Chapter 1319 The opponent is also having a meeting

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 With the strong support of Liu Muqiao, CEO Gao Fei began all-round reforms.

Big personnel changes have begun.

The organizational structure has also changed, becoming more like a wartime organization.

The CEO is like the commander.

Competition has begun across the country and around the world.

A week later, Liu Muchiao's work at Tianhua Group came to an end, and Peng Shan stayed to take control of the board secretariat.

Liu Muqiao returned to Qingjiang City.

He did not return to Jianyang City.

Because, Jianyang City does not just enter upon entering. Unlike other cities, entry into Jianyang City is very strict. Therefore, after Liu Maqiao completed the reorganization in the capital, he returned directly to Qingjiang City.

After getting off the plane, there was no Jiang Wei to pick me up. This was very uncomfortable. The key was that I felt like I was missing something.

It was Zhao Yilin who came to pick him up.

"Old man, you didn't expect it to be me, did you?"

"How could it be you?"

"Others are busy. Your two apprentices, Su Yajuan and Xi Yu, are surrounded by patients and cannot escape. Only an old man like me has nothing to do all day long."

"Didn't you bring two doctoral students?

"Can I bring it myself? I brought it to them. I was just idle all day long."

In fact, Zhao Yilin was just joking. A neuropsychiatric center, with more than 1,000 people, so many departments, many aspects, and many things, is no less workload than a second-level hospital.

However, Zhao Yilin knows what to do when.

Liu Muqiao is a national treasure of Antai Hospital. How can he just send someone to pick him up at the airport?

"Is the situation in the hospital okay?"

"Are you okay? If you don't come back, the sky will fall!"

"Ah? What happened?"

"Nothing happens."

"Nothing happened, you said the sky is going to fall?"

"In your absence, many operations cannot be performed, and many consultations have been suspended. In your absence, is there any difference between Antai Hospital and other hospitals?"

"Okay, it's okay."

"Let me ask you, how is Jiang Wei?"

"There is progress, and the muscle strength reaches level 4 weak."

"Wow! It has reached level 4 in one month. There is hope." Zhao Yilin has a say. He is in neurology and did experiments with Liu Maqiao. Their experience is that the patient's nervous system recovers within half a year.

The effect is very good.

Jiang Wei is only a little over two months old, less than three months old.

"What about intelligence?" Zhao Yilin was still a little worried.

"I tested my intelligence and it's fine." Liu Maqiao paid special attention to this issue.

"How are your heart rate and breathing?"

"Hey, this is a problem. The heart rate is still 36 times, the breathing is 8 times, and there is no progress."

"Not lacking oxygen?"

"No lack of oxygen."

"It's very strange. Logically speaking, this heart rate and breathing would cause severe hypoxia."

"Yes, it subverts our understanding."

"Where are you recuperating this time?"

"A closed place, deep in the mountains of Southwest China."

"Next time, can you take Shen Yun and I to recuperate?"

"Let me try this."

Liu Muqiao could only say so much. He knew that the possibility of Zhao Yilin going to Jianyang City was extremely small, but he couldn't say it directly.

"Muqiao, how long will you stay at Antai Hospital this time?"

"I definitely can't stay too long this time. I have to go back to Jianyang City. If Jiang Wei gets better, I will bring her back."

While chatting, we drove into the city.

"Old Zhao, let me ask for your opinion. Should the pharmaceutical company continue to expand or stabilize its current scale?"

Liu Muqiao is thinking that if Qingjiang Pharmaceutical Factory continues to expand, it will need to introduce talents, and Sima Yue must provide more powerful people.

Director Ye can only do it on this scale.

"This question is very simple. We are not short of money now, so we can continue to expand production." Zhao Yilin has always been unwilling to pay dividends immediately. He is not a person who settles for little.

"Where is Zou Qingxiang? Do you know what he thinks?"

"Who cares about him? He has a chance to make a fortune. It's entirely because you sympathize with him."

"You can't say that, Lao Zhao. A few years ago, Zou Qingxiang helped me a lot when I did punctures. Considering that he only slept for a few hours most of the time, it's normal to give him wealth."

"Well, we can't deny his contribution. He has indeed endured hardships. He pestered me for dividends the year before last, so I won't sympathize with him."

"Hey, he said he bought a Bentley, did you buy it?"

"The car didn't show up and we had to wait for more than half a year. He was impatient and clamored to change to another car."

"Others are fine too."

"However, I don't agree with him buying other performance cars. It would be more stylish to drive a Bentley. Otherwise, he might as well get a Rolls-Royce."


"The problem is that you didn't even buy a Rolls-Royce."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"You are the boss."

"Go! What you buy is your business, don't worry about me!"

"How can this work? You are the leader of us, and we can't enjoy it more than you."

"How can there be such a thing? You can enjoy it how you want."

Liu Muqiao knew that he was far from the time to enjoy it.

Not talking about Antai Hospital and Dexin Hospital, but talking about Tianhua Group, can he really sit back and do nothing?

He must take care of it.

It can be said that as Liu Muqiao's career gets bigger and bigger, he will become more and more tired and worried.


On Liu Muqiao's way back to Antai Hospital, in the conference room of Fuxin Weiye Group in Shanghai, Liu Hanmo was listening carefully to the reports from his subordinates.

"Tianhua Group has made big moves. They have changed their leadership and made major adjustments to their organizational structure..."

At the board meeting, a vice president said.

He introduced the current situation of Tianhua Group.

Liu Hanmo frowned.

Niu is always Liu Hanmo's old rival. For decades, they have been inseparable in the shopping mall. In recent years, Liu Hanmo has felt less pressure and finally surpassed his opponent in business.

In addition to those in real estate and the Internet, Liu Hanmo and Niu are always rivals in the industry. They are in a stalemate in the wealth rankings. In the rich rankings that everyone participates in, the 4th and 5th places are the positions that Liu Hanmo and Mr. Niu are competing for.<


In the past few years, Liu Hanmo has encountered some difficulties, mainly from within the family, but he is still ranked 6th, while Mr. Niu is already outside the top 10.

Now, there are changes in Tianhua Group, and Liu Hanmo has to listen carefully.

"Who is in charge now?"

"Fly high."

"Gao Fei? Isn't he the original CEO?"

"Yes, I heard that their chairman has completely delegated power, and CEO Gao Fei has full authority to handle internal affairs of the company."

"Oh, Gao Fei is a very powerful character. If he is not restrained, this person is fully capable of revitalizing Tianhua Group."

"Yes, we need to be vigilant."

"Who is the chairman?"

"He is a person with the same name as Liu Maqiao."

"Liu Muqiao?"

"Yes, his name is also Liu Miqiao."

Liu Hanmo frowned and said, "You should find out clearly, is that Liu Muqiao the same Liu Muqiao?"

"Uh, it shouldn't be right? How is this possible?"

This chapter has been completed!
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