Chapter 919 Old Taoist Priest: He is really as big as his grandma

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The news of Jin'an's safe recovery soon spread throughout the city, and the Five Zang Taoist Temple was naturally a lively scene. People crowded into Yongle Square and wanted to see Jin'an with their own eyes.

Even Mr. Fu Yin immediately put down his official duties and came to see Jin An to express his gratitude in person, thanking Jin An for sacrificing himself for others and saving hundreds of thousands of people in the city from the danger of fire and water.

During this period, Jin'an also expressed his gratitude to the pilgrims and thanked everyone for their concern.

Just when Jin'an and Mr. Fu Yin were secretly discussing the follow-up treatment of Sanxian Temple, a government official hurriedly came to Wu Zang Taoist Temple to find Mr. Fu Yin. The Shenzhou fleet that had gone to sea had returned, and the government officials had already gone to the port to greet the princes and princesses.

We have gone, now we have to send Mr. Fu Yin.

As soon as he heard that the princes' fleet was returning to the port, it was a major event and the etiquette between the monarch and his ministers could not be delayed. Lord Fu Yin hurriedly ended the conversation, got into the carriage and went straight to the port.

Watching Mr. Fu Yin leading the people away from the Taoist temple, the old Taoist priest came over and whispered: "Little brother, do you think the fleet has found the Shaoyang Bureau of Duan Tian Jue Di this time?"

Jin An glanced at the old Taoist priest: "You are not asking knowingly."

Bulaoshan used false clues to deliberately lure away many masters of the Three Realms who went south to the south with the princes. This search for the Shaoyang Bureau was destined to be fruitless.

After saying that, Jin An easily jumped up to the roof, his figure as straight as a sword, looking towards the port.

In the direction of the port, masts are like weaving, royal dragon flags are like forests, and several giant ships are escorting the royal Shenzhou to the port safely. The port is crowded with people, and there is a large area of ​​darkness. They are the military attachés, naval generals, and civil servants of Jiangzhou Prefecture.

The port welcomes the safe return of the Royal Fleet.

"Have you seen the fleet, little brother? Have you seen Boss Lin?" The old Taoist stretched his neck and asked Jin An who was standing on the roof.

"Old Taoist, aren't you asking questions knowingly?" Jin An answered the same question again.

Fucheng has a permanent population of 100,000, and the city is bustling with endless sight. Yongle Fang is still some distance from the port. It is definitely impossible to see everyone’s face clearly from such a distance. What Jin An means by this is that the old man

Isn't what the Taoist asked nonsense?

Old Taoist priest: "Huh?"

The old Taoist priest who liked to join in the fun took a bamboo ladder and climbed up to the roof, and accompanied Jin An to look toward the port.

Although this was not the first time he saw the Royal Shenzhou and other huge fleets from the capital, the old Taoist priest still sighed when he saw the fleet docking at the port: "It's really as big as grandma's!"

Then he turned to look at Jin An: "Little brother, you said that the fleet returned so quickly after just over a month at sea. Could it be related to the fact that you killed so many masters of Tianshi Mansion in the underworld? You forced the fleet to return early and did not dare to return.

Rushing to find the Shaoyang Bureau."

Jin'an looked at the fleet in the distance and pondered.

In that underworld siege to kill him, all the masters of the third realm who had newly broken through in the Tianshi Mansion were completely destroyed, and only two middle-level masters of the third realm were left alive to return to the sun. He had expected a long time ago that such a big incident would happen to the fleet.

If so many masters died at once, the plan should be canceled in advance and return early.

The more people reach that level, the more they understand the dangers of the Four Symbols Bureau.

But there was one thing that Jin An didn't expect.

With such a big event happening in Fucheng, he would definitely not be able to hide the matter of Zhan Yuxian, nor could he hide the matter of his becoming a martial arts immortal. In his expectation, the fleet would have to set aside at least one day to deal with the matter, and the fastest would be

He will come to his door tomorrow. Unexpectedly, he received an invitation not long after the fleet docked at the port. Lord Fu Yin held a reception banquet. The prince and princess, Jade Capital Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion jointly invited him to attend the banquet.

Jin An accepted the invitation and told the visitor that he would come tonight as promised.

