Chapter 916 Jin'an kills the immortal and snatches the head of Yuxian

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"You still don't understand."

"All things are born with humans, and humans are not the same as heaven. Why should you let the world of great strife carry you to the other side of the divine way?"

Heaven and earth resound with Jin'an's voice, like the brilliant voice of the gods. Heaven and earth are filled with his pure Yang will.

Jin An blasted the Void Fist Seal towards the dragon girl Yu Xian who was still resisting.

The fist intention is so powerful that wherever it passes, the rainwater is boiled and instantly atomized. The water mist is squeezed by the fist intention in both directions, tearing the air apart.

At the critical moment of life and death, the dragon girl Yu Xian's divine thoughts were beating wildly. At the last moment, she used the rain flag, the cloud flag, and the wind flag to block the void fist seal for her.


The flag shook, and a huge fan-shaped crater exploded on the sea surface. It was pressed down to a depth of ten feet by the martial artist's immortal fist. The power was terrifying. The masculine blood energy on the void fist seal almost shook the Yin Shen of Dragon Girl Yu Xian out of the body.

The Yin Shen left the shell with only half his head, and immediately returned to the physical body.

It was this delay that caused Dragon Girl Yuxian to fall a certain distance again, less than ten feet away from the whirlpool. At the last moment, Dragon Girl Yuxian sacrificed and borrowed the wind flag to escape the whirlpool.

Use wind flags and flags to insert into the whirlpool and fill the abyss with the human heart. The human heart is like an abyss and its desires are hard to fill. There is nothing that the human heart cannot fill.

The moment the Boring Wind Flag was torn into pieces, a thick pillar of wind shot up from inside the flag, like a wind dragon, and then let out a mournful cry and disappeared.

At the same time, the whirlpool above Jin An was shattered by the self-destruction of the popular flag.

The dragon girl Yuxian was blown high into the sky by the wind pillar and escaped the whirlpool.

Jin An also let out a sigh of relief due to the decisiveness and ruthlessness of Dragon Girl Yuxian.

This is the banner of the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people. You may not have such a good opportunity to obtain it in the future. If the other party says to give up, just give it up.

Although we only lost a banner of popular support, it is enough to show that everyone who has reached this position is determined and not indecisive.

However, without the wind flag, it is equivalent to losing the ability to borrow the east wind. This is a typhoon transported from the depths of the ocean, and cannot be controlled by humans. The Dragon Girl Yuxian has always relied on the rain flag and the cloud flag.

Borrowing the wind flag, the wind and rain continued to increase, and she controlled the direction to land in Jiangzhou Prefecture. Although the dragon girl Yuxian still had the rain-praying flag and the cloud-waving flag in her hands, the power of the typhoon was still undiminished, but without the power of the east wind, she

The direction of the typhoon wind can no longer be controlled.

"Let me see how many more times you can escape!"

Jin'an shattered the void, climbed to the sky step by step, and hunted down the dragon girl Yu Xian.

Seeing Jin An Xiang An peacefully chasing after him, with pure Yang blood in his body, which was shaken all the way, vaporized in a heavy rain, and was so powerful that for the first time, the dragon girl Yu Xian was unfamiliar with retreating. She soared into the sky and kept rising.

She wanted to use the Shinto technique of flying to escape from the sky to avoid being chased by martial arts immortals.

Martial arts immortals control the air in the air, and when the energy is exhausted, it is different for Shinto masters. As long as their cultivation level is high enough and their soul is strong enough, their soul can carry their physical body and continue to soar.

What's more, she, a master of Shinto, still has the banner of people's hearts to protect her.

Seeing the distance between herself and Jin An quickly widening, the dragon girl Yu Xian was about to relax her nervous mind, and just about to ridicule martial arts immortals who also have weaknesses and disturb Jin An's mind, suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and thunder exploded,

My ears, my mind, and my eyes are full of the great Yang Lei.


"Oral hair!"

Every time Jin An recited the name of the God of Thunder, the sound of thunder from the Great Way hit the ears of the Shinto master, and his eyes were filled with white shadows of thunder.

Dragon Girl Yuxian was startled by the thunder and felt nervous. She suddenly realized that there was a very serious matter that she had ignored! The higher she was from the ground, the easier it was to be struck by lightning from the sky, even if she pulled the banner of people's hearts.


If the question of seeking immortality is to see who has the most popular banners, then it is not called cultivation. It is simply a matter of directly controlling a country, mastering the hearts of a country, and then the whole country ascends to become a Daluo Jinxian.

