Chapter 921: Feeling like old friends at first sight, Jin An, who specializes in destroying idioms and allusions

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People in the world always say that the emperor's power is unpredictable.

Under the sky, could it be the king's land? On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers? When the scholars, kings and ministers faced the emperor's family, they were always careful to figure out their words and deeds, fearing that they would be beheaded if they said the wrong thing.

.Just like the power of heaven is unpredictable, one dare not raise his head to take a look at the face of heaven.

Several princes came from imperial families and often lived in the palace. No matter how courteous and virtuous they were, they still carried the aura of divine power that said, "Under the whole world, there is nothing but royal soil."

But Jin'an is an exception.

When he first met the princes, he behaved calmly and calmly. He dared to look directly at the princes and talk to them. His eyes, expression, and conversation were all confident.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he came from that great era when everyone was like a dragon, and there were not many ideological shackles between the monarch and his ministers.

Or maybe he is a master of the three realms of Shinto and the confidence in strength brought by the martial arts immortal has made his thoughts flow smoothly and his state of mind has changed.

Or maybe it has something to do with the "Holy Art of Heavenly Demon" he practiced, day and night visualizing the Great Demon God Tuotian, the Holy King of the human race. The Demon God has an unyielding will, is unyielding, stands upright, dares to confront the mighty powers from outside the heavens, covers the sky with one hand, and is the Holy King of the human race.

His body is majestic, holding the heavens for eternity, like a demon and a god, and his divine power is majestic.

In short, when he first met the prince, he behaved extremely calmly. His calmness and calm demeanor, as if he were on an equal footing with the emperor's family, made everyone present surprised and looked at him more.

Uncle Lin also nodded lightly at Jin An's performance.

However, if Jin An's behavior is reasonable, the old Taoist priest also behaves neither humble nor overbearing, which is a big surprise.

Everyone looked at Jin'an and then at the old Taoist priests, and wondered what was going on with the Five Zang Taoist Temple. The power of God was unpredictable and the monarch and his ministers were restrained. It seemed that the Five Zang Taoist Temple suddenly became unworkable. Thinking that Taoist Master Chen had prayed for rain not long ago, he wondered whether it was Taoist Master Chen.

Is he also a well-hidden master?

The Shinto masters from Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion who were present all carefully observed the old Taoist priests, and it turned out that they were all little Qigong practitioners.

Strange and strange.

Unless the other party's cultivation level is so unpredictable that even they can't see it.

It was said that Mr. Fu Yin hosted the Feng Cleansing Banquet for the princes. In fact, several princes were at the main event today, and Mr. Fu Yin became a foil. It was obvious that several princes wanted to win over Jin An.

The guests chatted happily, and then the third prince ordered the old eunuch to let the accompanying royal chef serve the food.

The third prince, who is the oldest among the five princes, seems to occupy the dominant position in this southern tour of Jiangnan. Jin An looked at it and thought.

Next, everyone began to sit down one after another. Although the sky garden of the Royal Palace is not as luxurious as the wine pool and meat forest, Jin'an feels that it is not less generous. In addition to exotic flowers and plants, rare blood coral rockery, and jade pavilions, there are also many rare treasures.

Beasts are running around. In addition to white deer, golden monkeys, red-crowned cranes, green peacocks, white tigers and other rare and exotic beasts, there are also many exotic beasts, such as long-necked unicorns, horse-footed and four-cornered beasts...

Another example is the four different beasts that look like sheep and camels.

It’s just that when Jin An looked at the long-necked unicorn, he looked like a giraffe, and the unicorn looked like a kangaroo...

The four different beasts are like alpacas...

The level of luxury of this exotic animal garden is not much worse than that of the Wine Pond and the Meat Forest.

When everyone sat down at the white marble table, they were surrounded by exotic flowers, plants, and rare animals. Being in it felt like they were in the legendary fairy cave. The old Taoist priest was more interested in animals than princes and princesses, and was amazed by what they saw.

