Chapter 1583: Borrowing troops from Yao Qinduan

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Cui Hong shook his head: "It's not that we betrayed the Lu family, but that the Lu family betrayed us. Lu Xun joined the Tao of Heavenly Masters and used the power of religion to form an army with various terrible drugs and machine skills. He is no longer the in-laws we used to be.

The Lu family, even Shi Hu, the most barbaric and cruel Hu, knew not to try to control the power of the Han people, but to recognize its privileges in Wubao and the manor, and implement trusteeship and division. This is also the situation of the northern Han Dynasty in the hundreds of years since the Yongjia Rebellion.

The way to coexist."

"But what the Lu family wants is a religious world where everyone has no thoughts of his own and completely obeys the orders of the leader. This is something we must never follow. When they started the army, they also came to us, with the condition that we, the Cui family's nephews,

How is it possible for everyone to join the Tianshi Dao? Moreover, Lu Xun wanted to seize power in the south of the Yangtze River. This land in Hebei was not valued. After thinking about it, our Cui family decided to separate from the Lu family and switch to our real Ming master, that is

The Tuoba family belongs to the Wei Kingdom."

Tuoba Gui smiled and said: "Isn't Murong Chui the Master of the Ming Dynasty?"

Cui Hong sneered: "Murong Chui is a heroic leader, but he is by no means a clear leader. He tolerated it for many years, and finally raised an army, and used all the shady agencies to plot. Although the restoration of the country was successful, it also left huge hidden dangers. His

Those sons are also fighting for power and gain. Now he cannot be completely suppressed while he is alive, not to mention that there will be chaos after death. Moreover, the people of Hebei were originally able to recuperate and recuperate for many years under the rule of the former Qin Dynasty, but Murong Chui wanted to restore the country.

The war in Hebei has been going on for ten years, and the people of Hebei have been suffering from the Murong family for a long time. They are eagerly waiting for the king's rescue, but they are afraid that when Murong Chui dies, it will be the day when the Central Plains of Hebei will change."

Tuoba Gui's eyes flashed coldly: "Since you refuse to surrender to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, do you think that I am the master of the Ming Dynasty? Unfortunately, although I also have the ambition to conquer the Central Plains, my subordinates are all prairie men. You

You can’t learn the ways of the Central Plains. If we, the men who have been nomadic for thousands of years, learn to farm like you Han people, it will be even more uncomfortable than killing us."

Cui Hong smiled slightly: "As long as the king has the ambition to take over the Central Plains, it will be easy to handle. This kind of customs and education are not as difficult as imagined. As long as the force of the tribe is guaranteed, the barbarians can be used as soldiers.

The Han people cultivated the land and did not interfere with each other. They each kept their own duties. Later, they gradually dispersed and intermarried more, and they became a family. However, these are things for later. The top priority is to defeat the current Murong Yan army. If this

If we can't withstand it for the first time, and we can't even save the Loop, then it's all over, and there's no hope for the future."

Tuoba Gui nodded: "Thanks to Mr. Cui for keeping an eye on He Lanmin this time. She is a hidden traitor. Although I am reluctant to let go, I must get rid of her. Otherwise, it will be too dangerous."

Cui Hong shook his head: "The military manual of the Central Plains says that the best way to deal with spies is to use them for counterinsurgency. Behind Princess Helan is the entire Helan tribe. We have no clear evidence to prove that she colluded with Murong Lin. If

Capturing it and killing it for no reason may make people think that you are looking for an excuse to cleanse the Helan tribe and eliminate dissidents. In this way, those tribes that are newly conquered and submitted to the king will probably have dissatisfaction.


Tuoba Gui frowned: "Then I will excuse the Helan tribe's heavy losses and let them stay away, and Helanmin will follow Shao'er and follow the Helan tribe's actions, and let them go after worshiping the gods in two days.

, we can no longer let He Lanmin find out our military secrets and leak them to Yan Jun."

Cui Hong said sternly: "I just said that the best way to counterattack is to use spies to deliver false information, and He Lanmin's best role is also here. Now as long as the ferry is guarded, the Yan army will not be able to cross the Yellow River, except for Murong Lin.

Apart from wanting to kill you, I don’t think the other people have this ambition. Murong Bao has already made great gains in Monan, and his military exploits are enough. Murong Nong, Murong Long and the others have also captured a large number of cattle, sheep, and Dingkou, which is enough.

To enrich their own strength, Murong Chui really can't afford to be sick now, otherwise he would have gone to the front line a long time ago. These princes are all focusing on the throne in the rear. How can they stay here for a long time?

In two months, the Yan army will retreat. At that time, the king can mobilize his iron cavalry to chase and kill them for thousands of miles and completely destroy this Yan army!"

Tuoba Gui's heart suddenly moved: "Completely annihilate this Yan army? God, I don't even dare to think so. Sir, are you really so sure?"

Cui Hong smiled slightly: "If we are to compete for strength, it is absolutely impossible. Even if the Yan army retreats, our army will not be able to defeat it. We can only follow and pursue, and at most we will capture some stragglers. But although the Yan army is strong, it will not be defeated."

The order sent out many armies, the princes were not convinced by each other, and Murong De was unable to control everyone. This gave us an opportunity to take advantage of. As long as they can rush back to the Yan Kingdom, no one will be able to stop them, and there will be no negotiation.

Regardless of the cover, no matter how strong the army is, if it is messed up and without basic marching alert, it will be no different from a lamb to be slaughtered. Therefore, what the king has to do is to find a way to make the Yan army retreat, and let them

Rush to retreat."

Tuoba Gui nodded with satisfaction: "To make the Yan army scramble to retreat without even cover, there is only one way, which is to go back and seize the throne. Mr. Cui, this time you accurately provided me with the intelligence of Murong Chui's attack on Xi Yan.

The departure of each army, the generals, and the marching route are all exactly the same. It shows how powerful you are in Hebei. I really need your ability. Now, can you help me block all the connections between Zhongshan where Murong Chui is and the front?


Cui Hong nodded: "This is not difficult. After Murong Chui returned to Yecheng, he was worried and thought about the front line. However, he fell ill when he reached Zhongshan. Now he can only cross the Taihang Mountains to Jinyang by messenger every day, and then return to Jinyang.

To Pingcheng, then to Shengle, and finally to the front line of Wuyuan, a journey of three to four thousand miles. Their messenger eagles did not know the terrain of the grasslands and could only convey messages by riding horses. This gave us an opportunity. In the Eighth Route of Taihang, there were many

My dead soldiers, as well as the Yan Army's message transmission route, are also under my control. Within a month, I can prevent any news from Zhongshan from reaching the front."

Tuoba Gui laughed and said: "Very good, very good. However, it is not enough to just prevent the news from the rear. There must be another one to make them lose the confidence to defeat the front. They must also prevent the Yan army from jumping over the wall and directly concentrate their troops to force the way.

, Therefore, I intend to borrow troops from Yao Chang of the Later Qin Dynasty, and use the 10,000 horses captured just after defeating Liu Weichen as a gift, and ask him to send 20,000 troops to Hetao to jointly defend the Yan army."

Cui Hong frowned: "The two Qin are in stalemate, I'm afraid Yao Chang won't send troops."


This chapter has been completed!
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