Chapter 1323 You don’t knock on the door

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 Liu Muqiao and Liu Hanmo have not been chatting for a long time. There is a generation gap. Chatting is not a very fun thing, especially it is difficult to find common topics.

Liu Muqiao's interest is mainly in medicine, and Liu Hanmo's interest is mainly in shopping malls.

Liu Muqiao found an excuse and left Liu Hanmo.

Before leaving, Liu Hanmo asked about Jiang Wei's health again. Liu Miqiao responded briefly and thanked him on Jiang Wei's behalf.

The follow-up work was left to Gao Fei and Lao Huang. Their work progressed very quickly. The terms were drawn up the next day, and there was basically no dispute.

After this was done, good news soon came. Without interference from the other party, both Tianhua Group and Fuxin Weiye Group received their first contracts. The contracts with a profit margin of 19% were both worth hundreds of millions.
In the past, a 5% gross profit on a foreign trade contract was considered a very good result. In many cases, the gross profit margin was 0, and making money mainly relied on tax refunds.

If this can be done in the future, it will be very promising for the average gross profit margin to reach over 10%.

If this is really achieved, these two companies will make huge profits.

There is a great need for such a mechanism. We are not opponents, but friendly forces. Even if we are not in the same trench, we must respond to each other strategically.

Gao Fei nodded secretly. It seems that Liu Maqiao is not a simple man, but a man of great wisdom.

Even Liu Hanmo gave up his past style and took the initiative to seek peace with Tianhua Group. So, we should not simply think that this is just a common strategy and a daily action.

Fuxin Weiye Group must have made such a strategic move after a comprehensive analysis of Liu Miqiao's personality and habits.

Hum, Liu Muqiao is not simple, very not simple. You must study this person carefully.

Gao Fei returned to the capital and arranged this matter. The key point was to clarify the relationship with Fuxin Weiye Group, and he must keep up with the chairman's pace in the future.

When Liu Miqiao returned to Antai Hospital, he immediately immersed himself in clinical work. He underwent three elective surgeries in a row and also consulted with pediatrics and neurology departments.

Since everyone was worried about Liu Muqiao going to take care of Jiang Wei, it was estimated that it would take a long time, so they did not put too much pressure on the operation, but pushed some patients away.

Liu Muqiao learned about this situation and quickly said that he would call the patients back and give them priority for surgery.

This time Jiang Wei fell ill, which was also a stimulus for Liu Miqiao. He understood the patient's psychology better and knew how urgent and uncomfortable he felt as a family member and relative.

Therefore, he is more able to put himself in the shoes of his patients.

After staying up all night again, Liu Miqiao underwent three more surgeries.

He wished he could complete all the operations in one night and fly to Jianyang City to see Jiang Wei tomorrow.

On this day, he was really tired. After the operation, he sat in the office to rest.

It’s not that I want to sleep, my mind is in chaos, but I want to be quiet.

It is the most uncomfortable thing for a person to be worried about two things.

He made himself a cup of strong tea before starting to drink it. Xiyu gently opened the door, stuck out his head, and asked seriously: "Can you come in?"

"Well, you've already come in."

"If you don't agree, I can quit."

"You don't knock on the door?"

"They say come into your office. If you don't like people knocking on the door, just come in."

"That was when Jiang Wei was here."

"Oh, by the way, I came here to ask about Sister Jiang Wei."

"You should have come and asked a long time ago, don't you think?"

"Didn't I come? I came to ask the night you came back. There were so many people and I was inconspicuous, so you didn't notice."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I remembered, you are here."

"Yes, you've been operating every day these days, and I've been here every day. I just want to ask you, is Sister Jiang Wei's condition better?"

"It's better. It's very possible to stand up, but the heart rate and breathing are very troublesome."

"Or a heart rate of 36 and breathing of 8?"


"Yes, I have never seen it in medicine, and it is difficult to explain. There is no hypoxia."

"Yes, it can't be explained medically."

"Can I sit down now?"

"You can sit down a long time ago. Why, do you still want me to invite you to sit down?"

"I'm afraid it would be rude if I didn't ask you for permission!"

"You can just forget about being polite and impolite. Others are more particular about it. Just forget about it. Look at you, dressed so revealingly and wandering around the office building. Those who know you know that you have a rough personality. Those who don't know you think you are...

A single who can’t find a boyfriend and can’t bear the loneliness.”

" said this? It's not like what you said. Master, stop joking. I'm just here to ask about Sister Jiang Wei's condition."

"I'm not kidding, wouldn't you change your look? Wouldn't it be better to be a professional woman?"

Liu Miqiao really has an opinion about Xiyu. He doesn't dislike her, but feels that she is incompatible with a female medical doctor.

Of course, Liu Muqiao is not a very conservative person. He has no such concept, but after recently staying in Tianhua Group for a week, he feels that it is a beautiful sight for professional women to wear uniforms and dress up when working.

The women in the Tianhua Group are all 1.68 to 1.72 meters tall, and they are relatively uniform in weight and thinness. They give people the impression that the Tianhua Group is very individual and gives people a feeling of beauty.

Even the management women have top-notch looks.

Perhaps, appearance is included in Tianhua Group’s ability assessment.

Upon hearing this, Xiyu didn't speak for a long time.

"What, am I right? If you don't want to accept it, I won't force it. Everyone has their own freedom and rights. I just suggest that you change your appearance. Maybe you will make a new discovery."

Xiyu pondered for a while and said seriously: "A person's biggest enemy may be himself. I will try to see if I can defeat myself. To be honest, Master, I have long wanted to change myself, but in my heart

There seems to be a shadow that is very obsessed with the way I look now. It really takes a lot of courage to change my clothes."

Liu Muqiao saw that Xi Yu was speaking so seriously and said, "Okay, if it's difficult, forget it. I actually like to see your current outfit, it's very youthful."

When we talk about the youthful atmosphere, we will think of Teacher Zhao's broadcast, "Spring is coming..."

Xiyu said: "Stop talking, I know that my appearance is not good enough for a professional woman. Oh, by the way, Master, my Tian Lai Needle has improved."

"Entered the first floor?"

Xi Yu shook her head and said: "No. That's not true. I played the first note."

"Oh, that's not bad, we won't be too far away from success."

"Teacher Qin Meixiang said it will take another two months."

"Well, if I practice hard every day, I think I can break through within two months."

"That would be great. If I break through the first level, I would like to specialize in treating colds."

"How is this possible? You are in the field of rheumatism in traditional Chinese medicine. What's the point of catching a cold?"

"Great professors like Sun Yigu treat colds. Now they say he is a miracle doctor. Why can't I, a student, treat colds?"

This chapter has been completed!
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