When everyone sat down, there was a beautiful palace maid waiting beside them, responsible for picking up food and pouring wine. Melon and fruit desserts were already prepared on the white marble table. The wine was Western red pulp chilled with ice stones in summer, and the fruit was Shanshan melon from the Western Regions chilled with ice stones in summer.

, the pastries are palace pastries, and they are all delicacies that the common people cannot afford.

Just because it was transported thousands of miles from the Western Regions and is not bad, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Shanshan melon is worth the same as gold. When he heard that the Shanshan melon was worth the same as gold, the old Taoist priest's eyes suddenly lit up and he quietly nudged Jin An with his elbow.


Jin An used his eyes to signal the old Taoist priest to calm down and not to disgrace our Five Zang Taoist Temple in front of the people of Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion.

The two of them already had a tacit understanding, and could understand what the other had to say with just one look.

During the banquet, Jin An and the old Taoist priest got acquainted with people from Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion one by one. Yujing Golden Tower sent two strong men from the Three Realms on this trip, one was Uncle Lin, and the other was

Xuan Lei Zhenren.

Xuan Lei, the real person, wears Taoist robes and a thunder pattern crown on his head. He has a rough face and a beard. His dark and rough face has a pair of bright copper bell eyes. He is a Shinto master who practices domineering thunder methods.

Zhenguo Temple is also led by two old monks who are profound in Buddhism, one is named Chan Jing and the other is named Jue Hai.

The Tianshi Mansion originally sent the most masters of the three realms, but now only two are dead. One calls himself Luo Tian, ​​and the other calls himself Mr. Mo.

Jin An has already noticed that these two people have two golden bells hanging on their waists, and they are both strong in the middle stage of the Three Realms.

The prince is patrolling the south on behalf of the emperor, and there are so many masters personally guarding him. No wonder Bulaoshan wants to lure these fleets away from Jiangzhou Prefecture.

I heard that the Five Zang Taoist Temple is the righteous one. Master Xuanlei is obviously the most enthusiastic about Jin An and the old Taoist priest. Real Thunder is fierce and does not understand twists and turns. This Master Xuanlei has a bold and enthusiastic temperament. He is very familiar with Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

They laughed and talked freely, saying that the world of Zhengyiyi is one family. Although the emergence of martial arts immortals in Taoism is not an exception, Zhenyiyi has the Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor, and Quanzhenjiao has the sword immortal Lu Dongbin, but they are all living ancestors of Taoism.

Jin'an was the first to prove the Tao through martial arts.

Faced with Master Xuan Lei's arrogance, Jin An was also quite fond of him. He discussed a few thunder techniques in simple and in-depth terms. When he heard that Jin An also practiced thunder techniques, Master Xuan Lei's big copper bell eyes showed joy and he laughed.

: "No wonder I felt like old friends with Taoist Jin An at the first sight. It turns out that Taoist Jin An also practices Thunder Technique. Good, good, good. The Thunder Technique is masculine and his heart is awe-inspiring and upright. I like Taoist Jin An.


At this time, Mr. Mo from the Tianshi Mansion raised his glass and toasted to Jin An: "I would like to congratulate Taoist Jin An on being crowned the Martial Arts Immortal. This reminds me of the Zhenwu Dang Mo Great Emperor. Taoist Jin An has an unlimited future. Time.

In the age of great strife, it is good news for me, Kangding, to be able to produce martial arts immortals. Speaking of feeling like old friends at first sight, I also had a chance encounter with Taoist Priest Jin'an. I remember that we had already met when we were at the government office."

What Mr. Mo was talking about was when he and the prince went to the government office to check the human-faced mirror and the human-faced statue that were brought ashore by the typhoon. However, at that time, Jin'an was not yet a martial arts immortal, although he had just broken through to the Shinto level.

He was in the third realm, but at that time he had just gone on a killing spree in the underworld. In order to guard against being visited by his enemies in the underworld seeking revenge, he kept a low profile and kept his aura low, and did not announce his true cultivation level to the outside world, so he was ignored like a passerby.

