Chapter 1584: The King is knowledgeable in discussing military matters.

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Tuoba Gui's eyes flashed coldly: "Believe me, Yao Chang will definitely send troops here. Mr. Cui, Mr. Xu Qianxu, whom you recommended last time, is eloquent and a genius in diplomacy. He was sent as envoy to Later Qin.

It has to be him. And, as you said, let He Lanmin and everyone in our army know that Hou Qin's reinforcements will be here soon!"

Jiankang, Gongcheng, Liangyi Hall.

Sima Yao stood in front of a huge sand table, which was more than three feet in diameter. Compared with the one in the Ministry of War, it was obviously at least three times larger. Similarly, this was the latest battle map on the grassland, and it was densely covered in the Yellow River.

Along the line, there are military horses of different colors from both sides, especially at Mosong Ferry where the river meanders, there are groups of soldiers and villains, and groups of Trojan horse riders. Opposite across the river, there are different colors of horses from Wei and Yan.

Big flag.

Sima Yao looked at Liu Yu, who was wearing a military uniform and standing in front of the sand table with empty hands, and smiled slightly: "Sergeant Liu, these days, I heard that you are discussing the war on the front line with the guardsmen every day after duty. I just said today

I listened to a military discussion in the palace, and now I want to hear what you have to say."

Since Liu Yu entered the palace, he has never had a clear military rank. That is to say, the day before yesterday, he was assigned the rank of Sergeant Yulin. He is a mid-level and lower-ranking officer half a level lower than Zhu Lingshi, Wang Yuanling and their Zhige team chiefs.

, but the advantage is that he can be on duty in the palace and have direct contact with the emperor at all times. It can be said that he has a low position and a high position. It can be seen that Sima Yao specially arranged this and put some thought into it. He wanted to quell the dissatisfaction of the family and not give Liu Yu too high a military position.

He has a job and can see him all the time.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Since there are generals and important ministers who have expressed their high opinions in front of His Majesty, and their humble position is just a sergeant, how dare they talk nonsense again. Your Majesty does not need to take seriously some of the lies he said when chatting with the sergeants."

Sima Shangzhi, the commander-in-chief of the Suwei Army, who was dressed in gorgeous armor and general robes, said coldly: "Sergeant Liu, everyone knows your ability and your military talent, so there is no need to be so modest. Your Majesty is now facing

I am very interested in the battle of Wei and Yan. In the main hall, the ministers have different opinions and they all hold their own opinions. Your Majesty is also difficult to judge for a while. You have been fighting for many years, especially the Tuoba clan Wei State on the grassland, and you know it very well. I am afraid that the entire country

There is no one in Jin who is more familiar with the inner workings of the grassland than you, so Your Majesty wants to listen to your opinion, so just speak frankly."

Liu Yu glanced at Sima Shangzhi. Ever since he joined the Guards, his immediate boss had ignored him and never met him. It was not until the day before yesterday when he was awarded Sergeant Yulin that he called him over to announce his appointment. After reading

After the edict, he let himself leave without even a word of encouragement. Obviously, this clan prince, who had always been inseparable from Sima Daozi and the royal treasures, did not like him, especially now that he had joined the Su Wei Army, and

Winning the emperor's favor also posed a threat to his position.

Liu Yu cleared his throat and said sternly: "Since General Sima said this, I can only say a word about my humble position. Now the two armies are at a stalemate in the Mosongdu area of ​​Hequ. In total, nearly 200,000 troops have gathered here to attack Yan.

The army is a great disadvantage."

Sima Yao softly said "Oh": "Why is it disadvantageous to the Yan army? Since it is a stalemate, it is the same for both sides. The Yan army is also dominated by cavalry. It is not like our Han army in the Central Plains.

Let’s stick to the grain road at the back.”

Liu Yu nodded: "That's true, but barbarians on the grasslands also need supplies when fighting. After all, it's impossible not to eat. It's just that our Han army needs to transport rice from the rear to the front. This transportation route,

It's called the food road, and the barbarian cavalry is highly mobile. They don't eat much grains, but mainly eat beef and mutton. The meat can be made into jerky and dried meat, which they can carry with them, plus dry food, cheese, etc.

The elite troops can carry these rations for twenty days to about a month. Any longer than that and they will either rob or retreat, so one month is the limit of the Hu cavalry's combat capabilities."

Sima Yao had never heard of such a strategy before, and his eyes were gleaming: "This month must also include the time to go back and forth. So, there are only a few days left for the front battle? But why can the Hu cavalry come here in the Central Plains?

Without a trace, it seems that you are not bound by the supply and food routes at all?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "Because when they fight, they don't just send out cavalry, but also send out tribes. The old and weak, women and children stay in the tribe, herding cattle and sheep. The cattle and sheep are their food and crops. Generally speaking, tribes will

Three hundred to five hundred miles away from the front line to avoid the opponent's attack. Therefore, any nomadic tribes dispatched like this will definitely find their main camp within a few hundred miles behind. This is their mobile city and walking crops.

This is also the root of their protracted war.”

"Once the war goes unfavorably, the tribes will flee first and the army will cover them. Once the war goes well, the prisoners and loot will be transported to the tribes in the rear and become their own. The reason why the humble position is not good for the Yan army is because there are people on the Hetao grassland.

There are a large number of Tuoba Wei tribes, so they won’t have to worry about supplies.”

"After the Yan army entered the Central Plains, it no longer had this kind of tribal military system. When fighting in the Central Plains, they relied on food and grass. When fighting on the grasslands, they relied on servant tribes to provide supplies. In the past, the tribes of the Tuoba clan provided supplies, but now

, the two countries fought, and Tuoba Gui strengthened the walls and cleared the country all the way. Although the Yan army made some gains in Monan, it was not enough to support a hundred thousand cavalry for a long-term battle."

"In addition, where the river meanders, the Hetao grassland in the south is rich in water and grass, but the area in the north is desolate, with no grass or trees on the mountains. The cattle and sheep captured by the Murong family cannot graze here, nor can they provide long-term supplies. Therefore,

From a military perspective, if they cannot break through the Yellow River defense line and enter the Hetao within a month, the Yan army will retreat!"

Sima Yao nodded repeatedly after hearing this. It was not until Liu Yu finished speaking that he sighed: "I didn't expect these barbarians to fight like this. In other words, fighting on the grassland retained the backward and primitive tribal form of Tuoba Wei.

, On the contrary, it has an advantage. This is really completely different from what I heard in the palace. Almost all the courtiers believed that the Yan army would soon break through the Hequ defense line, and Tuoba Gui, who had lost the Yinshan Khan Court, would

The people have betrayed their relatives and left, so they can be captured and killed by their subordinates to show their merits to the State of Yan."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Tuoba Gui took the initiative to abandon the Yinshan Khan Camp instead of being defeated. He suffered heavy losses and abandoned his tribe. In addition to the losses of some servant tribes in Monan, his headquarters also has several important core servants.

The strength of the tribe is intact, and its strength has even increased because of the elimination of Liu Weichen and the annexation of his tribesmen. The tribes who followed him to Hetao have all benefited, so how can they rebel?"


This chapter has been completed!
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