When the old Taoist priest heard that there was a dinner party, he wanted to join in the fun and wanted to have a banquet with him. But when he heard that he was going to sit at the same table with so many important people, he didn't say a word about having a banquet.

There are a lot of rules when dining with big shots, which can be summed up in three words: not fun.

However, this matter could not be decided by the old Taoist priest's consent. To attend a boring dinner like a banquet, he had to bring an acquaintance to accompany him to talk, so Jin An planned to force the old Taoist priest to accompany him to the banquet.

At night, a carriage slowly stopped at the entrance of Wuzang Taoist Temple, and he got familiar with the figure getting out of the carriage.

"Uncle Lin."

"Boss Lin."

Jin An, who was forcing the old Taoist priest to attend the banquet, and the old Taoist priest both shouted in surprise.

Uncle Lin looked Jin An up and down, and when he saw that Jin An was doing well, he smiled, nodded and said two words: "Not bad."

Then he explained the purpose of his visit: "I heard, Taoist Master Jin'an, that you have successfully found Uncle Yuyangzi, so I made a special trip to see my old friend."

"I have one more thing to do here this time. Because the city has just suffered a flood, it is not convenient to hold a banquet to receive so many people, so I temporarily changed the location to Shenzhou. The third prince said that Taoist Jin'an, you are a martial artist and immortal, and you are an honored guest.

, I specially asked the royal chef brought from the capital to show off his cooking skills to entertain you. I happened to be visiting the Five Zang Taoist Temple, so I came to pick you up."

I heard that the owner of the coffin shop in Wuzhou Prefecture was back, and that his old friend came to visit him in person. Uncle Yuyangzi, who was teaching his apprentices to practice, came out to greet Uncle Lin. However, he had to attend a banquet, so he didn't reminisce for long.

An and the old Taoist priest got into the carriage and headed to Shenzhou for the banquet.

Originally, the old Taoist priest was reluctant to go to the banquet. When he heard that the banquet was held at the Royal Shenzhou, the old Taoist priest's eyes suddenly lit up and he became energetic. This time, Jin An did not need to force him to take him with him. The old Taoist priest was already running around.

He got on the carriage and refused to get off even if he said anything.

Ordinary people are lucky enough to be able to watch the royal family's Shenzhou from a distance in their lifetime. How can they have the opportunity to watch it up close, let alone board the Shenzhou in person?

Even the Kangding Kingdom, a country with a vast territory, abundant products, and a kingdom in heaven, devoted all its efforts to build only less than a palm's worth of divine boats. All of them were firmly controlled by the royal family. How could ordinary people see these divine boats often.

Shenzhou is so big that pigs can be raised, brewed, farmed, and markets can be opened in the cabin. It is not an exaggeration to say that a small city can be directly stuffed into the cabin. Shenzhou is a huge fortress on the sea.

As soon as Shenzhou was mentioned, the old Taoist priest became very interested and kept talking non-stop along the way. While asking Uncle Lin about the details of this sea trip, he kept asking about Shenzhou.

As expected, everything went wrong this time when we went to sea. Not only did we not find any clues about the Four Symbols Bureau of Duantianjiedi, but many masters from the Tianshi Mansion died for no apparent reason, so the fleet was forced to return early to rest.

And Jin An also briefly explained the conspiracy of Bulao Mountain, and Uncle Lin looked thoughtful.

Da da da.

The carriage passed various inspections and arrived at the port unimpeded. Looking up at the huge ship with bright lights at a close distance, as bright as day, the old Taoist priest's neck ached from looking up at it. Finally, he let out a heartfelt sigh: "It's really his grandma's."

so big!"


The old Taoist priest who had just finished his emotion suddenly turned his head back and forth and looked around nervously.

Looking at the old Taoist priest who suddenly became nervous, Jin An looked over curiously: "Old Taoist priest, what's wrong with you?"

The old Taoist priest said nervously: "Little brother, have you noticed that there is a sudden chill in your back?"

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest inexplicably.

As a master of the three realms of Yujing and Jinque who accompanied this southern tour, Uncle Lin had an extraordinary position in the Shenzhou. With Uncle Lin leading the way, Jin'an and the old Taoist priests enjoyed privileges along the way and did not need to be searched to board the royal Shenzhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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