The closer we get to the Thirty-sixth Heaven, the more attention we attract from all the gods of the Thunder Department. The Thunder Gods are not only the Thirty-six Thunder Gods, but also the Ancient Thunder God, Lei Ancestor Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord, etc. In addition,

Among the Taoist thunder gods, there are also the Five Thunder Emperors, Marshal Tianpeng, the leader of the Four Saints of the North Pole, the first protector of the law, Taiyi Thunder God Yinghua Tianzun, Zhongtian Ziwei, the North Pole Taihuang Emperor, etc., each one is more powerful than the other. Facing Lei

The ancestors, the four emperors, and the heavenly masters cannot escape the thunder and punishment of heaven by just pulling the flag of people's hearts.

The frightened dragon girl Yu Xian did not dare to take another step beyond the thunder pool or fly higher into the sky. She gritted her teeth and changed her direction, crossed the void, and flew towards Jiangzhou Fucheng.

Facing the pursuit of the martial arts immortals, she did not dare to run in other directions, otherwise she would not be able to escape the pursuit of the martial arts immortals. Only the people of the city could restrain Jin'an.

Jiangzhou Fucheng.

As the strong winds and rain poured down like pillars, people all over the city were flooded. The city was flooded, the earthen houses were soaked by the rainwater, and the wooden houses in disrepair were blown down by the strong winds. Helpless cries could be heard one after another.

The city was flooded to the height of the people. People climbed on their roofs to avoid the flooding, knelt down and kowtowed to the Rain Fairy in the sky, begging the Rain Fairy to stop it from raining again.

However, the storm in the sky had no intention of letting up. Instead, the violent storm became more violent. Houses one after another were washed away by the floods, causing grief and grief all over the land. Dead bodies of people and animals could be seen everywhere.

A divine light suddenly burst out from the majestic water vapor cloud tornado. The people who were struggling on the edge of life and death recognized it as Yu Xian, and their faces immediately showed joy, thinking that Yu Xian had heard the sounds of suffering among the people and appeared in the world of saints, so they began to kowtow.

Pray to the rain fairy to take away the wind and rain.

However, what they were waiting for was not a cessation of wind and rain. Instead, the wind became more violent and the rainstorm became more rapid. In a short period of time, the city was flooded with water logging higher than the height of an adult. Houses collapsed in tracts, which threatened to push people's lives to a dead end.

The people hiding on the roofs cried out in despair: "What's going on? Why is the rain getting worse!"

"Why didn't Yu Xian save us even though he was dead? He didn't save us!"

Just when they were desperate, another figure emerged from the thick dark clouds, and the people in the city recognized the five-color Taoist robe.

Jin'an broke out of the dark clouds and saw a city full of floating corpses and mourning victims everywhere, a scene of human disaster, with an angry look on his face.

Dragon Girl Yuxian looked back at Jin An who was exhausted and fell to the ground: "You can save one or two people, but can you save a hundred thousand people in this city! When manpower is limited, who can compete with the sky!"

"Do you think I can't complete the sacrificial ceremony if the borrowed wind banner flag is destroyed? I can't borrow the east wind, but I can still turn my hands to make clouds and rain! The general trend of the world has been established, the wind and clouds are gathering together, and the Shaoyang Bureau is destined to be destroyed.

Damn it, neither you nor I can stop this trend!"

"Don't you keep saying that you have a clear conscience? Today I will not only flood Jiangzhou Mansion, but also flood the Five Zang Taoist Temple. Let's see whether you save the Five Zang Taoist Temple first or the people in the city! Today I will break your Taoist heart.


With a cold tone of revenge, the dragon girl Yuxian controlled the rain flags. In an instant, a heavy rain fell like a waterfall over the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, pouring down the Taoist temple.

But the next scene made Dragon Girl Yuxian stare in disbelief. Master Yuyangzi and his two young apprentices ran into the old Taoist priest's room, took out several sacks of Erlang Zhenjun's water talismans, and plastered them all over the Taoist temple, blocking the way.

Like a waterfall of heavy rain.

Seeing that the Wu Zang Taoist Temple was magical, the neighbors of Yonglefang went to the Wu Zang Taoist Temple for help. Master Yuyangzi gave a yellow talisman to help the neighbors escape and went to the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

Even the dragon girl Yuxian was stunned by the sacks of Erlang Zhenjun's water talisman.

"I told you to put away that dirty rain, didn't you hear me?"


The ground shook violently, and the bricks and stones shook in all directions like a wave, and the floods also surged in all directions like a tidal wave. A deep pit was blasted on the spot. Jin An's physical strength alone shot up into the sky like a cannon ball.

At this moment, the people of Fucheng, who were hit by the wind and rain, saw an incredible scene. The master of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple was chasing Yu Xian in the sky to kill him.

But the next scene is even more shocking!

In the storm where the dark clouds covered the sun, three red suns rose slowly, the rain evaporated, and the clouds and mist filled the air! Never had the world seen such a strange phenomenon in the sky and the earth, and they were all dumbfounded and temporarily forgot to avoid the flood!

The dragon girl Yu Xian wanted to escape and did not give Jin An a chance to get close. But Jin An's fist glowed like a torrent, and the wind of the fist hit his face. The sky and the earth blocked the void from all directions.

