Chapter 922: Martial Arts Immortal, one person slaughters an entire city and destroys an entire country.

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Ping Yi Buddhist Sect

Just when Mr. Mo was choked by Jin An and his face turned white and blue, and he could not lift or put down the wine glass in his hand, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Jin An took the initiative to raise the Persian glass and gold cup.

"When it comes to toasting, I should be the one toasting to Mr. Mo. The Zhou etiquette of respecting the elderly and respecting the virtuous cannot be lost."

Seeing Jin An take the initiative to toast to Mr. Mo, the faces of the people in Tianshi Mansion softened slightly and showed friendly smiles to Jin An.

Even the Tianshi Mansion wants to win over Jin An, a martial arts immortal.

Mr. Mo pretended to be reserved and drank the red wine from the Western Regions in his hand.

But before the wine was finished, Jin An's words made Mr. Mo choke. After a while of coughing, Jin An said lightly: "I heard that only the Tianshi Mansion suffered heavy casualties during this trip to sea, and all the other three extreme masters died.

Only Mr. Mo and Mr. Mo are left alive? This is really a misfortune for our family. My condolences to Mr. Mo."

This is called giving a sweet date and then a big stick, first holding it high and then falling to hurt, exposing the scars of the Tianshi Mansion in public at the prince's banquet, and tearing down the Tianshi Mansion's platform. With so many masters going to sea together, only the Tianshi Mansion suffered casualties

, and almost the entire army was destroyed. Isn't it just a matter of publicly criticizing the Tianshi Mansion for being incompetent, inferior to the Jade Capital Golden Tower and Zhenguo Temple?

The key is that the Tianshi Mansion cannot get angry and cannot find the fault in Jin An's words. If they get angry at Jin An, a rising star, they will end up with the reputation of the Tianshi Mansion as being narrow-minded and suppressing rookies, thus denying the princes face in disguise.

Because Jin An is an honored guest invited by the princes.

The most important thing is that they can't decide whether Jin An is malicious or unintentional? Is he young, energetic and straightforward?

It has not yet been determined whether Mr. Mo, a long-established Shinto master, and Jin An, a new martial arts master, are stronger or weaker, but in terms of talking skills, several princes have noticed it and have lived a lot longer.

Mr. Mo is not as good as Jin An, and his momentum is obviously at a disadvantage.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere in the Tianshi Mansion, Jin An was once again choked speechless. The Third Prince, with a warm jade face and a gentle temperament, raised his glass and changed the subject: "I heard Master Fu Yin say that Taoist Jin An is going to

Passing through the Western Regions? Today, the Japanese prince specially prepared the fine wine from the Western Regions and the Shanshan Melon from the Western Regions for Taoist Priest Jin'an. Is Taoist Jin'an satisfied with it?"

Jin An let Mr. Mo go for the time being, turned around and raised his glass to the third prince, and said some polite words to show off.

"The Western Regions are the Silk Road, which has brought endless wealth to our country and enriched our Han people. However, there have been several incidents in history where small countries in the Western Regions and northern grassland tribes jointly attacked the northwest frontier. Can Taoist Priest Jin'an talk to me about this?

How many of us brothers would like to talk about your experience of the customs and customs in the Western Regions?" This time the speaker was the Eighth Prince, who was dressed in simple silver clothes and was concerned about the country and the people.

The Twelfth Prince nodded in agreement: "Myna agrees with me. If we want to eliminate the nomadic attacks from the north forever, the Western Region is the key. There are three reasons."

"First, the prosperous Silk Road in the Western Regions has been a battleground for the military strategists of the Han Dynasty and the northern grassland peoples since ancient times. Whoever controls the Western Regions first can control the other side from behind."

"Secondly, the Western Regions are rich in good iron and swords. The grassland people are only good at living on horseback and are not good at forging weapons. The Western Regions have always been the largest source of food and weapons for the northern grassland tribes. If my father makes up his mind, we will be able to forge weapons in the spring next year.

If we want to take the initiative to send troops to the north, cutting off logistical supplies in advance is equivalent to cutting off an arm of the northern grassland tribes."

"Thirdly, the Western Region is vast and rich in resources, which is most suitable for Tibetans. I have looked at the reasons why several dynasties in history failed to conquer the northern grassland tribes. It was all because of the strong migration ability of the horseback tribes. If they couldn't be defeated, they would hide deep in the Western Region and shrink down for dozens of people.

