Chapter 3257: Golden Soup and Iron Juice Poison Killer

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Helan Lu gritted his teeth. He turned his head and saw under the inner wall, on top of more than thirty large stoves, a large iron pot four to five feet square. The pot was steaming and flowing with red liquid.

, like magma, the scorching temperature can be felt even from the top of the city that is dozens of steps away and three to four feet high. It turns out that what is contained in these pots is the extremely high temperature used in blacksmithing.

The molten pig iron turned into molten iron. However, the molten iron was not used to forge weapons, but was prepared to be used raw to splash the enemy troops attacking the city when defending the city.

There were even some people carrying burdens, wearing masks and covering their mouths and noses tightly. Along the way, everyone would frown. Only a few mosquitoes and flies were still around them at a distance of more than ten steps from them.

Flying around with them, especially those carrying heavy loads.

A civilian worker carried the load to a large pot of molten iron. Several sergeants who were stirring the pot with wooden spoons suddenly frowned. They moved a few steps to the side intentionally or unintentionally, and stood there.

Beside the pot, a sweaty officer covered his nose and shouted: "Hurry up, it's disgusting!"

The farmer muttered: "I can't stand it now, I just took the road." As he said this, he removed the burden from his shoulders, lifted a bucket, opened the lid, and felt a stench coming to his nostrils, and

Everyone covered their noses and retreated. It turned out that what was floating in this bucket was all yellow and black feces. There were even several fist-sized feces balls stained with grass, floating in this pot of yellow and black feces.

If you look at the top of the feces and urine, you will definitely feel like vomiting.

The officer glanced at the dung bucket and gritted his teeth: "Grandma, Harbi, why the hell is there horse dung in this bucket of golden soup?"

The farmer named Lao Xu said angrily: "The city has been without food for so long. People are dying every day. There is no shit to poop. It's only these two days that I have food to eat. Otherwise, how can I have the energy to pick out this food?"

Golden soup. If you don’t have enough human excrement, just use horse excrement eggs. What excrement is not excrement.”

As he spoke, he lifted up the dung bucket and poured the pot of yellow soup directly into the iron pot.

With a "hiss" sound, the red iron juice was poured directly into the pot of feces and urine, and it suddenly boiled. The iron needle that was like red rice paste in the pot suddenly exploded, and a horse was poured into it.

The shit ball suddenly shattered into thousands of pieces like a grenade, and flew out in all directions. Harbi, the officer beside the pot, and four or five sergeants who were a little further away, all had their bodies and faces...

It was all splattered with yellow pieces of feces, dotted with a few bits of green and yellow hay, and a foul smell, accompanied by the rusty smell of iron juice, suddenly filled the surrounding area.

The officer was so angry that he kicked over Harbi's other bucket, causing excrement to flow across the ground. Then he pulled out the knife and pointed it at Harbi, who was covering his face and screaming: "You don't have eyes.

Did he want to kill someone when he fell down like this?"

Harbi was closest to the pot and had the most burns on his face and body. At this moment, from between his fingers, you could see red blood and yellow pus flowing horizontally. When he put down his hand,

From his howling like a killing pig, you can see that his face has begun to rot rapidly, and his skin is falling like melted snow.

The officer was shocked when he saw his miserable state. He didn't care about using the knife to kill anyone anymore. He suddenly threw away the knife, screamed and started to grab the back of his hand that was splashed with feces: "Yeah, yeah

Yeah, it hurts, it hurts me so much, water, come on, give me some water!"

More than a dozen sergeants, wrapped in thick leather and wearing leather masks on their faces, with almost only two eyes exposed, rushed forward, working in groups of two or three, and knocked down the iron juicers.

The feces splashed and rolled to the ground, screaming. The skin was peeling off piece by piece quickly, like melting frost and snow. In some places, the flesh and blood turned into pus and rotted away because of the rapid decay, even the white bones inside.

All exposed.

These screaming sergeants were quickly pushed down and then tied up with ropes or beef tendons to prevent them from struggling desperately. Then a cloth ball was stuffed into their mouths and tied up with several beef tendons.

Just like this, they were dragged and lifted to the ground, and moved away like this. Along the way, the smelly pus and blood was scattered all over the floor, which was unbearable to see.

An aristocratic officer who looked like a man and wore big earrings came over and looked at the hundreds of jaw-dropping sergeants and civilians standing there near the thirty or so large iron pots scattered around. He said loudly: "Everyone is there."

Look carefully, these are gold soup and molten iron, which are excrement water thrown into the iron juice pot. These excrement water and iron juice have been cursed by the great shaman. They contain the grievances of our entire city's soldiers and civilians and the curse of the dead. As long as they touch it,

Then don't even think about living, the Jin army attacking the city will die a hundred times worse than the few unlucky ghosts just now."

There was a lingering sigh from the crowd. Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "The Great Yan is so powerful, the Helan tribe can be saved. With this, we can definitely kill all the Jin army Wu'er, and we will have a job."


There was a burst of cheers from all around, and the noble officer nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, so the production of this secret weapon depends entirely on everyone. You must be careful when putting the golden soup into the iron sauce pot. Do not stir anymore and separate it."

A few feet away, I put on protective gear, used a long-handled wooden spoon to beat the golden soup, and poured a spoonful into the iron juice pot. After a while, this pot of invincible golden soup and iron juice was ready, and when the time came, all Wu Er

Burn it to bones and avenge our brothers who died in the battle!"

Soon, the city wall became steaming and the stench rose to the sky. The entire Wengcheng seemed to have turned into a huge cesspit. However, the thousands of soldiers and civilians in this stinking space were all in high spirits, whether they were beating excrement or not.

, the civilian husband who picked up dung, or the sergeant who stirred the iron juice, everyone's eyes were shining with light, looking at the pots of red and yellow, and the excrement lumps were the same color as the iron juice, as if they were looking at the pots of the world.

The most delicious beef and mutton hotpot, some people even began to salivate uncontrollably.

At the top of the city, the black robe smiled slightly: "I have heard for a long time that when your Helan tribe made poisonous arrows, they poured the excrement into molten iron and then poured it into the mold of the arrowhead. Compared with those tribes that apply poison on the arrowhead

, the golden juice arrowheads of your Helan tribe all have skin ulceration and flesh rot, and even poisonous gas penetrates into the bones. It is difficult for gods to save them. Today, I really saw this secret method. You are also using it publicly here today.

, you really worked hard.”

This chapter has been completed!
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