Chapter 361 Busy business

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"Brother Zhu Xian, it's noon, how about you and I go find a restaurant and have a few drinks?"

"Brother Yu, you have this intention, but you don't know where to go?"

"Songhelou in front of you is Jiangling's time-honored brand!"

"Haha, my dear brother, I don't know. In the more than a year since you have been away, Songhelou has not launched any new dishes, and everyone is tired of them. Have you heard that Songhelou is looking for a new home, so we need to prepare

Take action."

"That's so! It's just that my little brother is ignorant."

"Let's go, I'll take you to another restaurant, just past Songhelou. It's newly opened. The dishes are novel, the drinks are mellow, and the boss is very old and eye-catching."

"Brother, could it be that you want to see the boss's wife?"

"Haha... Dear brother, let's go, let's go, hurry up, don't be late and there will be no place!"

The sun was scorching hot, and they were covered in sweat. The two of them were walking on the road. Suddenly, they saw several people running forward like a gust of wind, as if there was a huge magnet there, sucking up all the iron powder and dust around them.


The scholar quickly stopped an old man and asked, "Old man, what happened in front of me? Why are everyone rushing there?"

The old man was pulled by him and struggled twice, but failed to break free. He was about to start scolding him, but seeing that the other party was a scholar, it was difficult for him to curse, so he had to stare at him angrily, and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes and said: "Me too

I don’t know, but I heard that Songhelou had launched fresh dishes, which were cheap and delicious, so I hurried to try my luck, but if I were later, I wouldn’t be able to grab anything.”

After saying that, while the scholar was distracted, he broke free from his hand and ran away without a trace in two steps.

"Brother Xian, how about we go and see the excitement?"

"That's what I had in mind. I passed by Songhe Tower anyway!"

The two of them walked to Songhe Tower and were immediately dumbfounded.

"Hey, a shop has actually been set up in front of Songhe Tower. This is to lower your status and compete with those small restaurants!"

"Sure enough, it can't be driven anymore. Alas... What a pity, what a pity..."

Two young scholars passed by Songhe Tower and couldn't help but be filled with emotion when they found the shop in front of the door.

"Why are there so many people?"

The two stopped and looked around, and saw that the shop in front of Songhe Tower was full of people, with three floors inside and three floors outside. There were at least hundreds of people, including scholars and scribes, butchers and fishermen, maids and servants, and shopkeepers.

The scene is so spectacular.

The last time I saw such a lively scene, it was a young lady from a wealthy family throwing hydrangeas to attract a bride.

"Brother Xian, this..."

"Brother, you might as well go and have a look!"

The two of them walked forward in unison, rubbing shoulders with each other in the crowd, which was tightly packed.

The two of them struggled for a long time but failed to squeeze in. They only heard the voices of a man and a woman coming from inside.

"Don't be anxious, we all have a share, we all have a share." The man's voice was very young.

"Brother, there is a limit of one per person per day. You have already bought one. Come back tomorrow!" The woman's voice sounded like she was fifteen or sixteen years old. Her voice was sweet, like a warbler's cry, very pleasant to the ear.

Is there still a purchase limit?

What items are so popular?

The two scholars became even more curious. They gritted their teeth and squeezed in, vowing to take a closer look.

Unexpectedly, when they squeezed in like this, a big man next to them suddenly became excited. The big man was more than nine feet tall and had muscles in his arms. He glared at the two of them fiercely and shouted in a loud voice: "How crowded? Queue up behind us!"


The two weak scholars were a little timid for a moment when he roared with thunderous voice, and smiled at the big man.

At this time, a child emerged from the crowd, holding a piece of ice in his hand.

Just a piece of ice would not surprise the two scholars, but they clearly saw that there was a small wooden stick stuck in the ice, and there was a bit of cold air coming out of the ice, and the child stuck out his tongue to lick it from time to time.

The ice cube looked intoxicated and satisfied.

The two scholars looked at each other, both very puzzled as to what could be so delicious about a piece of ice.

"Little brother, what is in your hand?"

Hearing this, the child hid the ice cube in his hand behind his back, looked at the two of them warily, and said, "Humph, don't even think about tricking the popsicle out of my hand!"

After saying that, the child made a face at the two of them and quickly got out of the crowd.

The two scholars looked at each other, Popsicle?

Could it be that the thing the child is holding is called a popsicle?

After a while, they combined the shouts from the crowd and what they learned from the guests, and finally figured out that the items sold inside were called popsicles, costing five cents each, and sold in limited quantities.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. The goods here are sold out, and we still have them in our backyard. Please be patient, I'll pick them up right now."

"Little Master, you have to go and come back quickly. We have already queued up for two sticks of incense here, and we finally got there."

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Finally, the two scholars squeezed to the front of the team, and saw a long table in the crowd. Behind the long table stood a pink-faced and jade-muscular cardamom girl, wearing a white silk double-breasted coat and a red skirt.

, with a lake green mini-waist skirt wrapped around her waist, she looks neat, free and easy, and very cute.

She has a beautiful and cute girlish face, with curved eyebrows and a small mouth, which can be happy or angry. Her big eyes are black and white, lively and energetic, with a light and playful smile.