After a year of rest and recuperation, he will continue to make a comeback. If you want to sweep the northern grasslands, you must first settle down in the Western Regions, then you can cut off the retreat of those grassland tribes and completely wipe them all out. This prince read in the book "Records of the Western Regions" that in the Western Regions, some places

The cultural customs and shamanistic beliefs are from the same origin as the northern grassland tribes, what does Taoist Jin'an think?"

The twelfth prince is tall and mighty, and is good at fighting as a soldier. He has a rough personality, eats meat and drinks a lot, and has the characteristics of military camp life. His careless behavior is in contrast to the princes here.

Before Jin An could answer, the third prince frowned and glared at the twelfth prince: "Twelve, you made a mistake while drunk."

Not long ago, Uncle Lin talked about the firearms camp in the capital, and now he heard from the twelfth prince that the king wanted to expedition to the northern grasslands, and Jin An was surprised.

The twelfth prince also knew that he had made a mistake, but with his competitive personality, he just waved his hands and said indifferently: "Anyway, this matter is not a big secret. The people who can board the Shenzhou today are all people who know everything and can trust each other. No one will spread the word.


Facing the icy gazes of the Twelve Princes, the ordinary officials of Jiangzhou Mansion nodded repeatedly and promised again and again that they would never reveal the secrets of the imperial court.

The Tianyan aura of the Twelve Princes did not affect the Shinto masters present, and everyone always looked natural.

Jin An answered the Twelve Prince's question calmly: "Some small countries in the Western Regions do have close ties with the northern grassland tribes. However, when I was in the Western Regions, I went south to Tubo, not north, so I know very little about the geography and humanities near the Northern Desert.


Jin An glanced at the old Taoist priest who was concentrating on eating and drinking. Speaking of the Northern Desert, the old Taoist priest had mentioned that he had stayed in the Northern Desert for a while when he was a wandering Taoist priest. However, Jin An did not recommend the old Taoist priest to the Twelve Princes.

There is no need for the Five Zang Taoist Temple to be involved in the whirlpool of these princely factions.

Although they were unable to understand the situation in the Northern Desert, the ambitious princes were still very curious about other areas in the Western Regions and carefully inquired about Jin'an's Journey to the West.

The experience of Jin'an's journey to the west for half a year was as unimaginable and bizarre as the princes and princesses who lived in the palace and lived in fine clothes since childhood could not imagine. Although he could not talk about the experience of searching for the Kingdom of the Immortal God, because he killed a lot of people on the way.

He was looking for a certain prince in the capital to find the Kingdom of the Immortal God, and the master of the legendary immortal medicine in the Kingdom of the Immortal God. However, the many exotic experiences he had in the Western Regions also deeply attracted the princes and princesses, who admired him for being able to travel around the world freely and freely.

Envy eyes.

These imperial bloodlines also have their own frustrations.

"Speaking of Tubo, Tianshi Mansion and King Pingwei went to the Kunlun Mountains on the plateau at the beginning of the spring. Taoist priest Jin'an was very promising at a young age. Tianshi Mansion should have heard of Taoist Jin'an's name a long time ago, right?

"The third prince became interested and looked at Mr. Mo of Tianshi Mansion.

Mr. Mo replied: "Back to Your Highness, it was not Luo Tian and I who went to the Kunlun Mountains with King Pingwei that time."

Mr. Mo continued: "Although I didn't have the opportunity to meet Taoist Jin An in advance, Taoist Jin An fought alone against the nine-faced Buddha's ten reincarnations in Xiao Kunlun, and in order to liberate the serfs, he slaughtered a city, destroyed a country, and annihilated a Buddhist sect.

However, it caused quite a sensation in Tubo. He was a young hero, a young hero, and single-handedly wiped out a Buddhist sect for serfs he had never met. Taoist priest Jin'an was far more famous in Tubo than in Kangding. His epic legends are everywhere in the snow-capped mountains of the plateau.


Unexpectedly, Jin An had so many magical experiences. The princes and princesses all looked at Jin An in surprise. The curiosity in the eyes of the princesses became even more intense, and their beautiful eyes kept looking towards Jin An.