Therefore, Jin An would not be so naive as to think that the princes in front of him really loved the people and were approachable. All of this could be disguised.

Among the powerful people in the middle stage of the third realm of Tianshi Mansion who besieged him in the underworld, one of them visualized the Sixteen-faced God, and the other visualized the dragon-headed rain god Ji Meng. Jin An looked at the two of them, and the Sixteen-faced God

The spiritual cultivation is stronger than that of Ji Meng, the leading rain god, and his counterpart should be Luo Tian, ​​who has a stronger spirit. Ji Meng, the leading rain god, should be Mr. Mo.

Luo Tian's eagle eyes were as sharp as daggers, and his eyes were evil. He didn't look like a heavenly master who held a compass, practiced Feng Shui, and divined celestial phenomena. Instead, he looked like a ruthless character who competed for power.

Jin An: "What did Mr. Mo just say about meeting?"

Mr. Mo glanced at Jin An strangely, wondering if this was a deaf martial artist, but he still kept a smile on his face: "We felt like old friends at the first sight."

Jin An suddenly nodded: "It's like old friends at first sight, a four-character idiom, which means that when we first meet, we can talk like old friends, and we are like old acquaintances. The synonyms are love at first sight, love at first sight, and love at first sight; the antonyms are like strangers, treating as strangers, and strangers.



When Jin An said this, the bearded, tall and masculine Xuan Lei shook his wine glass and suddenly realized that he would never be able to look directly at the idiom of "feeling like old friends at first sight" in the future.

Mr. Mo looked at Jin An even more strangely, murmuring in his heart that this martial arts immortal is not only a little deaf, but also seems to be a little abnormal in his brain? Who fell in love with you at first sight! Jin An successfully ruined a four-character idiom!

Phew, several princesses were amused by Jin An's ruined idioms.

But what Jin An said next made Mr. Mo look unnatural. Jin An went on to say: "We are not familiar, we don't know each other, and we don't remember meeting each other. Therefore, Mr. Mo's word "feeling like old friends at first sight" is inappropriate here. We have always known each other.

We don’t know each other, so I can’t drink this toast.”

Jin'an spoke righteously and sternly.

Mr. Mo: "..."

Back in the government office, they regarded Jin An as nothing and ignored the existence of Jin An and several people. Now Jin An pretends not to recognize him in public, which is tantamount to slapping him in the face in public. In disguise, he is slapping the faces of all the Tianshi Mansion present. Tianshi Mansion

Everyone's expression looked unnatural.

Although he was rejected by Jin An in public, he felt a little embarrassed about his face, but somehow, Mr. Mo felt relaxed in his heart. Fortunately, I didn't hit it off with Taoist Jin An.

Breathing a sigh of relief after seeing a ghost!

Not only was Master Xuan Lei unable to look directly at the "feeling like an old friend at first sight", but Mr. Mo found that he could no longer look directly at the "feeling like an old friend at first sight"!

At this time, even several princes looked at Jin'an in confusion. Fortunately, Taoist priest Jin'an was not in the capital where scholars and scholar-bureaucrats gathered all over the world. If Jin An, who specializes in destroying idioms and allusions, was placed in the capital, it would be poking a hornet's nest and he would be punished.

Scholars and scholar-bureaucrats from all over the world surrounded the Taoist temple.

What are the most common words on the lips of scholars when they meet and greet each other?

"I felt like old friends at first sight with brother Zishen."

"I felt like old friends at first sight with Brother Ziyi."

"I fell in love with Brother Haoyang as soon as I met him, and I regret meeting him too late."

They didn't think anything of it before, but today when Jin An explained it, it turned into "falling in love at first sight with brother Zishen", "falling in love with brother Ziyi at first sight", "falling in love with brother Haoyang at first sight and hating how late they met". They couldn't bear to look at it.

Even Uncle Lin couldn't help but roll his eyes at Jin An.

This chapter has been completed!
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