Chapter 4833: The flames of war are pursued across the river

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But in any case, these are well-prepared warships specially designed for water battles. They have many bows and arrows. The larger Mengchong and Huanglong ships are densely covered with archers, while these ships of Tianshi Dao are

Most of them during the escape process, in order to carry more people, they threw away all the long-range weapons, not even the catapults and ballistae. It can be said that those Tianshi Dao ships that were once majestic and roamed the river are now

Almost all of them are large transport ships that have lost their water warfare and long-range attack capabilities.

Now, these fleets faced the rocket and fireball attacks from the Jin warships. Not to mention they had no power to fight back, they even had no ability to parry the attacks. On the river, one transport ship after another was hit and caught fire.

Those Tianshi Dao disciples who survived the disaster with extraordinary ferocity have become incendiary people. Even if they want to join gangs and fight for their lives at this time, they will not have any chance again.

The river breeze was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, mixed with the smell of burnt human flesh when being grilled. The guards around Xu Daofu silently stared at the river, watching this time, our navy became

The party that was attacked by fire and massacred, I wonder if they remembered the water battle scene when they ambushed He Wuji's Jiangzhou Army a year and a half ago. The same was true, but it was him who

Burning the opponent's huge navy ship, and this time, the offensive and defensive positions were changed. The ups and downs in life turned out to be so dramatic.

A guard swordsman murmured: "It's over, it's really over. It turns out that when the marshal took us by land, we had some objections in our hearts. We thought that the marshal wanted us to take on the most difficult task, instead of taking the easy water route.

The opportunity was given to other brothers. Unexpectedly, this waterway is the real dead end."

Xu Daofu said coldly: "To be honest, I didn't know that the Jin army actually had warships on the water to ambush us. However, based on intuition, I think the waterway is not safe. You know, in the horse head

During the battle, what suddenly appeared on the battlefield was the Jiangzhou Legion of the Jin Army. The troops were led by the traitor Zhu Chaoshi. They couldn't fly, so they couldn't fly directly from Jiangnan. There must be people who could carry their entire legion.


"In addition to the navy in Jiangling City itself, Liu Daogui has been following us unhurriedly in the past few days. There is no full-scale assault, and he must be well prepared for interception on the water. After our army's new defeat, people are panicked, and

All the long-range killing weapons carried from the ship were thrown away. After boarding the ship, our Taoist friends were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no ability to fight back. When encountering the enemy's naval warships, they would be

There is no doubt that you will fail, that’s why I took you on this path!”

Everyone was sincerely convinced and sighed in unison for Xu Daofu's superb knowledge. One of the guards suddenly thought of something: "Commander, what should we do now? Our journey may not be safe. The Jin army has cavalry chasing them. Once they are solved,

Our troops at the ferry will definitely rush over to pursue us."

Xu Daofu nodded and looked in another direction. The Lingnan barbarians who were three or four miles away from him and running towards the northeast sneered: "With these barbarians attracting our attention, we

All you need to do is follow the river bank and move forward quietly. Listen up, everyone. Now we must hide our whereabouts as much as possible, enter the forest wherever we can, and don't take the initiative to mix with the Lingnan barbarians."

The other guard's eyes widened: "But, Marshal, didn't you just say that you wanted to join forces with Sha Qianmo and take him with you?"

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "At this time, I can't care about so much. I see that the person leading the Lingnan barbarians is not Lao Sha, but his younger brother Er Sha. I'm afraid Lao Sha has already fallen behind. Let's continue walking.

, leave them alone."

When he said this, his expression suddenly changed, because from a distance, he saw behind the Lingnan barbarian soldiers, two miles away, there was a line of smoke rushing from a jungle.

The guards held high a large flag with the word "tan" and rushed straight towards Sha Baili's Lingnan barbarian army. On the top of the flagpole of the flag, there was the head of Sha Qianmo with eyes wide open and his eyes wide open.


I only heard the Jin cavalry five miles away shouting loudly: "Sha Qianmo has been beheaded by our army. You and I will surrender as soon as possible. I will spare your life!"

Some of the barbarian soldiers turned pale. In their eyes, Sha Qianmo was the invincible God of War who swept across Lingnan. On the battlefield, he was like Shura in this world, unstoppable. How could such a majestic guy be defeated like this?

What? Just now they could say that although they were fleeing and moving, they were still full of confidence, thinking that their big leaders would come back after cutting off the rear and repelling the Jin army. Just like his last counterattack just now, it was also a powerful attack.

, the Jin army retreated a few hundred steps away. Unexpectedly, this big leader would never come back.

Sha Baili cried bitterly and knelt on the ground, facing the big flag in the distance. Sha Qianmo's head was yelling: "Brother, brother, how could you be killed? Who is it?"

, who took your life!?"

Tan Daoji had already rushed out of the forest with more than a thousand cavalry. This was almost all the cavalry troops Liu Daogui could give him, and the infantry were still following up three miles away. Tan Daoji sneered and said: "

You all listen up, the person who killed Sha Qianmo was the tribal leader of the Wuling Achai tribe, Dajin Colonel, and Captain Axiba. Sha Qianmo had a blood feud with Captain Axiba. Today, he was finally avenged.

Xuenge. Kill Baili. Your eldest brother is dead. We, Liu Zhengxi, have issued an order. God has the virtue of good life. If you gang of barbarians are willing to put down your arms and surrender to the Jin Dynasty, we can pardon your crimes, guarantee your lives, and let you


Sha Baili laughed, with tears in his laughter: "Brothers, brothers and sisters, do you believe that the people of Jin will spare our lives? Since we believed in the religion, we have done nothing wrong in Lingnan, Jiangzhou, and Jiankang.

I don’t know how many people have been killed and how many tribes and cities have been destroyed. Our hands have long been covered with blood, and there is no way we can look back. In the past few days, we have fought against the Jin army and killed them again.

How many brothers, how many siblings? The Jin army wants to reduce losses and induce us to surrender. Once we fall into their hands, how can we survive?"

These Lingnan barbarians shouted: "Fight to the bitter end, fight to the bitter end!"

A murderous look appeared in Sha Baili's eyes: "Tan Daoji led only a thousand soldiers and horses. We can defeat three of them one by one. Just like He Wuji, who rushed in lightly and was killed by us in the end. Today, we are going to

Kill Tan Daoji and avenge the big boss, go ahead!"

This chapter has been completed!
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