Chapter 3252 Alan wants to be a ally under the city

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The muscles on Wang Mengzi's face twitched, but he did not reply immediately. After all, he just relied on his enthusiasm to ask for a fight, but now thinking about the difficult situation he will face in a while, he has fought many battles with Liu Jingxuan and has seen a lot. Even in such a big scene, he began to calm down.

Xiang Mi looked at Wang Mengzi and sighed: "You are Brother Ashou's favorite general, and he has raised him since childhood. In this attack on the city, Brother Ashou is the commander-in-chief of the Nancheng direction. You cannot be like before. He went out to fight in person like that, but he put you here and even gave you his general flag, which shows that he attaches great importance and love to you. I can understand his mood. He thinks that you can make contributions and give him credit, but more importantly I don’t want you to get hurt, Brother Mengzi, I think you still..."

Wang Mengzi suddenly gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Stop talking, Brother Tieniu, I can't embarrass Brother Ashou. I've conquered this city wall, but you must respond to us as soon as possible, as long as I have breath , it will give the army a bloody path to the city!"

Xiang Mi nodded excitedly: "Okay, you are such a good man. Brother Ashou saw you right. Then you and your men will change your clothes immediately, pretend to be Shen Gong and the others, and follow Shen Gong and the others to move the sandbags. Don't attract the attention of the defenders. When the sandbags and earthbags are piled up to three feet high, they will be only two feet away from the top of the city. At this time, you can either use a ladder or use a rope to hook up to the city. Remember, you must If you are too late, you will definitely cut off the ropes for the defenders on the city, and then you will have failed!"

Wang Mengzi said seriously: "Brother Tieniu, just watch it!" He said, turned around and said in a deep voice to the swordsmen behind him: "Everyone, listen up, now take off your armor and pretend to be As if you were a soldier or civilian, follow me to carry sandbags and earthbags. You only bring close-fitting short weapons and rope hooks. When you get there, follow my command. If you are afraid of death, you don't have to go."

As he spoke, he turned around and ran towards the city gate, taking off his armor as he ran. The more than a hundred strong swordsmen behind him glanced at each other, and all followed his same action, taking off their armor. A stepped forward and ran toward the city gate.

In the south city, at the head of the city, in a collapsed and inconspicuous wooden shed, Helan Lu was dressed like a soldier, sitting cross-legged on the ground coldly, arrows making a "swishing" sound, and shooting from his head from time to time. Passing through the top and side, even the collapsed wooden pillars of the wooden shed he was in were covered with arrows. From time to time, some flying stones would fly everywhere. A few guards holding shields, He knelt down in front of him and put up his shield, setting up a temporary barrier in front of him. Through the gap in the shield, he could clearly see every move within three hundred steps of the city.

Murong Lan's voice sounded from behind him: "Master Helan, you are quite calm and composed here. This is somewhat similar to my brother."

He Lanlu did not look back, and said calmly: "There are at least three of your brothers who know how to fight. Which one are you talking about? King Murong Ke of Taiyuan, Emperor Murong Chui of Later Yan, or Murong Beide, the late emperor of Nan Yan? "

Murong Lan walked to Helan Lu. At this moment, she was already covered in black armor. On top of the silver helmet, bright red tassels fluttered in the wind, like burning flames. Matching her stunning appearance, Revealing an indescribable heroic demeanor, the long soul-stealing rope was tied around her waist, and the two snowflake and mandarin duck swords were crossed behind her waist. These were the weapons that Murong Lan wielded in the world and made people fearful.

Murong Lan looked at Helan Lu and sighed softly: "Master Helan, your cousin, Helan Harimu, also a famous general of the Helan tribe, has died heroically in the East City. This news...


The corner of Helan Lu's mouth twitched, then he shook his head and said: "This is his honor. We Helan tribesmen have always been proud of dying on the battlefield and ashamed of dying on the bed of old age. Halimu is my cousin.

He is also my best comrade-in-arms, and he is worthy of our ancestors."

Murong Lan nodded: "General Harimu used his own life to block the crazy attack of Zhuge Changmin's troops of the Jin army, and finally died together with the enemy's attacking troops at the top of the city. There is no need to worry about the east city for the time being, but it is the south city.

The Jin army's offensive is getting stronger and stronger, and the Imperial Master is afraid that you might make a mistake here, so I asked you to come over and take a look."

He Lanlu curled up his lips and said, "I can still hold on here, so please don't worry about the Imperial Master and Princess Lan. I'm afraid you have something else to do if you come alone like this."

Murong Lan frowned slightly, looked at the guards around Helan Lu, and said, "The protection here is quite good. The ones accompanying you at this time are probably your most loyal subordinates."

Helan Lu shook his head and said to the surrounding guards: "You guys step aside for now. Princess Lan and I have something important to discuss."

More than a dozen shield-wielding guards bowed and retreated, scattering out of the wooden shed. Within a radius of more than twenty steps, these two were the only ones left. Helan Lu sighed softly: "It was Minmin who asked you to come.


Murong Lan said seriously: "She didn't say anything to me, but my child is in her hands now. Maybe the black robe is treating him as a hostage and wants to blackmail me. To be honest, I don't like this feeling. But

In my opinion, you Helan brothers and sisters have always left a way out for you, and this time, I want to know your real plans."

Helan Lu said calmly: "Plan? At this point, what else can we plan? We have no choice but to fight to the death. Besides, you just said that Harimu died at the hands of the Jin army. I should

It’s my brother’s, shouldn’t I avenge him?”

Murong Lan shook her head: "Helan Lu, don't be wary of me. I am not a person in black robe. I am the princess of Dayan. I am responsible for the future of Dayan. Now, I just want to ask you, if

I want to make an alliance with Liu Yu under the city in exchange for his promise to protect our army and people in Dayan, can you make it easier for me?"

Helan Lu's expression changed slightly, and she turned to look at Murong Lan: "Princess Lan, are you kidding me? The war is like this, with both sides fighting to the death, how could you possibly sign an alliance under the city?

Even if I am willing to let you out, how can the Jin army outside the city just give up?"

Murong Lan pointed to the front of the city gate, a hundred steps away, at the tall and burly figure like a hill: "Did you see that, that's Xiang Mi. This Tieniu has an extraordinary friendship with me. He also treats me, my sister-in-law, with great respect.

, as long as I can get in front of him, I believe he will lead me to see Liu Yu."

This chapter has been completed!
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