The fist wind was blazing, and the sky was full of pure Yang's blazing breath that vibrated back and forth. Without the wind flag, Dragon Girl Yuxian could not escape the blockade of these masculine fist winds.

But what was really terrifying was not these masculine fists, but the boundless Thunder God fist seals. Each punch blasted out the true meaning of the grand thunder, like thousands of electric snakes surging in the void, coming toward her to suppress it.

"Only when your mind is clear and your thoughts are smooth can you channel the divine way, become clear-sighted and quick-thinking. The previous Yang Lei both frightened and hurt your spirit, making you panic-stricken, unable to choose the right path, and losing the calmness of a wise man!

This is one of them!"

"The ups and downs of your mind are the most depressing. Your heart has left a terrible shadow of Yang Lei, so when you see the true meaning of Lei Dao again, you will be involuntarily timid, hesitant and hesitant, and you will lose your ambition and brave will! This is the second one!"

"You shouldn't have destroyed the Borrowing Wind Banner, but instead allowed my fist style to get close to you! This is the third one!"

"Over and over again, your energy and spirit have been exhausted, let's see what you can do to resist!" Jin An's words were heart-breaking, breaking the proud heart of Dragon Girl Yuxian into pieces.

, the thoughts are blocked and the spiritual path is dim.

Dragon Girl Yuxian was shocked and frightened at this time, because the void around her was covered by vast thunder, and her eyes and ears were filled with thunder and lightning. Especially Jin An's murderous words made her already shocked by the thunder.

The state of mind becomes more unstable, and more cracks appear in the Taoist heart.

She kept saying that she wanted to destroy Jin An's Taoist heart, but in the end, she suffered a backlash and was killed by Jin An first, which happened to fulfill Jin An's words——

Those who are good at manipulating people's hearts will surely suffer a violent backlash!

At this moment, a vortex suction force came from the body and soul, and the body of the dragon girl Yuxian quickly fell towards the three-wheeled sun above Jin'an. This time, no matter how she visualized the momentum of the immortal mountain, it was useless, because her divine way

It has been covered in dust. Although it is not completely destroyed, it will no longer live up to its peak.

At the moment of life and death, the dragon girl Yuxian tried to sacrifice the remaining flags for praying for rain and flags for calling clouds, but in the end she could not avoid being beheaded by a sharp knife technique, and she died.

This scene of killing immortals and bloody scenes was seen by many people hiding on the roof. Everyone turned pale with horror and their scalps exploded.

"Yu, Yuxian was just killed by the Five Zang Taoist Temple?" People couldn't recover from this shocking thought for a long time.

"It turns out... is the master of Wu Zang Taoist Temple so powerful? He can kill immortals!"

Dragon Girl Yu Xian had just separated her body, and some residual thoughts from the Shinto still remained. The Everlasting Mountain she imagined had not completely disappeared. In the tall, majestic, and continuous Everlasting Mountain, there was a towering cloud peak shrouded in clouds and mist.

An arm formed by the gathering of wind and clouds appeared, like the five-fingered mudra of Sakyamuni descending from the sky.

There is a powerful person in the Burao Mountain who seems to have sensed that the dragon girl Yu Xian was killed, and carries the momentum of the Burao Mountain to suppress the martial arts immortal Jin An from a distance.

Jin An changed color, raised the Kunwu knife in his hand and slashed towards the five-finger big hand seal.


The mysterious Taoist rhyme on the Kunwu sword shook out ripples and frenzy in the void, and the rainwater for miles around was shattered into mist by the overbearing power of the sword, which clearly shows the horror of the force of this collision.

The five-finger handprint formed by the wind and cloud retreated intact, and the head of the Dragon Girl Yuxian, which contained the Shinto soul, flew back to the visualization picture of the Immortal Mountain.

This is definitely a giant of Shinto! An old monster! His cultivation level is incalculable!


At this time, the visualization diagram of the Immortal Mountain completely lost the support of the remaining thoughts of Shinto and turned into nothing.

All of this is a long story, but from beheading to snatching the head, it can be completed in less than a thought, faster than the blink of an eye.

Seeing the dragon girl Yu Xian's head being snatched away by the magic of air separation, Jin An stared at the direction in which the visualization diagram of Burao Mountain disappeared, with cold eyes: "Sooner or later, a bunch of lingering old immortals who dare not even step out of Burao Mountain will die.

I will reach the Everlasting Mountain myself!"

But there are more important things to do at the moment. Jin An, who is flying in the air, looks at the cloud tornado above his head. Although the rain flags, the cloud flags, and the wind flags have been destroyed, the storm is advancing.

Still unchanged, he continued to move towards Jiangzhou Prefecture. At this time, the city of Chishui was overflowing with tragic scenes of broken families, dead wives and scattered children everywhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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