Chapter 920 Old Taoist Priest: Will the princesses be raped by my brother?

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Are you attracted by the domineering and domineering temperament of martial arts and immortals in my brother?

Shenzhou does not have too much inlaid gold and jade, but it can show the royal solemnity everywhere, elegant and restrained.

For example, the rare golden nanmu can show the nobility of the emperor.

Another example is the thousand-year-old wooden mast that is thicker than a millstone.

There is also a huge ever-burning lamp made from whale oil, which illuminates the huge ship as bright as day.

But these pale in comparison to the ship's deck, which is as huge as a fortress. The ship's deck is so vast that it can be used as a racecourse, and there is a special carriage to ride from the bow to the stern.

Jin An performed well and was calm all the way, while the old Taoist priest was as busy as Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and kept repeating "His grandma is so big" without stopping along the way.

The bows of the ships were covered with oilcloths and well-maintained. They caught Jin'an's attention. They were like giant beasts. Even though they were covered with oilcloths, they could still feel the majestic and rough atmosphere.

Uncle Lin introduced that it was a giant thunder cannon built by the Ordnance Supervisor Guangbei Siege Works. It took several grown men to carry one cannon ball, and it only took one cannon ball to sink an enemy ship.


Uncle Lin raised his hand to summon a carriage and drove the three of them to their destination. It was indeed a royal divine boat, even the carriage carrying people was embroidered with gold threads.

On the way, Jin An heard the familiar sound of firearms firing and smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke. He opened the curtains of the car and looked outside. He happened to see a group of strong and energetic soldiers in the square formation and crane wing formation.

The long snake formation and other military formations are constantly changing, and they practice target shooting with firearms.

The old Taoist priest was also attracted by this novelty: "Are these fire sticks also made by Guangbei Siege Works? I didn't expect that the iron pellets shot from the fire sticks could penetrate armor at a hundred steps, and even the iron balls on the dummy

Iron armor can be penetrated. This kind of power can only be achieved by a person with natural supernatural power who can pull a hard bow weighing more than 100 kilograms of ox tendon. But there are hundreds of people on the Shenzhou who can do it at the same time! And it is faster than bending a bow and setting an arrow.

Too much!"

Uncle Lin: "Has Daochang Chen seen these muskets? How do you know that the soldiers secretly like to call these muskets fire sticks? But Daochang Chen made a mistake this time. The muskets were not made by Guangbei Siege Works, but

It was built by the 'Crossbow and Firearms Institute' under the Ordnance Supervision."

"There are not many soldiers in the firearms camp on the Shenzhou. If you have the opportunity to come to the capital in the future, you will see the firearms camp on horseback and you will understand the great efforts and great strategies of the kings of the past dynasties."

Uncle Lin narrated: "For thousands of years, the Han border fortresses have been harassed by northern grassland tribes every year. The northern grassland tribes grew up on horseback. They were skilled in riding and shooting, and came and went like the wind. In history, several dynasties did not have any northern expeditions.

After all, the Han people are inherently weak in horseback riding and archery. But with the firearms camp on horseback, there is no need to train horseback riding and archery skills from an early age. It only takes a few years to train a large number of hundred-step armor-piercing soldiers.

The cavalry and archery armies are constantly pouring into the northern grasslands, completely solving the scourge of the northern frontier and restoring peace and prosperity to the people on the border. No matter how good the northern grassland tribes are at horseback riding and archery, they can train cavalry as fast as the "Crossbow and Firearms Academy" day and night.

Stop making firearms faster?”

"And that day is not too far away."

The old Taoist priest was dumbfounded and exclaimed, "Oh my God, the current holy king is indeed a holy king. He possesses the wisdom of a saint, firearms and war horses, and can easily overcome the thousands of years of disturbance in the northern grasslands."

Uncle Lin lowered the curtains to block the view of the outside world: "This is the national policy of the previous generation of saints to fight against the border."

The old Taoist priest was startled and wanted to speak again, but just then the carriage stopped and had already arrived.

Uncle Lin got off the carriage, and Jin An and the old Taoist priest also got off the carriage.

There is a treasure tower on the Shenzhou, which is magnificent and decorated with silk and silk. The treasure tower is divided into huts, flying huts, and noble chambers. Each floor has parapets, arrow holes, crossbows and other fortress facilities, and is heavily guarded. Each floor is connected to each other.

Independent, not connected.

