Chapter 3265: A strong general with a crossbow that breaks through walls

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Wang Zhen was so angry that he stomped his feet and simply ran behind a vehicle-mounted eight-stone running bull crossbow in front of him. He pushed away the sergeant who was operating the crossbow arm, and personally shook the axle and mechanism gear under the crossbow arm.

Turn and let the crossbow arm slowly lift.

And through Wangshan, which is placed on the crossbow arm, it can be clearly seen that on the city wall, where a city brick is, a strong crossbow is quickly withdrawing, and even two hands are still trying to pull the two open bricks.

The block was re-covered to cover the hidden shooting point in the wall. After all, in this fierce battle, few people would stare at this small change on the city wall, and this arrow really

It's really a stab in the back.

Wang Zhene gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly: "Straight thief, you hurt someone and you still want to escape?!"

As he spoke, he quickly pointed the crossbow arm directly at the newly closed city brick. The tip of the crossbow gun shone with cold light, shining in his eyes. He raised the crossbow arm slightly.

After a little while, he pressed the crossbow arm tightly, turned to the strongman standing behind him, holding a sledgehammer and shouted loudly: "Blow me hard!"

The sledgehammer warrior nodded, raised the sledgehammer high, swung it over the top, and then brought the hammer down with a heavy blow. The bronze buckle holding the six strands of animal sinew twisted into a crossbow string was severely smashed away.

At the same time, the crossbow string popped up quickly, and the crossbow gun placed on the crossbow arm cut through the sky, accurately and steadily, and shot towards the hidden wall above the city wall a hundred steps away.


With a "plop", from Wang Zhene's position, one could clearly see that the two bricks that had just been blocked were smashed into pieces, and a scream could even be heard, because one of them was taking the

Holding a brick and preparing to plug the gap in the last brick, the hand began to fall backwards. One can imagine the tragic situation when the owner of these hands was killed by this crossbow.

The few small bricks that had just been piled up with the gap were smashed to pieces, and a hole with a radius of more than two feet was clearly visible. Three sergeants could be seen falling inside.

, they couldn't even retreat or dodge. The other two shooters holding crossbows lay on the ground and wanted to crawl back, because the wall was opened like this, which meant that they were also completely exposed.

In the sight of the Jin army, they were even a hundred times more dangerous than the sergeants at the top of the city, because after all, they were not protected by tall city walls and crenellations, and were almost directly facing the Jin army's siege troops.

Without Wang Zhene's order, more than a dozen Jin archers who were about fifty steps in front of this section of the city wall immediately found their target. They no longer raised their bows to shoot at the top of the city, but fired quickly and accurately.

, he shot the arrow in his hand into the hole at a speed as fast as a storm, and immediately, the two Yan Army crossbowmen who retreated were shot like hedgehogs. This time they were all like hedgehogs.

The arrow hit the head, breaking through the helmet directly from the top of the head and entering the brain. He fell to the ground and never moved again.

There was a burst of cheers from the Jin army. Wang Zhene also stood there with a smile on his face. The gunner operating the eight-stone Bull Run crossbow who had just been pushed away by him smiled and said: "Wang can still join the army."

It's so powerful, one crossbow can break through this den of thieves and shoot these thieves to death. I think we can also rush in through this hole and directly attack the city."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the Yan army that had fallen to the ground with their heads facing outside the city suddenly started to move again. This time, even Wang Zhene's smile appeared on his face, and the gunner even screamed.

He got up and said, "Ah, these dead ghosts are moving. Could it be that it's witchcraft?!"

Wang Zhene put up an awning with his hands. Dingqing took a look and shook her head: "No, look at their legs."

Everyone looked away and saw that the corpses of Yan Jun were all covered with inconspicuous rope loops on their feet or around their necks, or tied with ropes around their waists. What made them move at this moment was

These ropes pulled their bodies back.

Wang Zhene sighed: "Sure enough, the Yan army has been prepared for a long time. This wall is short and it is difficult for people to move. If someone dies inside, the body will block the wall. It will be difficult to build a temporary wall again, so we enter the wall."

When they were fighting, they would tie ropes around their bodies, and even if they died in battle, they would be dragged back to prevent the corpses from blocking the hole in the wall."

The gunner opened his eyes wide: "That is to say, this wall will be blocked..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the moving corpses had disappeared, but the light on the other side of the city wall could be seen from here. Obviously, this was a completely opened hole in the wall, but this light

In a blink of an eye, several sandbags and soil bags suddenly filled the hole and began to move forward.

Wang Zhene nodded: "That's it. After the wall is broken through, in order to prevent the attackers from rushing directly into the city from this hole, the defenders will use sandbags and earthbags to block it first, while the civilians behind will use

The bricks and stones were rebuilt inside to turn the sandwich wall into a solid wall. This method of defending the city is really exquisite. If our army wants to break the city this time, I am afraid it will have to go through a hard battle."

Having said this, he looked around and said loudly: "All the crossbow riders, listen up. From now on, we will no longer attack the enemy troops at the top of the city. We will shoot our crossbows at the city wall. We will not kill the thieves, but just nail the crossbows to the city walls."

Enter the city wall so that our infantry can grab these crossbows and go up to the city!"

The gunner quickly shouted to the crossbowmen of several nearby crossbow carts: "Have you heard this? Stop shooting at the top of the city. Shoot all at the city walls to create opportunities for the infantry brothers to go up to the city!"

His voice was like a thunderclap on the ground, making people's ears buzz. Wang Zhene frowned and rubbed his ears and said: "Brother, you were very good in life before, but you are like this

You have a loud voice, what’s your name?”

The gunner turned his head. He had a face of over 20 years old. His face was cleanly shaved, which was different from the sergeants who generally had beards. His skin was also fair, and his eye sockets were a bit deep, even like this.

If you look closely, you don't look like people from the land of Wuyue.

The gunner said seriously: "Wang joins the army, and the villain Duan Hong is from the military academy of Nanyan in the past. Because my brother was framed by the dog thief Murong Chao for treason, he was executed by breaking the car. The villain escaped with his life by luck, and vowed to avenge my family's blood feud. This

When the army returned to attack the city, I also returned from the Northern Wei Dynasty and joined the army as a soldier."

Several crossbow gunners on the side also said: "Yes, Brother Duan used to be a general in Nanyan. Wang joined the army. Brother Duan is very capable."

Wang Zhen smiled evilly and said: "I have heard of your name, and you are also a famous brave general in Nanyan. I never expected that you would meet me like this. Duan Hong, just hang out with me from now on! As long as you have the ability to make meritorious deeds, I will

I will definitely not bury you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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