The old Taoist priest shook his head and kept mumbling in his heart.

The Twelve Princes didn't believe it: "It's impossible for one person to destroy a country! A country has more than hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It's okay to kill a king, but it's absolutely impossible for one person to destroy a country. Unless it's a small country, then

A small country like those small towns with a population of several thousand people in the Western Regions dare to call themselves a country."

Jin An squinted at Mr. Mo.

I didn’t expect this old guy to learn and sell his “killing” skills very quickly.

To wipe out the Buddhist sect one by one is to provoke a conflict between him and Zhenguo Temple. Even if it cannot provoke a conflict, it can still deal with him and prevent Zhenguo Temple from getting too close to him.

"Twelve princes, it is not a small country that Jin'an Daochang destroyed. There are six mysterious families on the plateau, just like the aristocratic families who divided Tubo. They are the Tianshen family, the descendants of the monkeys, the Qiu Sheng family, the Blackstone family, the Golden family, and the terrible family.

It was the Blackstone family that was destroyed by Taoist priest Jin'an. Even the Qiusheng family was attacked by Taoist priest Jin'an but did not dare to take revenge. The remaining Tianshen family, descendants of the monkeys, and the Golden family also have close friendship with Taoist Jin'an.

, it is said that there is an inexplicable relationship between a man and a woman between the youngest female patriarch of the Jin family and Taoist priest Jin'an."

Mr. Mo began to talk about how Jin An destroyed an entire country and the Zizai Sect in the capital of the Blackstone Clan. Even the leader of the Zizai Sect, a strong man in the three realms of Shinto, died under Jin An's sword with hatred.

Mr. Mo deliberately provoked a dispute between Jin'an and the Buddha Sect. He also deliberately talked about his relationship with several major families on the plateau in a very high-profile manner. If this matter were in the hands of someone with intentions, it would be a serious crime of collaboration with the enemy and the country. But fortunately, the Western Regions,

Tubo has been at peace in recent years, has good relations with Kangding, and has prosperous trade. There will be no crisis of war in the next few decades.

But these are not the most important. It was mentioned several times in front of the princes and masters of Shinto that Jin An destroyed a country by one person, which is the most murderous and heart-breaking words.

This is an attempt to repeat the same mistakes and once again provoke a war between the world's Shinto masters and martial arts immortals.

Jin An remained as still as a mountain and had no expression on his face. In fact, he could quietly see the subtle changes in facial expressions of the several princes, and he had a clear understanding of their thoughts.

"Oh? The youngest matriarch of the Golden Family? What Mr. Mo is talking about is the Yangjin matriarch who has recently broken through the life-and-death barrier. She is both the youngest matriarch of the Golden Family and the youngest three-level matriarch of the Golden Family?" The third prince watched with great interest.

Xiang Jinan.

The third prince, the fifth prince, the eighth prince, and the twelfth prince all turned to look at the angry seventh prince with a white face, and began to talk to each other about the relationship between the seventh prince and Yang Jin.

"I remember that when I was a child, the Huangjin family sent Princess Yangjin to study at the Capital Academy. The seventh son was smart since he was a child and had a photographic memory. Among us brothers, he was the closest to Princess Yangjin. Everyone said that you are

A talented man and a beautiful woman, a childhood sweetheart."

"It's a pity that Princess Yangjin only studied in the capital for three years and then left. When I heard about her later, she had become the youngest patriarch in the history of the Jin family."

"My father heard that in the past ten years, Lao Qi, you have been exchanging letters with the Yangjin clan leader and have never lost contact. He sent a team of envoys to the Jin family to propose marriage to you, Lao Qi. Just when everyone thought that this matter was a sure thing,

It is a pity that the Golden Family refused on the grounds that the patriarch was young and had just taken over as patriarch and lacked mental and physical strength."

"We brothers thought we hadn't seen each other for ten years, and no matter how deep our feelings were, they couldn't compete with the passage of time. But now after hearing what Mr. Mo said, it turns out that the Yangjin clan leader has already secretly promised that he has someone he likes."

At this time, the third prince looked at Jin An with a smile: "What does the Taoist Jin'an think of the Yangjin clan leader? If the Taoist Jin'an has no personal relationship with the Yangjin clan leader, I, the elder brother, want to be shameless and help my seventh brother to mediate, Jin An

Can Taoist An be willing to give up your love to my seventh brother?"