As the name suggests, the royal family members lived in the topmost royal chamber. There was also a hanging garden on the roof of the royal chamber, which contained exotic flowers and plants, rockeries and flowing water. People in the hanging garden could have a sweeping view of the vast world, and the princes held banquets.

The place where Jin An was entertained was conveniently located here, which shows that the princes attached great importance to Jin An, a martial arts immortal.

When Uncle Lin led Jin An and the old Taoist priest out of the carriage, a young eunuch immediately sang loudly and announced to heaven one by one. Soon, an old eunuch with swollen temples and strong energy and blood came running up and down to hold the treasure.

We welcome three people to the building.

The old eunuch led the way, and all the way to the sky garden on the top of the palace, where there were Taoist priests from Yujing Golden Palace, eminent monks from Zhenguo Temple, masters from Tianshi Mansion with gold feng shui bells hung on their waists, and civil and military officials from Jiangzhou Prefecture.

Officials, those who can attend this banquet today can be said to be in charge of Jiangzhou Prefecture and the future destiny of Kangding State.

Except for the civil and military officials of Jiangzhou Prefecture who already knew his background, everyone else looked curiously at Jin An and the young man in his early twenties.

The people who came to Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion were all masters of the Three Realms Shinto, including many elders of the First Religion in the middle stage of the Three Realms. These people's spiritual consciousness was so sharp that they could see at a glance the life essence in Jin'an's body.

The Qi burns vigorously like an oven. He is indeed a martial arts immortal, and he is also a young and masculine martial arts immortal with an unlimited future.

The master of the Tianshi Mansion, who had a golden Feng Shui bell hanging on his waist, whispered a few words to several young people dressed in splendid attire and graceful bearings, and then the young people greeted Jin An with smiles.

"This must be the newly promoted Martial Arts Immortal Master Jin'an, right? He is indeed a hero born at a young age. Taoist Master Jin'an is of the same age as our brothers and has already reached the top of the Martial Arts Immortal World. It really makes us brothers feel ashamed."

"This should be Taoist Master Chen from Wu Zang Taoist Temple? It would be a great blessing to invite him. Although I have heard about Taoist Chen's prayers for rain and martial arts, it is not as famous as meeting him. When we meet today, Taoist Chen and the fairy in my prince's imagination

Feng Daogu, the image of a Taoist master, is indeed better than that."

The prince who was the first to speak had a warm jade face, a graceful demeanor, and eyes like stars. When Jin An brought the old Taoist priests to the banquet, he smiled warmly and treated everyone equally. He did not hold back the gentle and elegant temperament that brought people like a spring breeze.

Prince airs.

This prince is not an ordinary prince. He has never met an old Taoist priest before but he can recognize him at a glance. It seems that he has already figured out the details of Taoism in the five internal organs. His seemingly cheerful and generous personality has great wisdom in making decisions before taking action.

After Uncle Lin reminded him, Jin An knew that the person in front of him was the third prince.

Then the fifth prince, the seventh prince, the eighth prince, and the twelfth prince also came over out of curiosity to meet Jin An, the overly young martial artist.

The fifth prince talks little and is silent.

The seventh prince has a fair face and holds a book, like a scholar full of knowledge.

The eighth prince was dressed in simple silver clothes, and his appearance was the most ordinary among the princes. However, he had the unique temperament of an ancient celebrity, like a piece of reserved and beautiful jade that was deliberately hidden. Jin An, who had read "Shenfeng Tongkao", couldn't help but wonder

Have a look.

The Twelve Princes are tall and mighty, with sharp eyes, like a mighty general who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Behind the five princes stood several princesses. Each of these princesses' skin was so white that it could reflect the gleaming luster. Their hands were like catkins, their skin was like gelatin, their collars were like caterpillars, their teeth were like gourds and rhinoceros, their heads were like furry eyebrows, and they had charming smiles.

Come, beautiful eyes are shining.

Several princesses stood behind the prince and looked at Jin An cautiously, with handsome eyebrows and squinted eyes. There was curiosity in the eyes of Shenfei about Jin An who had recently saved a hundred thousand people in a city by his own efforts. They whispered a few words from time to time.

Sentence, clever smile.

Seeing that the princesses only paid attention to Jin'an and did not care about his old skin, the old Taoist priest muttered in his heart: "A woman's curiosity is like a poison that penetrates the intestines. Once you get it, you can't get rid of it. Will these princesses be fooled by the little brothers?"

You must be attracted by the domineering and domineering temperament of a martial artist..."

This chapter has been completed!
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