Chapter 1320 Reluctance to Give in to Each Other

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 The information was quickly returned.

The new chairman of Tianhua Group is the usual Liu Maqiao.

Liu Hanmo was stunned for a long time. He sighed and said, "Okay, let's do our own thing and stop fighting a price war with Tianhua Group. I'm familiar with Liu Muqiao. One day, I'll have a chat with him. We want to

Cooperate more and avoid vicious competition as much as possible."

No one answered Liu Hanmo's words.

Because, for decades, competition with Tianhua Group has become a habit, and the means of competition are more price competition.

Among them, price competition is mainly in foreign trade.

If we don’t engage in a price war with Tianhua Group, wouldn’t this be a failure of martial arts?

Liu Hanmo’s instruction is unreasonable. We have no reason to yield to Tianhua Group’s logic.

"Make peace!"

Liu Hanmo finally said these words.

However, no one agreed with his words.

To make peace, how many times have they negotiated, each time starting with sincerity, but in the end the entire plan failed due to a certain incident.

The possibility of making peace is almost zero.

No one is interested in Liu Hanmo's proposal.

"Old Huang, come forward and talk to Gao Fei."

Liu Hanmo pointed out that Lao Huang is a senior executive of Fuxin Weiye Group, also known as a diplomat, and Liu Hanmo's long-term assistant. He ranks second in front of the CEO of Fuxin Weiye Group.

"Old Liu, I don't think it's necessary for us to raise this matter. If we did, it was Gao Fei of their Tianhua Group who came to us."

Lao Huang is a steady person and rarely gets impulsive. What he said makes sense. In recent years, it is their Tianhua Group that has not been doing well, not our Fuxin Weiye Group. We are the winner. Why are we?

Come to negotiate peace?

This makes no sense.

"Old Huang, listen to me, Liu Miqiao is not very lucky. In the past, we competed with Mr. Niu, but now that the other party has changed his boss, we are competing with Liu Miqiao. According to my intuition, Liu Miqiao is not aggressive." Liu Hanmo.


"Lao Liu, just because the other party has changed its commander, we should wait for them to find us, lest they think we are afraid." Lao Huang said.

"Well, Lao Huang, since you don't want to, then I'll take action myself. I'll talk to Liu Muqiao." Liu Hanmo said.

"That's not what you mean, Lao Liu. Well, since you insist, I'll talk to Gao Fei to see if this is a possibility."

Lao Huang is a loyal man, and he will not make Liu Hanmo feel embarrassed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Huang." Liu Hanmo looked at Lao Huang gratefully. He has always been grateful to this subordinate.

Lao Huang flew to the capital that night and met Gao Fei.

"Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Gao. I heard that your chairman is Mr. Liu Miqiao. He happens to be a good friend of Mr. Liu. The hospital we invested in Qingjiang City was also entrusted to Mr. Liu Muchiao. The relationship between the two Mr. Liu is extraordinary.

.So, I was entrusted by Mr. Liu to talk to you." After seeing Gao Fei, Lao Huang got to the point.

"Oh, what a coincidence. Since the two Mr. Liu are good friends, it's easy to talk about it. You can come up with a plan." Gao Fei doesn't want to fight, and he will make peace if he can.

However, Gao Fei doesn't believe that our two families can reconcile?

In the competition for more than ten years, the two groups, Mr. Niu and Liu Hanmo, were just short of killing people. They fought, stabbed, snatched talents, grabbed orders, and filed lawsuits. It can be said that they used all the tricks that had ever been seen in the shopping mall.


Both Mr. Niu and Liu Hanmo have a prohibition, that is, they must not kill anyone.

Without this ban, people would probably die.

Now let’s find the sum. What does it mean?

Is it just because of the personal relationship between Liu Hanmo and Liu Miqiao?

If he is sincere, Gao Fei is willing to let go.

To be honest, there will be no real winner in the competition between enterprises, and there will be damage, especially in foreign trade, which is cheaper for foreigners.

This kind of thing often happens. Mr. Niu has negotiated for 10,000 yuan per ton of goods, and Liu Hanmo will come to disrupt it. They bid 9,000 yuan, and then Mr. Niu bids 8,000 yuan. In this way, the profit goes to the foreigner.


We all know that this is not good, but competition is like this, and price is the most common method. If you want to be a gentleman, then you have to withdraw from the competition.

"We avoid selling products to each other." Lao Huang gave a principled opinion.


Gao Fei didn't think much about it at all, because talking about this now would definitely be detrimental to Tianhua Group.

The reason is very simple. In recent years, Fuxin Weiye Group and Tianhua Group have competed. The former has an advantage, while Tianhua Group is obviously at a disadvantage.

Now, as Tianhua Group prepares to rise, it will compete with Fuxin Weiye Group for territory. Can you make a stipulation that we will not compete with you for territory?

Gao Fei chuckled a few times, how could he agree?

Old Huang felt very uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

"Then you come up with a plan." Lao Huang said.

"Plan? I haven't considered this matter at all. It was you who proposed it. We have no plan." Gao Fei became a little aggressive.

"So, are you ready for a big fight?" Lao Huang said.

"Yes, that's right. Our goal this year is to grow by more than 20%. We won't steal the territory from you. Where do you think we can grab it?" Gao Fei said very openly, and he didn't need to hide it at all.

"So, there is no hope for us to live in peace?" Lao Huang was not in a hurry to attack.

"Yes. How could it not be?" Gao Fei said.

"You tell me, how can we get along peacefully?" Lao Huang said.

"We are focusing on developing Eastern Europe, can you give it up?" Gao Fei said.

"Give up Eastern Europe?" Lao Huang was a little surprised.

Eastern Europe is a place where Fuxin Weiye Group has developed relatively well in recent years, how can it give it up?

"This is impossible."

Lao Huang will be tough when he needs to be tough. He decisively refused this kind of unreasonable pressure.

"That's it, Luo. You're not willing to give up your territory, so I have no choice but to grab it, right?" Gao Fei said.

Eastern Europe is indeed a business growth point in Tianhua Group's plan. There is absolutely room to strive for more than 100 billion in business here.

The negotiation between Lao Huang and Gao Fei ended in failure.

This was expected, and Lao Huang was not in a hurry to report to Liu Hanmo.

However, two hours after returning, Liu Hanmo called me.

"Old Huang, how are you doing?"

"How about what?"

"That thing I talked about with Gao Fei."

"Are you really waiting for news?"

"You think I just talk about it casually?"

"Old Liu, where did you go wrong? Why, do you want to seek skin from a tiger?"

"No kidding, Lao Huang, tell me about your discussion."

"Hey, Old Liu, it's impossible to negotiate."

"Have you talked about it? You won't say you haven't seen Gao Fei, right?"

"I've seen you, Old Liu. Gao Fei and I have been talking for half an hour, but there's no hope."

"Be specific, tell me."

"He wants us to give up the market in Eastern Europe. Do you think this is considered sincerity?"

"You want us to give up the Eastern European market?"

This chapter has been completed!
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