Chapter 389 Gearing up

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Due to the special request of his family, Liu Maqiao performed the surgery himself.

Besides, this patient is not suitable for training by Hu Bolong and others. There is infiltration of the abdominal aorta, and performing this kind of surgery is no different from walking a tightrope.

However, starting from today, he officially taught Hu Bolong, Du Xiaoping and Jiang Weiwei the Vilishi technique. He started from the beginning and dictated almost every detail.

This teaching method is so good that it is difficult not to grow quickly.

Du Xiaoping is particularly concerned about how to be a first assistant. He has made up his mind. First, he is to be a qualified first assistant, and second, he is to be an outstanding first assistant.

Hu Bolong was different, he went towards the chief surgeon.

Jiang Weiwei’s biggest wish is to be the chief surgeon for pancreatic tail cancer as soon as possible.

Liu Muqiao was speaking and doing at the same time, and his speed was not affected in any way.

When it was time to separate the aorta, he suddenly stopped talking.

Every nerve in his body was tense.

It’s best if it doesn’t break.

He carefully separated the tumor and the abdominal aorta.

Liu Muqiao didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to say anything.

10 minutes have passed and 20 minutes have passed.

30 minutes!

Liu Muqiao took a deep breath.

"It's done."

Separation successful.

"Although it's done, it may still rupture. Let's repair the abdominal aorta first."

Liu Miqiao had some beads of sweat on his forehead at this time.

He repaired the abdominal aorta very quickly, with two stitches. The first time took 6 seconds, and the second time took 3 minutes.

The first time is quick suturing, which can save lives in case of heavy bleeding. The second time is for safety, so the suturing is very careful. The stitch length of each stitch, the length of each stitch, and the alignment of the slit are all very particular.

Once you passed the first level, it was easy to handle. The subsequent surgeries went smoothly, with Liu Maqiao explaining and demonstrating at the same time.

The technician is also very serious.

In fact, the technician is also working hard. His goal is to be an excellent technician. Being Liu Miqiao's technician is very demanding.

The station fee for an instrument technician who performs this kind of surgery is more than twice as much as usual. In addition, Liu Miqiao's surgery speed is so fast that the physical expenditure does not increase much.

Even though an instrument technician is only responsible for preparing and delivering instruments, being an instrument technician is not easy.

It can be said that knowledge is everywhere in the hospital. A good instrument technician must have a clear understanding of the chief surgeon, first assistant, and second assistant. Every step of the operation and the instruments required for each step rarely require a doctor.

Open your mouth.

The surgeon only needs to stretch out his hand, and "pop!" The required instruments are in the palm of his hand.

Any surgeon would like to have a good instrument technician that is satisfactory to him.

When some big-name doctors go to the operating table, they will appoint an instrument technician.

Now this weapon master has this ambition. She hopes to be Liu Miqiao's royal weapon master in the near future.

The operation took a little longer than expected, lasting 3:40 minutes.

Liu Muqiao was not in a hurry to get off the operating table, he wanted to feed Jiang Weiwei.

"First open the abdomen and close the abdomen properly. If there is pancreatic tail cancer, I will ask you to help. Have you found out? We have much more pancreatic head cancer than pancreatic tail cancer." Liu Miqiao said.

"Yes, several other hospitals can treat pancreatic tail cancer, so we have more pancreatic head cancer. However, as the reputation of our pancreatic surgery increases, even for pancreatitis, our patients will increase a lot.

, I am not worried that there is no surgery for pancreatic tail cancer." Jiang Weiwei said.

Jiang Weiwei is carefully closing her belly.

Liu Muqiao didn't leave, and Hu Bolong and Du Xiaoping couldn't leave either. They watched Jiang Weiwei close her abdominal cavity before leaving.

In the past, few people cared about closing the abdomen. It was just like opening the abdomen. Who would care too much about how many incisions were made? As long as the abdominal cavity can be opened.

After Liu Muqiao demonstrated his three-knife laparotomy skills, all the surgeons began to pay attention to it, and no one dared to be careless anymore.

The 16 doctors in the general surgery department, even if they are not from the pancreas team, have begun to pay attention to surgical techniques.

Hu Bolong can now perform 5 abdominal dissections, and Du Xiaoping can perform 7 operations.


After the operation, Hu Bolong went to deal with the cross-examination of his family members.

Liu Muqiao also has to deal with patients with wounds that have not healed for a long time.

Antai is the first hospital that specializes in treating non-healing wounds. Now, Director Pi is considering setting up a specialized department called "Special Wound Surgery."

Because major hospitals do not have departments dedicated to treating non-healing wounds, and Liu Miqiao’s curative effect is really good, there is an endless stream of people coming from far and near to seek medical treatment.

The general surgery department had to temporarily add 30 beds, which was far from solving the bed shortage problem.

Originally, the new department was being prepared by Sun Tao and Vice President Tang. Now that the team has been changed, the matter has to be stopped.

Establishing a "special wound department" is very valuable. It can increase business income by 10 to 20 million per year, and it can also enhance the overall brand image of the hospital.

To put it more grandly, this department can meet the needs of a group of special patients, which is a great contribution to the health industry.

Perhaps, in the future, clinical medicine textbooks will include such a major.

In hospitals, economic benefits and social benefits are not contradictory. Hospitals with great social benefits also have great economic benefits, which are often directly proportional.

Antai Hospital needs more positive ratios like this.

The several departments led by Liu Muqiao have great social benefits and great returns, which is not contradictory at all.

Liu Muqiao came to the wound team of the General Surgery Department. After listening to the report from the team leader, Dr. Li, he was about to see a specific patient when his cell phone rang.

"Liu Muqiao, the hospital is really going to operate on us." Zhao Yilin said on the phone.

"What do you mean?" Liu Maqiao was not in a hurry.

"The hospital is having a meeting to discuss how to reduce the performance issues of several departments such as the Department of Neurology."

"Oh, as expected, Dean Youpi, what are you afraid of?"

"Liu Muqiao, Dean Pi is now alone. I'm worried that he won't be able to withstand it."

"He is the dean, I only look for him."

"No, he proposed that the hospital organize a hearing to discuss the issue of performance distribution."

Liu Muqiao heard the smell of gunpowder inside and asked, "Can you be more specific?"

Zhao Yilin said: "He Junjie suddenly proposed to modify the performance distribution plan at today's dean's meeting, and Gao Jian also agreed. The general opinion of their first draft was to lower the high performance and increase the distribution coefficient of departments with low performance. They said this was for the purpose of

Fair. Dean Pi resisted and discussed for an hour. He Junjie brought it up to listen to the voices of the people. Finally, Dean Pi agreed that each department should recommend one person to participate in the hospital's hearing. You have to find a way to participate.


Liu Muqiao thought for a while and said: "Okay, I will mobilize the director of acupuncture and massage to give me the spot of Director Kepeng, and I will definitely participate."

Soon, the news spread throughout the hospital.

Everyone is vying to participate in the hearing, which is related to everyone’s vital interests. Who doesn’t want to fight for more benefits for his department?

Soon, the list was reported to Zeng Xuefei.

In the list, there was one representative from each clinical department, representatives from functional departments, and various departments. More than 60 people signed up. In the end, after deletion, 30 representatives were listed.

Everyone is gearing up and preparing for a big battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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