Chapter 1579: The north wind turns south and the outcome is easy

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Tuoba Gui knelt on the ground opposite, more than a mile offshore. His eyes were closed tightly. He didn't need to look at the battle ahead. He could tell by listening to the sound of the wind. The sound of arrows piercing the air was endless, accompanied by the roughness of Tuoba soldiers.

However, the strong north wind howled, and even with the momentum and speed of the war horses, the arrows that were forcibly shot only hit the armor of the Yan Army soldiers, making a clanking sound. Obviously, even

These armors cannot penetrate, let alone shoot into the ferry boats more than 20 steps behind these Yan troops.

A line of tears fell from Tuoba Gui's eyes, and he murmured: "God of Immortality, are you really going to abandon us?"

Suddenly, a ray of sun pierced the earth, and the north wind that was strong just now turned into a fierce south wind in the blink of an eye. The north wind that was blowing in front of him, almost making Tuoba Gui unable to open his eyes, was instantly completed.

He made a 180-degree turn, and the wind was so strong that it almost blew his whole body up. He was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from the ground and roared with all his strength: "

The south wind is blowing, rockets, rockets, attack the ferry!"

At this moment, the second batch of ferries that were about to arrive and the first batch of ferries that were retreating collided with each other because of the strong south wind. More than thirty canoes and sheepskin rafts were separated by less than a hundred.

At least six or seven boats collided with each other along the river bank. They overturned immediately. The boats filled with heavily armored soldiers were submerged into the Yellow River in an instant like blocks played by children, while the soldiers were covered with blood.

The armor, now becoming something that could kill them, fell into the water more than ten steps away from the shore. They didn't even have time to raise their hands out of the water to struggle and call for help. They were hit by waves one after another and disappeared in an instant.

It rained continuously all night. As the strange wind suddenly turned, the originally calm water surface suddenly became turbulent. It was like a flood was released upstream, and the flow speed suddenly became much faster. The originally smooth river surface was filled with waves.

Then another wave.

Even those ferries that did not collide with each other became uncontrollable due to the sudden acceleration of the flow. Some helmsmen tried hard to control the stern rudder, but in vain, even because of excessive force, and they were monks halfway.

Instead, more than ten of the temporary helmsmen fell into the Yellow River and were washed away without a trace. Without the helmsmen, these ferries could only spin in the river, allowing the sergeants on board to fight desperately.

Trying to control and stabilize it is in vain.

On the north bank of the Yellow River, more than ten ferries and six or seven sheepskin rafts that were preparing to set off were blown back by the strong south wind. The sergeants on board felt like they had lost their lives and no longer wanted to stay on board.

Even if he was on the bed for just a second, he jumped out and lay down on the ground, refusing to get up again, as if he had lost his life.

Murong Lin had no time to take care of the soldiers who had fled back. His eyes were burning with fire, not because of anger, but because that was the scene on the other side of the river bank.

Hundreds of burning rockets flew out from the hands of Tuoba Yi and others, and along with their cheerful shouts, they drew curves one after another, leaving large and long arc trajectories in the sky.

After that, it flew a distance of more than 150 steps and landed steadily among the wooden boats that were smashed together and huddled together about ten steps away from the river bank.

While Tuoba Yi laughed, he kept pulling out long wolf fang arrows from his quiver. These specially made rockets have arrows coated with sulfur, saltpeter, wolf dung and other igniting substances. As long as they look like

As they are now, when they draw a piece of special sand leather on the left sleeve armor, the arrow will shoot up a burst of fireballs. Together with the beef and mutton oil on the arrow, although it is not the kind of long-lasting fire caused by the black demon water.

The endless fire can still ignite when it encounters wood. As the top Khan Guards, these wolf cavalry are all skilled in combat. In less than a minute, each of them shot more than fifteen arrows.

, turned the ferries on the shore into a sea of ​​fire. Even the soldiers who were lucky enough not to fall into the water just now screamed and howled in the sea of ​​fire, and then followed these burning boats and sank into the rolling sea.

In the rapids.

Mu Yuba's eyes turned red, and he shouted: "Disperse the formation, disperse the formation, kill them, we can't let them shoot rockets anymore!"

As he spoke, he was the first one to rush out of the hedgehog formation beside him, holding the long spear in his hand and shouting forward. The other soldiers of the Yan Army also rushed forward. At this time, they were already

There is no formation to speak of, and there is not even a clear combat target. More than half of the people have eyes full of fear. The remaining less than half of the people also know that this rush out will not be physiological.

, neither could he save the ship in the sea of ​​fire behind him, nor could he stop the Tuobalang cavalry who were launching rockets in front of them. The suicidal charge may be the last instinct of a soldier.

These officers and soldiers of the Yan Army were wearing heavy armor, and many of them had several arrows stuck in their armor leaves. When the north wind was strong just now, these arrows could not penetrate the armor, and the river bank was bare and without weeds.

There was no need to worry about fire attacks, but after rushing out for more than ten steps, they got into a piece of waist-high grass. They were covered in thick armor, which also seriously affected their running speed. It was between this mentality and

Under the double fatigue of their bodies, their running speed began to drop severely, and they gasped for breath.

Tuoba Yi shook his head and stopped the rocket in his hand, because all the ferries on the river bank had caught fire and sunk, leaving only a flame burning on the river, and even the screams were gradually drowned in the wind.

However, it was the Yan Army soldiers who were about a hundred steps or so in front of them. The sound of the armor leaves hitting each other and the sound of gasping when running could be clearly heard. Tuoba Yi curled up his lips and said, "You are all excellent warriors.

If we are destined to be together in the next life, I, Tuoba Yi, will be happy to be your brothers, but now, let me see you off on your last journey."

He winked to the left and right, and the surrounding wolf cavalry understood what they were doing. They lit their rockets and fired directly at the half-human-high grassland in front of them without aiming at the Yan army soldiers. Soon, this piece of withered grass

On the plain, flames shot up into the sky, and the screams of the Yan army soldiers were heard. Mu Yuba's last roar could be vaguely heard: "Young men, follow me to kill the thieves, kill the thieves, kill...


That majestic figure, carrying the raging fire, rushed left and right in the fire scene. The flames fluttering on his body made him no longer know where he was and his direction. Finally, he was less than twenty steps away from the fire scene.

He fell down where he was, and continued to crawl forward twice, but didn't move.

This chapter has been completed!
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