holy Beast Realm. Looking at the amount of these golden lights, it feels like it is just a little.

Even if he absorbs all the golden light at once, it will not bring any burden to his body.

A Saint Beast Realm warrior will feel pain just by absorbing a hundred rays of golden light.

There is an essential difference between his current body and his body refining that has not broken through to the realm of divine beasts, just like metal and rotten wood.
The difference is general and cannot be compared.

Therefore, the quality of energy required for body refining is also completely different.

But this was the first time he saw this kind of energy in Lingyun Cave, and he had never seen it in the Supreme World.

It may even have not been discovered by anyone in the Supreme World. If it was discovered, then it is impossible that there would be no warriors in the Supreme World who have refined their bodies to reach the realm of divine beasts.

It is very difficult to break through to the divine beast realm through body refining, but there are many capable people in the supreme world, especially the geniuses from the ancient races. They spent time slowly polishing it, and they reached the peak of the holy beast realm through body refining. The breakthrough is just

It's just a lack of opportunity.

But it’s this opportunity. If it doesn’t exist, it means it doesn’t exist. As long as it doesn’t exist, it will be impossible to break through to the realm of divine beasts.

Once an opportunity is found, those warriors who have been at the peak of the Holy Beast Realm for many years will be able to break through immediately.

Just like him now, Dao Dao has already reached the peak of the Holy Beast Realm, and he only needs a lot of energy to break through.

But without a large amount of energy, no matter how talented he is in martial arts, he will not be able to break through to the realm of divine beasts.

Therefore, no matter whether it is in the Supreme World or outside the Supreme World, there is no energy like golden light.

Since there is not even the energy of golden light, let alone higher quality golden light.

Once he leaves Lingyun Cave, he will never encounter this kind of energy again.

Qin Ming shook his head and no longer thought about these things. What he wanted to do now was to let the Dao break through to the divine beast realm. In this way, both the body refining and the Dao reached the divine beast realm, and his strength would be greatly improved.

He was able to refine a large amount of divine beast-level elixirs, and the main purpose of coming to Lingyun Cave was completed. When he came to Lingyun Cave, he never thought that he could refine his body and break through to the divine beast realm.

So far, Lingyundong has achieved his goal, allowing his martial arts realm to break through to the realm of divine beasts.

Moreover, it was only the second floor of Lingyun Cave, and the stairs in front of him had not yet reached the end, so why should he be unhappy.

"The golden light is really magical. I feel that the energy of golden light is not only of the quality in front of me. There may be other ones with higher quality than the golden light in front of me."

"If we can find higher quality golden light, maybe it can continue to help me refine my body and achieve breakthroughs!" Qin Ming suddenly had an unrealistic idea in his mind.

Since there is a kind of magical energy in front of me, it is completely different from the energy in the black stone.

Black stones have grades, and all energy in the world has grades. So does the golden light in front of you also have grades?

Moreover, these golden lights are all in wisps. Is it possible that the number of golden lights will be very large, so much that it can cause a qualitative change.

The golden light on these stairs. When Qin Ming first saw them, he felt that the amount of golden light was very large, but now that he looked at it, he felt that there was a little less.

For a warrior in the Holy Beast Realm, these are very enough, but for a body that has reached the Divine Beast Realm, there is a qualitative difference from the Holy Beast Realm. Looking at the amount of these golden lights, it feels like it is just a little.

Even if he absorbs all the golden light at once, it will not bring any burden to his body.

A Saint Beast Realm warrior will feel pain just by absorbing a hundred rays of golden light.

There is an essential difference between his current body and his body refining that has not broken through to the realm of divine beasts, just like metal and rotten wood.
The difference is general and cannot be compared.

Therefore, the quality of energy required for body refining is also completely different.

But this was the first time he saw this kind of energy in Lingyun Cave, and he had never seen it in the Supreme World.

It may even have not been discovered by anyone in the Supreme World. If it was discovered, then it is impossible that there would be no warriors in the Supreme World who have refined their bodies to reach the realm of divine beasts.

It is very difficult to break through to the divine beast realm through body refining, but there are many capable people in the supreme world, especially the geniuses from the ancient races. They spent time slowly polishing it, and they reached the peak of the holy beast realm through body refining. The breakthrough is just

It's just a lack of opportunity.

But it’s this opportunity. If it doesn’t exist, it means it doesn’t exist. As long as it doesn’t exist, it will be impossible to break through to the realm of divine beasts.

Once an opportunity is found, those warriors who have been at the peak of the Holy Beast Realm for many years will be able to break through immediately.

Just like him now, Dao Dao has already reached the peak of the Holy Beast Realm, and he only needs a lot of energy to break through.

But without a large amount of energy, no matter how talented he is in martial arts, he will not be able to break through to the realm of divine beasts.

Therefore, no matter whether it is in the Supreme World or outside the Supreme World, there is no energy like golden light.

Since there is not even the energy of golden light, let alone higher quality golden light.

Once he leaves Lingyun Cave, he will never encounter this kind of energy again.

Qin Ming shook his head and no longer thought about these things. What he wanted to do now was to let the Dao break through to the divine beast realm. In this way, both the body refining and the Dao reached the divine beast realm, and his strength would be greatly improved.

He will be able to refine a large amount of mythical beast-level elixirs, and the main purpose of coming to Lingyun Cave will be completed.

This chapter has been completed!
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