The old Taoist priest, who was eating all kinds of delicacies, almost choked on the palace cakes and couldn't breathe. He slapped his chest repeatedly and was shocked: "Mother! The little brother is trying to steal his childhood sweetheart? The seventh prince is the little brother's.

Love rival?"

If Jin An was a twenty-year-old young man who was new to the world, he might have believed this scene of brotherly love and been moved by the brotherhood between the princes.

But he's not.

Several princes wanted to win over the martial arts immortals, so they were thinking of ways to provoke the relationship between Jin An and other people and suppress the brothers. Even if they could not recruit Jin An, they could not let Jin An leave with the other brothers.

Very close.

People always say that the most ruthless imperial family seems to be a harmonious brotherhood, but in fact there are whirlpools of undercurrents, endless conspiracies, and fratricide.

Jin An originally did not want to get involved in the whirlpool of royal factionalism, but troubled times could not tolerate purity, so he was still forced to get involved in the infighting among several princes.

Facing the third prince trying to match match the seventh prince, Jin An smiled. He suddenly stood up, and in an instant, several divine auras locked onto Jin An at the same time.

Jin An clasped his fists towards the third prince: "Thank you third prince for today's banquet. I came in a hurry today and forgot to bring a gift. I guess everyone is curious about what is so unique about martial arts and immortals? Why don't I find a master of the three realms to compare with each other?

If the prince or princess wants to help Yaxing, please choose Mr. Mo from Tianshi Mansion."

Jin An stood up, looking down at the Tianshi Mansion from a bird's eye view. His bright black eyes were breathtaking, and he had a breathtaking aura.



This is the fierce power of the martial arts immortal, looking down on all the masters of the Shinto.

Everyone in the Tianshi Mansion looked at Jin An angrily. Mr. Mo looked gloomy and uncertain. He didn't expect Jin An to act out of common sense and dare to do this suddenly at the prince's banquet.

However, after listening to Jin An's words, the eyes of several princes were slightly bright, and they were collectively interested. The training conditions for martial arts immortals are difficult, and they are rarer than Shinto masters. None of these princes have ever seen martial arts immortals take action, so they are hosting a banquet today.

Jin An. Unexpectedly, Jin An was so righteous and offered to show off his magical powers, so everyone looked in the direction of Mr. Mo in the Tianshi Mansion.

"What do you want from Mr. Mo?" the third prince said.

Mr. Mo's expression was gloomy. He suddenly coughed violently and clasped his fists towards the third prince: "Your Highness, Luo Tian and I have not recovered from our injuries yet, and we may need to recuperate for some time. Why don't I make an appointment with Taoist Priest Jin'an?

During the first winter thunder in December, Taoist Master Jin'an can continue to practice during this time and consolidate the new breakthrough realm, so as not to say that I use the big to bully the small and win without force."

The third prince looked at Jin An: "What do you think, Taoist Priest Jin An?"

Jin An laughed heartily: "Why don't you dare."

The third prince nodded and looked at Mr. Mo again: "Then let's make an appointment to fight in December. Mr. Mo, when the time comes, don't say that you haven't recovered from your injuries and avoid fighting."

Mo Laoquan said loyally: "Your Highness, don't worry. Even if Your Highness is generous and does not punish me, the Tianshi Mansion will bring me to His Highness to clean up the house."

The third prince repeatedly said that Mr. Mo was exaggerating. Both Taoist Priest Jin'an and Mr. Mo were indispensable masters in this dynasty, and no one could be missing.

After Jin An forcefully interrupted, no one here mentioned a word about matchmaking. As long as the gap between Jin An and the Seventh Prince can be planted, the brothers' goal has been achieved.

Next, the imperial chef served the dishes, and several princes frequently toasted to Jin An, trying their best to win over Jin An. When they were full of wine and food, it was around three o'clock in the morning, and several princes and corporals escorted Jin An off the Shenzhou.


On the side of the royal boat, several princesses watched Jin An get on the carriage and return to Wu Zang Taoist Temple. Bright eyes flashed, and then they joked with each other, laughed and chased each other, dripping with sweat, and Xia Fei's cheeks.

This chapter has been completed!
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