Chapter 4797: Fake defeat to lure the enemy into setting up an ambush

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Taoist Songfeng sighed: "In a war, someone must rush to the front, and someone will always be sacrificed. Just like in the previous battle, weren't you also detouring on the flanks to act as a suspect? But my other subordinates wanted to

Don't people have any objections to standing in front and suffering heavy casualties?"

Qi Qianli sighed: "Well, what you said makes sense. At this time, the military situation is urgent and we can't care about so much. Brothers, let me ask you one last time, do you all have no opinions on this battle?"

All the Qiang and Di soldiers shouted in unison: "We are willing to fight, we are willing to fight."

Taoist Songfeng nodded excitedly and said: "Okay, they are all good men and good men. I guarantee that after winning this battle, you will definitely get what you want."

Qi Qianli glanced at Taoist Songfeng: "Brother Songfeng, this time you charge with us, no problem."

Taoist Songfeng's expression changed slightly, and he was about to open his mouth to find an excuse, but he saw a hint of murderous intent flashing through Qi Qianli's eyes, and he pressed his hand on the handle of the knife. He quickly laughed and said: "Of course it is.

, since we are going to charge into the battle, we should keep charging. I happened to be coming on horseback, so I will charge shoulder to shoulder with you, Lao Qi."

Qi Qianli nodded and pointed to the Tianshi Tao army formation in the direction of Li Nanfeng: "The Tianshi Tao soldiers surnamed Li are not watching the show in the back. I think Brother Songfeng just defeated the Jin army's rear army.

The third line of defense lasted for half a day, but Li Nanfeng didn't send troops to follow up."

Taoist Songfeng shook his head: "We are on the same boat now, and he is an infantryman. He cannot run away from the enemy cavalry. If we are all killed, it will be his turn next. This time we are fighting for life and death, and we will not sit back and watch.

This is a reason for others to fight hard. Besides, I am here too. If he really messes up, I will tell the Lord later that the Tiandao Alliance has a way to deal with him."

Qi Qianli roared: "In that case, brothers, throw away all your trophies, raise your sabers, pick up your spears, this time, let these Jin people learn how the cavalry fights.

, rush me!"

As he said that, he took the lead and rushed out, followed closely by Taoist Songfeng. The Qiang and Di cavalry behind them also threw away the trophies on their mounts. Together with Qi Qianli, they did not set up a formation.

They launched a full-scale attack on the Jin cavalry formation more than a mile away.

The Jin army, in cavalry formation, takes the lead.

Liu Zunkao took the lead and rushed to the front. He raised his hand, and the dense cavalry behind him stopped as if they had stepped on the brakes at the same time. Only the smoke and dust raised by running all the way drowned the people behind.

Beside him, Zhu Xiuzhi pointed to the direction in front of the Qiang and Di cavalry rushing towards this place, and said: "Brother Zunkao, look, the enemy's Qiang cavalry who were still plundering just now have also turned around and prepared to join the battle.


Liu Zunkao laughed: "They are just a mob, not heavy cavalry. I think it is not so much that they want to fight, but rather that they want to take the opportunity to rush out from our front, so as to have a chance to evacuate the battlefield."

Zhu Xiuzhi was a little surprised: "How could Brother Zunkao tell that they wanted to escape rather than fight?"

Liu Zunkao pointed at the incoming Qiang and Di cavalry and said: "If we are coming to fight, we should be coming in a tight formation, but now it is a skirmish charge. It is not trying to stop our cavalry formation at all.

Attack, but want to stagger and pass to the rear of our army. They attack like this, either because they want to charge from the front and then leave, or they want to think about the situation behind our army's formation and then see how we fight with the enemy's infantry.

Come back with a killing blow."

This chapter has been completed!
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