Chapter 4795: The cavalry attacks and the enemy lines up

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Taoist Songfeng's anger suddenly froze on his face, because he seemed to see from a distance, a line of smoke and dust coming from the direction three miles away. Such a scene would only happen when a large group of cavalry rushed towards him.

Taoist Songfeng's hands began to tremble slightly, just like his voice: "Senior Brother Li, is it Marshal Xu who has sent us new reinforcements? Or is it cavalry reinforcements?"

Li Nanfeng looked back and was stunned. He murmured: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Our army does not have so many cavalry."

He suddenly thought of something and turned to Taoist Songfeng: "Junior Brother Songfeng, don't you have thousands of Qiang and Di cavalry here? Did they plunder the Jin army's camp and come back?"

Taoist Songfeng stamped his feet anxiously and pointed to the north, toward a Jin army warehouse where wooden boxes were scattered. Four to five hundred Qiang Di people with pigtails and weird hairstyles were rummaging through boxes and cabinets, picking up cloth and property.

He piled them on his horse, and the leader kept waving and shouting, directing the robbery of his men. Songfeng Taoist said loudly: "Qi Qianli is still picking up money over there. He said that his younger brother died.

His death cannot be in vain. He needs to get the Jin army's baggage in the rear army first. Besides, his cavalry are all horse bandits, so how can he launch such an aggressive attack?"

Li Nanfeng's expression changed greatly: "Oh no, is this the Jin army's cavalry? Our Tianshi Dao does not have such a large group of cavalry. If it is not yours, it must be the enemy's."

Speaking of this, Li Nanfeng began to sweat on his forehead: "Moreover, these cavalry came from the south and west. Our army always surrounds three and is short of one, and let go of the south without attacking. Then, it must be the Jin cavalry who killed them."


Taoist Songfeng said anxiously: "What should we do? The Jin cavalry is coming and we have to fight."

Li Nanfeng gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Send the order, the disciples of Tianshi Dao will immediately retreat and form an array in the direction of the Jin army's cavalry, with the infantry in front and the archers behind, relying on this hilly area to prepare to meet the Jin army, and move as many roadblocks as possible

come over."

Having said this, he looked at Taoist Songfeng: "The best roadblock now is the luggage boxes that Qi Qianli is grabbing. You have to get them to move over quickly. Moreover, in order to buy time for the formation, these Qiang Qiang people from Qi Qianli

The Di cavalry must move out immediately to counterattack the enemy cavalry, otherwise, we will directly face their charge, and I am afraid it will be difficult to resist."

Taoist Songfeng looked back at the front and said unwillingly: "What about my brothers who are attacking the Jin army's rear defense line head-on? If even your archers withdraw, then we will definitely not be able to defeat them."

Li Nanfeng said bitterly: "How long has it been and you are still thinking about attacking? The Jin army's cavalry has arrived. If the infantry follows behind, we are in danger of being annihilated. Let your people continue fighting, at least hold off the Jin army first."

Rear troops, don't let them take the opportunity to counterattack, otherwise we will be in trouble from both sides."

Taoist Songfeng frowned: "Here, I may not be able to command Qi Qianli. His brother died before, and he won't let them rob him now. Would you be willing to do it instead?"

Li Nanfeng said sternly: "If you can't even command your subordinates, what else do you, a general, do? The current situation is that if we don't work together, if we face the Jin army's cavalry charge, we will all die. We have to withstand their charge first.

It is possible for Bo to survive. Qi Qianli, you can promise them that if they win this battle, Jiangling City will let him go."

Taoist Songfeng gritted his teeth: "I will go in person, but your people can no longer watch the show. When Qi Qianli counterattacks, all of your troops must follow up and fight. Otherwise, we will be ghosts.

Let you go!"

Li Nanfeng curled up his lips: "We share life and death now. Facing the cavalry, I just left you and retreated. Where can you go? Now I am forming here to be your backup and solve this Jin army.

Cavalry, we will go back and break the Jin army's rear defense line, I promise!"

This chapter has been completed!
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