Chapter 3254: Testing Helan to tell the truth

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Helan Lu looked at Murong Lan motionless for a long time before sighing softly: "National Master, do you need to test me in this way? If you don't trust me, then you might as well come here to take command.

Let me go to the inner city to help you protect His Majesty."

"Murong Lan" suddenly smiled coldly, his body trembled slightly, and a burst of black smoke rose up. When the smoke dissipated, standing in front of Helan Lu was a man wearing black armor and wearing an evil god mask.

Although the face of the powerful general who was more than a foot tall could not be seen clearly, his sharp eyes had betrayed his identity, and the suffocating sense of oppression clearly indicated that this person was the Nanyan Imperial Master and the Tiandao Alliance.

The deity is wearing a black robe and his face is hanging down.

Heipao looked at Helan Lu and said calmly: "When did you realize that I was pretending to be Alan?"

He Lanlu curled up his lips: "It's very simple. Princess Lan will never instigate me to treason and surrender to the enemy. She is a noble person and a person who values ​​the tribe and her people above all else. She will definitely not instigate me at this time."

, thinking about offering the city to seek peace, she was so arrogant that if she was defeated, she would just die, and she would never bow to her husband. If she really wanted to talk to Liu Yuhe, she had already reached an agreement when she left the city the day before yesterday.

, now when the two armies are fighting and the blood is flowing, how can they stop?"

The black robe nodded: "It seems that you know my good sister quite well, but, Mr. Helan, how did you determine that it was me pretending to be Murong Lan?"

Helan Lu shook his head: "In this city, you are the only one who has the motive to test my loyalty, because you can't trust anyone, and besides you, there are only a few people such as Princess Lan and my Minmin who are proficient in the art of disguise.

Now, Minmin will never pretend to be Murong Lan to test me, so who else is left besides you, the Great Imperial Master?"

The black robe smiled and waved his hand: "Master Helan, don't blame me. It's really because your Helan tribe has turned your back on your master many times and stood on your own. I had to guard against it. Last time Linqu was defeated, you didn't go to save me, but went straight to the rescue."

I don’t need to tell you what the purpose of fleeing back to Guanggu City is."

Helan Lu said coldly: "Since you know everything, why didn't you take me down or kill me then? If you don't trust me, why do you want to use me?"

Heipao said calmly: "Because you still had a choice at that time. You thought that if you occupied Guanggu and controlled the families of the soldiers and the Queen Mother Gongsun, you could then issue an order to surrender to the Jin army in the name of the Queen Mother. In this way, you would become

Great hero, this land of Qilu will probably be granted to you a considerable part. In this case, it is equivalent to you selling out our Murong clan in exchange for your own glory and wealth. If I hadn't arrived in time, your

This plan has been realized.”

He Lanlu sneered and said: "It's a pity that I was a little late, and you used tricks to provoke Xianbei and other Hu tribe soldiers and civilians in the city to kill the more than two thousand Han musicians who were captured by you. This revenge

As soon as the knot was over, everyone had no way out, so they had to take you as the leader and resist to the end. I, the Helan clan, was also tied to your chariot and would live and die with you. Heipao, you are really tall. I congratulate you.

Lan Lu is ashamed of himself!"

The black robe smiled slightly: "Helan Lu, I kept you alive just because you are a talent. In this time of crisis, I need people to do their best, so whether it is you or Helan Harimu, even though I know

Those who oppose me will cause trouble in the future, but at this time, I still have to use it. After all, you are generals, and I need generals like you to defend the city!"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "This battle has been going on for a long time. Our Helan tribe was in the front and suffered heavy casualties. Even Harimu died in the battle. What did you say when you dressed up as Murong Lan to provoke me just now?

See what my real reaction and thoughts are, right?"

The black robe shook his head: "I don't need to test, of course I know your thoughts. At the beginning, maybe you still had the idea that if the situation was not good, you could turn to the enemy. Even I pretended to be Murong Lan and said Kaicheng

Introducing the Jin army into the city may also be one of your choices."

Helan Lu said coldly: "If I really wanted to offer the city, I would have done it long ago. Do I still need to be beaten like this? Your sister has a relationship with Liu Yu, but I don't. Therefore, our Helan tribe does not

The only choice is to fight to the end. You took advantage of the Jin army and consumed most of our Helan soldiers. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

The black robe sighed: "When it comes to the decisive battle, the soldiers of the Murong tribe will not retreat. Just like in Dongcheng, don't think that only you people from the Helan tribe died. Thousands of guards from the palace city will also follow.

We died together in battle, and their sacrifices are always valuable. As long as we defend this time, we will have a future."

He Lanlu sneered disdainfully and said: "The future? Even if Liu Yu is defeated, there will be no future. The Han people in Nanyan have already joined the Jin army to deal with us. It is impossible for the Han and Hu to stand side by side.

Yes, I think the best outcome for you is to return to your hometown in Liaodong. That depends on your luck this time, and you can defeat Liu Yu."

The black robe smiled slightly: "To fight off Liu Yu and negotiate peace with him is just a lie I told Alan. Otherwise, how could she believe it and use it for me? This time Liu Yu tried his best to attack

City, we can no longer stop the Jin army from attacking by letting Alan go to the city like before. Even if we pay a huge price to repel Liu Yu, he will withdraw this time. As long as he repels Tianshi Dao next year, he will definitely come again.

, we won’t be able to block it next time, so if we want to have peace for thousands of years, there is only one way..."

Helan Lu's expression changed: "Do you want to kill Liu Yu?"

A terrifying murderous intent flashed across the black robe's eyes, causing Helan Lu's expression to change: "The biggest mistake in my life was to be moved by my sister's tears and spare Liu Liu when we were in Wuqiao Ze.

Yu Yiming, I thought he could help me control the grassland, but the result was that tigers were infested. Compared with Liu Yu, Tuoba Si, who destroyed my Dayan, was not even considered my number one enemy. So, this time I want to kill this person with my own hands.

, and this is also the reason why I came to Nancheng."

Helan Lu frowned: "Do you want to attack in person, fight Liu Yu head-on, and kill him? But last time in Linqu, you weren't..."

The black robe said coldly: "It was the last time. Last time, Liu Yu came prepared and laid out various ambushes and formations to lure me to him. But this time it was different. He wanted to break the city.

, instead of trying to seduce me, so this time it is my turn to plot against him. Now, I want to defeat his offensive and let the people he cares about die one by one. In this way, disrupting his position, our

The opportunity has come, Lord Helan, I need your power!"

This chapter has been completed!
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