Chapter 3255: Riding on the wall and asking for both ends

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A trace of joy flashed across He Lanlu's face, and he turned to say coldly: "You don't trust me, why do you say this again now?"

The black robe sighed: "It's not that I don't trust you, nor do I really want to treat your Helan tribe as my chess piece and let me control you. To be honest, the Murong tribe is mine, and I can ask everyone in the Murong family to

, from Murong Chao to Alan, come to serve me unconditionally, but you, the Helan tribe, are the most famous families in the grassland, and you have come to seek refuge with me, Dayan, in trouble. You are also a distinguished guest and friend. Whether you go or stay, it belongs to you.

Freedom, I have no right to interfere with."

"If you really want to leave and return to the northern border before entering the city, whether you surrender to the Jin army or cross Hebei and return to the grassland, I will not stop you. However, now that you have entered the city, no matter what your original intention is,

We are already a couple bound on the same chariot, and no one can get off. If you want to join the Jin army, you will kill all the soldiers and civilians in the city. Even your Helan tribe, in this situation without negotiating good terms,

Under the betrayal, nothing good will come of it."

"It's not that I haven't given you a chance, so yesterday I asked Alan to talk to Liu Yu. As long as he is willing to withdraw his troops, I am willing to leave Guanggu City, and I am also willing for Dayan to surrender to him in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. I can even keep this mere building.

Guanggu City, but even with such conditions, he did not agree. He would rather give up his backyard home that was already on fire, ignore the Tianshi Dao army's invasion of Jiankang, and destroy the country he built with his own hands, and would rather stay here with me.

Even if Murong Lan can't convince him even if he fights to the death, what can I do?"

Helan Lu was silent for a long time before sighing: "Is it because he knows your true identity, so he refuses to give you a chance to breathe?"

Heipao shook his head: "The only people in this city who know my true identity are you brothers, Alan, Murong Chao, Murong Zhen, Gongsun Wulou and others. Even most of the princes and nobles don't know Heipao."

It is even more impossible for Murong Chui and Liu Yu to know this. Although Alan is his wife, she will definitely not reveal my identity at this time, just like she cannot commit treason at this time."

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "Then Liu Yu is afraid that the two gods of the Tiandao League, one in the south and one in the north, are echoing each other. Now that he finally has the opportunity to trap you here and eliminate him, he will naturally not let it go. You will not let it go.

We should never make the affairs of the Tiandao Alliance public to the world. Now this conspiracy group has become Liu Yu’s most hated opponent, and he must be eliminated as soon as possible!"

Heipao said coldly: "Liu Yu is a stubborn person, and he will only act for his ideals. In his heart, it doesn't matter whether the Jin Kingdom is destroyed or not. It can be rebuilt after it is destroyed, but the Tiandao Alliance is here."

He must get rid of the organization that works secretly and ruins his good deeds. This time he is fighting with us, and now he regards me as the Tiandao Alliance. If I explain to him, he will not believe it.

,So, in this case, the outcome of this battle is either he will destroy me, or I will destroy him, there is no reconciliation option."

Helan Lu narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured: "Our Helan tribe has been able to thrive on the grassland for so many years because we know how to stand in line and always leave room for ourselves. Similarly, we will also leave room for others.

Shitang, Heipao, you were never like this before. Even against your mortal enemies, such as Liu Yu, Fu Jian, and Tuoba Si, you fought without defeat and showed mercy. Is it because after the fall of the country, you had a bad temper?

Has this changed? To be honest, if you really fight Liu Yu to death, I have to consider my position, because this is not my business alone, it is the lives of tens of thousands of our entire Helan tribe.

, it all depends on your anger!"

The black robe smiled slightly: "Master Helan, do you think you still have a choice now? After repelling Liu Yu, do you think there will be peace? Our Murong tribe crossed the sea to Liaodong, leaving your Helan tribe here.

, will you still be able to survive by then?"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "As long as we can show our value and perform well in this city defense battle, and later show our goodwill to Liu Yu through Murong Lan and are willing to surrender and pledge allegiance, why can't he accept us? Now the original members of the Jin army

There are also many generals in the Jingzhou Army. Didn’t they also have a deep hatred against the Beifu Army in the past? For example, Hu Fan, the bearded archer, killed Liu Yu’s best brother Tan Pingzhi with his own hands. Didn’t he live well?"

The black robe shook his head: "It's different. The people of Jingzhou and Yangzhou are Han people even if they blow their brains out. This is their internal contradiction, but we are different from them. We are Hu people. Look at this Jin army.

Are there any barbarians? Even Murong Lan, who taught them all kinds of barbarian tactics and riding techniques, didn’t really integrate into the Beifu army."

"Liu Yu is not joking about how Han and Hu are incompatible. Even if he really accepts you, do you think he will have as much authority and freedom as I gave you? By then you will be able to find a job.

Even if you hold an official position, you will be closely monitored and controlled by them, and they will definitely separate you from your tribe!"

"In the end, your Helan tribe was organized into households and dispersed to various states and counties in the Jin Dynasty. At this time, what strength do you have to resist? The best result is just like the Hu Fan now, gone.

Among my subordinates, I am the only one who follows Liu Yu. He is called a general, and is actually no different from a bodyguard. Lord Helan, is this the glory and wealth you want?"

Helan Lu's body was trembling slightly. He shook his head and said: "No, it won't happen. From the Later Yan Dynasty to the Northern Wei Dynasty, the large grassland tribes were still managed by the previous tribal leaders, and the first priority was to appoint officials.

The chiefs of the leading people, the chiefs of the second leading people, they, they don’t know how to get along with our tribesmen, how could they break us up like you said? Even Cao Cao divided the Huns into five

The ministry is still managed by the original tribal nobles."

The black robe sneered: "Very good, you also know Cao Cao. Cao Cao did not separate the Xiongnu subordinates, but still left them to the Chanyu and the virtuous kings to govern. A hundred years later, Liu Yuan, the Xiongnu Chanyu who had long been Chineseized, would be the same

You can raise an army to destroy Jin and establish your own dynasty!"

"In another fifty years, the Eastern Jin Dynasty incorporated the Qiang Yao clan and allowed the leader Yao Xiang to still lead the people. However, Yao Xiang rebelled again, defeated the Jin army and ruined their dream of the Northern Expedition."

"Twenty years later, the former Qin Dynasty fell. Prince Fu Hong fled to the Eastern Jin Dynasty with thousands of tribesmen. The Eastern Jin Dynasty took them in and still let Fu Hong manage the old tribe. Then these Di people continued to serve Huan under Fu Hong's leadership.

He was very effective during Huan Xuan's rebellion, and in the end it was Liu Yu who personally led his troops to put down the enemy!"

"With so many lessons learned, do you think Liu Yu will continue to let you be the leader? Continue to control the tribe? Stop dreaming, otherwise what do you think Alan and Liu Yu are talking about, and why do you think the talks collapsed? Do you think they are just talking about my stay?


This chapter has been completed!
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