Chapter 393 Did he do it?

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 This time I came to Tianjin rather unexpectedly, as I was invited at short notice.

The patient is a big shot, a well-known entrepreneur in Jincheng. He is an out-and-out boss in the business of non-ferrous metals.

I was 54 years old and suffered a sudden stroke. I had a CT scan and was shocked into a cold sweat.

Brain stem hemorrhage.

There are many brainstem hemorrhages every day, sometimes hundreds if not thousands. Taking a step back, there are dozens.

Liu Muqiao and the others rarely receive requests in this regard.

The reasons are very simple. First, doctors have an inherent understanding that brainstem hemorrhage of more than 5 ml is hopeless;

Second, although Dr. Zou’s paper has been seen by many people, it may not necessarily be believed by people after seeing it. In particular, few people believe this kind of article that subverts cognition;

Third, without a huge fortune, who would think of hiring experts from other places at high prices?

The big boss in Tianjin fell ill. His wife, his son, and the people who depended on him had many different ideas.

"Go to the capital to hire someone! No matter how much it costs!" his wife said to the doctor in charge of Jincheng No. 1 Hospital.

"It's useless. Even if you go to Beijing University Hospital, Lu General Hospital, or even Union Medical College Hospital, there is no value in hiring their people. If the brain stem bleeds 10 milliliters, the mortality rate will be 100%." ​​The doctor in charge is the deputy chief doctor.


"We must save lives. We will do everything we can to hire people abroad! 1 million, 10 million, or 100 million will do. We are not short of money!"

"It's not about money."

"We are not willing to give in! Even if it is a 1% hope, we must work hard!"

In the end, I couldn't deal with it, so the director of the Department of Neurology had to come forward to do the work.

"We understand your feelings, but if the brainstem bleeding exceeds 5 ml, there is almost no hope, let alone your patient, the bleeding volume has reached 10 ml. You should face reality." The director said.

"Director, we all understand what you are saying, but we hope for a miracle to happen. Please try every means. If there are such experts abroad, we can pay a high price." The patient's family said loudly.

The director said: "No, not even gods can do anything about it - don't worry, yes, there is someone, you can give it a try. There are several people from Antai Hospital in Qingjiang City, Jiangdong Province, including Zou Qingxiang, Liu Muqiao and others, who have done brainstem puncture.

It is said that the success rate is quite high. You can give it a try and I can help you contact them. We are not sure whether they will come, and we are even less sure whether it will be successful or not."

"Please, please! Since there is such a person, please contact us quickly. We will offer 1 million for the money. If it succeeds, we will add more."

Just like that, Liu Muqiao agreed.

It’s been a long time since I took Zhao Yilin and Zou Qingxiang out. They boarded the plane together today and they were in a good mood.

The plane landed smoothly at Jincheng Airport, and when we walked to the exit, a man held a sign high that read "Warmly welcome Liu Muqiao, Professor Zou Qingxiang."

Only Zhao Yilin was not written about.

Zou Qingxiang looked back at Zhao Yilin happily.

The first authors of the paper are Liu Miqiao and Zou Qingxiang. When people read the paper, of course they focus on the two first authors.

"Are you proud?" Zhao Yilin asked.

"I'm sorry, you came here for a meal today." Zou Qingxiang made a face.

"You are Professor Liu, Professor Zou..." The person who picked me up was stunned.

There is only one person who looks like a professor, and the other two seem to have no hair at all.

They looked at Zhao Yilin and asked, "Are you Professor Liu Muqiao?"

"No, I am Zhao Yilin, this is Dr. Liu Maqiao, and this is Dr. Zou." Zhao Yilin introduced.

The person who picked it up was a little confused.

"Are you from Antai Hospital?"

"Yes, we are here to perform brainstem hematoma puncture. Let's go, the sooner the surgery is done, the better." Liu Miqiao said.

"Okay, okay." The picker took them into a Mercedes-Benz and went straight to the city.

When they arrived at Jincheng No. 1 Hospital, they were taken to the ward, saw the patient, and then went to see medical records and CT films.

The director of the Neurology Department of Jincheng No. 1 Hospital is named Yang.

He was completely mistaken.

He regarded Zhao Yilin as Liu Muqiao. He regarded Liu Muqiao as Zhao Yilin's student. Therefore, when introducing the patient's condition, he always faced Zhao Yilin.

"Take a look at the film, Professor Liu, to see if there is any hope." Director Yang said.

"Okay." The answer was Zhao Yilin.

But the one who stepped forward to watch the movie was Liu Miqiao.

He watched it for 15 minutes.

"Your students are really paying attention." Director Yang was a little dissatisfied. You can see it, but don't look at it for so long. What tricks can you see?

Zhao Yilin said: "He is always so serious when watching movies."

"He is very knowledgeable about CT, right?"

"Yes, his imaging knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary imaging doctors."

"Oh? He is a graduate student in imaging?"

"No, it's just a hobby."

"Oh, do you still have this kind of hobby? Professor Liu, your student can write a paper on neurology imaging."

Only then did Zhao Yilin react.

"Oh, maybe you are mistaken, I am not Dr. Liu, I am Zhao Yilin. Liu Muqiao is him."


"Yes, he is Dr. Liu, the core of our team. Dr. Zou and I are both his assistants."

In this surprise, no one said anything for a long time.

Several doctors were confused, and even the family members were confused.

"Did he do the surgery?"

There was a kind of uneasiness and anxiety in the air. Can he, a student, do such an advanced surgery?

"He did the surgery."

"Is he okay?"

"Besides him, no one else can do it."

"Is the success rate high?"

"The success rate is hard to say for a certain patient. There are only two possibilities, success and failure. Judging from the large specimens, we did a total of 32 units, and 7 patients died."

Zhao Yilin answered this.

At this time, Liu Muqiao finished watching the CT films and looked back.

"This patient is worth a try. After the puncture is successful, there will be sequelae, but the condition is much better than expected and he may be able to stand up."

As soon as Liu Muqiao finished speaking these few words, the person who was still a student just now suddenly grew taller.

"Of course, there are still risks with this kind of puncture, and it's not too late to give up."

Liu Miqiao has become a lot more stable since he became the acting director of the department. He will still tell the patients' families about risky matters and give them ample room for choice.

Besides, the chance of death from puncture of this kind of brainstem hematoma is much greater than that of ordinary hematoma puncture. In case of death, the psychological endurance of the family members will be better.

"Dr. Liu, please take care of yourself. We unanimously agree to the surgery."

After the conversation ended, Liu Muqiao and the others went to the operating room under the leadership of Director Yang.

Liu Muqiao would choose to perform surgery outside.

In Antai Hospital, they do it in the intensive care unit.

He felt that it was not necessary at all. A cranial puncture was not much more complicated than a venipuncture.

This chapter has been completed!
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