Speaking of being fat, she feels a little fleshy, but a girl's body is like a freshly cut willow branch. As she gets older and her figure grows, the baby fat will naturally disappear.

An absolute beauty!

Whose maid would come out to do such public things?

The two scholars couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

At this time, Chen Chang and Zheng Qi were sweating profusely and brought back a large wooden box. The weather was hot, so he found several large double-layered wooden boxes, put the prepared popsicles inside, and covered them with several thick quilts.

Be strict.

When everyone saw Chen Chang leaving and returning, they couldn't help but cheer. The crowd was crowded, everyone wanted to grab a good seat.

Chen Chang specially wore a slightly tight-fitting robe today, but it was incomparable to the ones he would wear in later generations. It looked very clumsy. However, the clothes worn by Zheng Qi and other waiters made Chen Chang envious.

If I get the chance, I'll have to make some clothes myself.

Chen Chang opened the quilt covering the wooden box.

"Everyone, line up first, don't worry, come one by one." Chen Chang shouted loudly, his voice was cool and could be heard from a long distance away.

The two scholars quickly confirmed the voice they heard before, and it turned out to be the handsome young man calling.

Chen Chang had a smile on his face. The sales volume of the first box of popsicles was very good. It was sold out in less than a stick of incense. A few rich people didn't grab it, and even offered a high price of ten cents.

However, Chen Chang will not be blinded by these small amounts of money. He wants big business. In addition to making money, the biggest function of popsicles is to attract traffic.

Songhelou is a time-honored brand, and its popularity was not bad before. However, poor management in recent years has led to a decrease in customer traffic year by year, and it is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

What Chen Chang wants to do is not only help Songhe Tower turn losses into profits, but more importantly, polish the original golden sign of Songhe Tower.

Zheng Qi can be said to be feeling proud today.

In the past, when he was working as a waiter at Songhe Tower, he would not see many customers in a day. The most terrible thing was that when the guests arrived at the restaurant, they would get angry at him because the food in the restaurant was unpalatable, and they would be scolded like crazy.

Headache is common.

The situation today was completely opposite. Instead of scolding him, the guests rushed to beg him to sell the popsicles to them first.

"Zheng Qi, I am a regular customer of Songhe Tower, you have to keep it for me!"

"Who is that Zheng? Last time I went to Songhe Tower, I saw that you are different from other guys. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zheng Qi remembered that the last time this guest came to Songhe Tower for dinner was the year before last.

There is a clay pot next to Zheng Qi, which is used to hold copper coins.

Seeing the coins being thrown in with a clatter, Zheng Qi's heart was racing and her face was filled with smiles.

Today he finally understood what business is, and this is the way to do business.

Compared to Zheng Qi, Shopkeeper Qiu, who was hiding in Songhe Tower, had his eyes wide open.

To be honest, he had always been skeptical about Chen Chang. It was not until he saw how popular this thing called popsicles was that his doubts were gradually dispelled.

In order to save the situation in Songhe Tower before, he had been thinking very hard and couldn't even sleep well. Today he finally felt a little more comfortable.

There were five hundred popsicles in the wooden box outside. They were all sold out in just one stick of incense, and the turnover reached two and a half.

Shopkeeper Qiu didn't know the cost of the popsicles, but based on his own experience, he guessed that the profit must be 30%, which means a profit of 750 cash.

Of course, this is incomparable with the profit from selling food and wine in a restaurant, but it is better than the speed. Just listening to the sound of coins clattering, shopkeeper Qiu's heart is pounding.

It had been several days since I had seen the bustling Songhe Tower. Shopkeeper Qiu's eyes became wet when he saw the crowds of people in front of him.

Let’s not talk about whether Chen Chang can earn 500 yuan in half a month. Just talking about this popularity makes people feel confident.

It would be great if Madam were here to see this scene with her own eyes.

In fact, last night, he tentatively asked his wife to come over and take a look, but she politely refused.

Shopkeeper Qiu knew that his wife did not have much confidence in Chen Chong. When she arrived at the scene and saw that Chen Chong had messed up, she felt even more sad. It would be better to be out of sight and out of mind.

Why didn't I have this kind of mentality at the beginning?

There were more and more people outside. Shopkeeper Qiu looked at Chen Chang and the others as if they were too busy, so they stopped holding the window open and rolled up their sleeves and went out to help.

When they got outside, shopkeeper Qiu put up his shopkeeper's stand again and ordered: "Zheng Qi, go help Chen Langjun distribute the popsicles, and let me collect the money from you!"

Zheng Qi readily agreed and helped Chen Chang distribute popsicles, which meant he would be closer to the beautiful little maid.

I think I heard Chen Langjun say that her name is Xiao Yu'er, which is a very good name.

Chen Chang was so busy that he wished he could have more hands. Naturally, he didn't know Zheng Qi's little thoughts. When he saw shopkeeper Qiu coming to help, he smiled gratefully at him.

Shopkeeper Qiu is a good person, and he only wants to make Songhe Tower bigger and stronger.

What he was most afraid of before was that Shopkeeper Qiu and his wife were not of the same mind, so he would be in trouble after taking over the Songhe Tower. Now that these worries are no longer there, he can just let go and do something big.

This chapter has been completed!
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