Chapter 3267: Rushing the car and pretending to attack the city wall to destroy it

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Duan Hong grinned, showing his white teeth: "Wang Canjun is indeed a master of the art of war. When I heard this, I thought of it. I talked to my team leader Jiang Sheng and the others for a long time, but they had no idea at all. What did they say?

As long as I operate the crossbow properly, it's up to the general how to do it."

Wang Zhene sighed: "It's a pity, it's such a pity that such important information could be missed. This captain really deserves to die!"

A small officer made a "plop" and knelt down next to Wang Zhen'e, with a cry in his voice: "Wang Canjun, spare your life. Jiang Sheng, a low-ranking official, really didn't know that this was military information. He thought it was Sergeant Duan.

Oh, no, it’s General Duan who is bragging. What General Duan told you, he never told me."

Duan Hong said coldly: "I have told you a long time ago that my family has participated in the construction of this city wall. I know the weaknesses of this city wall. I want you to take me to see Shangguan, but you want to take it from me.

Get the real information, so you can report it yourself and take credit. There are rules in the army. If I tell you this secret, you will leak this military information to let the enemy be on guard. You can shoulder this responsibility.

Are you up?"

The captain shook his head and said: "Every day, more than a dozen sergeants come to me and tell me that they have this good strategy, that way to defeat the enemy. How can I know who is bragging and who is really capable? Just like Chen Dapeng who said he could spread the beans.

Chengbing, Li Sanlu said that he can do magic and cast spells. Do you need me to report all this? General Duan, you are a barbarian soldier yourself. The superiors asked me to keep an eye on you to prevent you from being a spy, and you refused to follow me.

If I tell the truth, how can I report it?"

Wang Zhene sighed: "It seems that the gap and communication between the superiors and subordinates really need to be solved. Now the military regulations stipulate that they can only be reported to each level. Sergeant Duan, don't blame your captain, he

Although the method lacks flexibility, it is indeed the regulations of our Beifu Army. Although your army is a righteous militia in Qingzhou, it still follows our Beifu Military Law."

Duan Hong nodded: "It's my fault. When we were in Nanyan, in the Duan tribe, we were not so strict. Anyone could go to his leader if anything happened, and anyone who had an idea could raise it. Although I had been a general,

, but more than a thousand of my subordinates can contact me directly, instead of only contacting the dozen or twenty captains."

Wang Zhene said sternly: "We will talk about this later, Duan Hong, now I promote you to be my Kai Cao to join the army. As long as the strategies you propose are true and effective, then I will give you credit."

Duan Hong laughed: "You know the strategy I proposed, Wang Shenjun. Now it is too late to dig tunnels to attack the city. My suggestion is to use the digging strategy to hollow out this section of the city wall while the city is being attacked across the board.

Then use the method of plugging wood to support the city's roots. After more than twenty large logs support the city wall, they will be pulled down together. The city wall will inevitably collapse! At that time, we can rush directly into the city from here.


Wang Zhene gritted his teeth: "It sounds good indeed, but such an operation is very labor-intensive, and the walls are dug like this under the city. Don't the people on the city notice it?"

Duan Hong said solemnly: "This requires a combination of virtual reality and feint attacks. Our army needs to increase the intensity of its offensive across the board. On the one hand, it continues to climb the wall and attack the city gate regardless of casualties. On the other hand, it sends out rush vehicles to attack the city wall.

Just like it was at the beginning."

Wang Zhene's brows raised: "Then, use three or four assault vehicles to hit this new city wall, pretending to attack the city wall, but in fact, the covering sergeant is digging earth underneath to trap the wall, right?"

Duan Hong said with a smile: "Wang Canjun is really powerful. You can think of all this. Moreover, the big wood used to rush the car can be removed and directly used as a pillar to support the city wall. This section of the city wall is about two to three hundred steps long. I estimate that there must be

It would take more than a dozen big logs to support it."

Wang Zhen'e nodded: "How long will it take to dig a dozen caves like this, then support them with big logs, and finally sink into the wall?"

Duan Hong curled his lips, looked at the sergeants operating the ballistas who had gathered around him, their eyes widened, and their breathing stopped, and said: "One ballista can accommodate about twenty people.

People, if there are some more shield-raising soldiers nearby to cover it, we can probably arrange forty or fifty people to dig, about ten steps away, dig about five feet into the ground, and prop it up with big trees, it should be enough in about half an hour."

Wang Zhene nodded: "Send out four assault vehicles at once, and within two hours, you can bring down the city wall and put up big trees, right?"

Duan Hong nodded: "Yes, if we can't attack the city by then, it will be late, but this is our opportunity. The enemy will definitely be busy strengthening the defense on the city wall to make up for the losses, but it is impossible to know

A situation has been set up for us under this city wall. After fighting for a day during the day, we will be extremely tired, and we will slack off at night, especially in the second half of the night."

"And with this method of trapping the city, once a big tree is erected, they cannot defend it at all, because even if the city defenders know that we have erected the pillar, they will not be able to lay a foundation under the city wall again. As long as we activate it, we can pull it down or burn it down.

With these big wooden pillars, the city wall will collapse. With this gap of more than a hundred steps in the city wall, if we attack directly at night, the Yan army will definitely be unable to stop it!"

The captain who was kneeling on the ground just now jumped up, his eyes full of excitement: "Good guy, General Duan, why didn't you tell me about this move? If you told me, we would still have to work so hard today, and why?

Do you want so many brothers to die?"

Many sergeants had tears in their eyes: "Yes, with this trick, my brother will not die."

Duan Hong sighed: "Brothers, there are military rules in the army. Just like the captain thinks I am a spy and wants to guard against me, I don't know if others are trustworthy, and I don't know if I can pass on this plan after telling it.

Up there, as a small soldier, I can only tell if I personally meet the generals and people like Wang Shenjun. Besides, even if we use this strategy and cooperate with the full-line attack, many brothers will still die in battle. This is unavoidable.


Wang Zhene said sternly: "Duan Hong, you have joined the army now. Now, I can dispatch ten troops to attack the car, three of them will be at the position of the new wall, and the other seven will be on the ordinary city wall to attack the city wall. The others

If you don't have a certain place, set up a ladder to feign an attack. You will have full command of the three chariots on the new city wall. How many people are there in total around here?"

Duan Hong said without thinking: "There are a total of 104 people in our crossbow team, and they can all dig pits and erect pillars!"

Wang Zhene curled up his lips: "But I still need people to operate these ballistas and shoot at the city walls. If you leave, who will do this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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