Chapter 4836: The horse entered the rocky beach and was ambushed

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Yin Qianze's eyes lit up, and he slapped his breastplate with great energy: "I have the order!" Then, he turned his horse's head and ran towards his cavalry on the left, while Lu Gui and Luo Longsheng

Looking at each other, the two rode forward a few steps, left the surrounding guards, and arrived at an empty open space. Lu Gui whispered: "Senior Brother Luo, there is only one thing I can do

We’ve reached this point.”

Luo Longsheng smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "The Divine Lord will definitely remember your loyalty to the Divine Alliance and remember that you have helped a lot this time. There will be many places where I will need to borrow your strength in the future."

Lu Gui's eyes narrowed slightly: "Actually, I don't quite understand. The god is not on the battlefield, so how can he be sure that Xu Daofu is among this small group of defeated troops? What if it was just for a moment?

Isn’t it worth the risk of being exposed for such a small rout?"

Luo Longsheng looked around and confirmed that the nearest people around him were dozens of steps away, and then whispered: "Junior brother Lu, don't doubt the intelligence of the god. In order to evacuate this time, he even took the risk alone and entered in person.

Wulin Ferry, planning to help Xu Daofu evacuate, I have just received the order from his old man, Xu Daofu is in this force, and our mission is to help him evacuate with all our strength."

Lu Gui curled his lips disapprovingly: "Before, I divided more than half of the cavalry and stayed about thirty miles north of Wulindu in the name of chasing the Lingnan barbarians. There are only more than a thousand cavalry left here. Originally,

If there were only two of you and me in the army, we wouldn't need to be so cautious and just let Xu Daofu go. Why did the God Lord send an order to insist that I take Yin Qianze with me? He is obviously here to monitor us."

Luo Longsheng smiled slightly: "Although the Lord God didn't say it clearly, I can guess what he meant. You also know that Yin Qianze is here to monitor us. If we deliberately exclude him, then if this Tianshi Tao force

If you escape from our defense zone, you will be traced afterwards. In order to avoid future troubles, we should be more cautious. Besides..."

When he said this, he touched his nose and looked around again: "Are our subordinates so reliable? There are nearly a thousand subordinates. If there are one or two spies arranged for the Jin army, we will

If you deliberately allow Xu Daofu and the others to leave, won't everything be exposed?"

Lu Gui laughed: "You are still thoughtful and deliberately used words to irritate Yin Qianze. This time he attacks on his own, so we will not take responsibility, but..."

When Lu Gui said this, he frowned slightly: "It's just that even if Xu Daofu is here, with just four to five hundred people, can they destroy Yin Qianze's five hundred cavalry and seize their horses and escape?"

Luo Longsheng whispered: "This Tianshi Dao troops are not ordinary soldiers and horses. They are Xu Daofu's general guards. Even though they are only wearing the clothes of ordinary soldiers, but..."

When he said this, Yin Qianze had already formed a formation on the right, with five hundred cavalry and one hundred men in each group, forming five teams. They did not form a wedge-shaped formation like a general breakthrough, but formed a horizontal line.

The cavalry line can expand the impact surface as much as possible to form an outflanking situation, or when galloping, the whip of death can be used to arc across the opponent's formation.

However, in this situation where the enemy troops were scattered among the rocks and jumped into the river to escape like dumplings, Yin Qianze obviously did not take these enemy troops seriously. How to get to the riverside as quickly as possible and then chase them down?

Those enemy troops jumping into the river were the only thing he wanted to think about.

Luo Longsheng gritted his teeth and said: "I think the news from the Divine Lord is not wrong, but we must also be prepared. If Xu Daofu and the others really can't withstand it, we may need our help.

That’s right, is Yin Qianze really a powerful character?”

Lu Gui nodded: "Among the cavalry generals, he is considered to be the most powerful in the Jingzhou and Yongzhou areas. Although I am not familiar with him, but when I returned to Dangyang Empress' garrison, and when we joined forces to help here,

I have carefully observed that he is a very good cavalry general, commanding five hundred to one thousand cavalry, such as a finger wielder. It is precisely because of this ability that he once captured a man with only two hundred cavalry.

Gou Lin's more than a thousand subordinates only took the position of cavalry captain based on their solid military exploits."

When he said this, Yin Qianze had already taken the lead and led his men to attack the reef area in the distance. The five lines of cavalry, like five waves, hit the defense line of the reef on the opposite side. It seemed that the sky in the reef on the opposite side was

The disciples of the Master also felt the threat, and many of them screamed in fear. They even didn't even bother to take off their clothes. After hurriedly taking off their leather armor, they threw themselves into the river with their clothes on.


Yin Qianze laughed loudly. He dismounted. As a commander, you have to lead the charge, but you can't really charge at the front. You still have to stay behind the battle line to observe the command. This is a small soldier and a general.

The difference was that in front of him, the first line of riding lines had already rushed into the rocks and shoals, while the second and third lines of soldiers and horses followed closely behind, passing by him one after another. It turned out that

The enemy's bow and arrow shooting, which I was worried about, did not happen. Many of the first-line cavalry had already rushed to a place twenty or thirty steps behind the rocks, controlling their horses to jump back and forth among the rocks.

Prepare to draw your bow and arrow, and shoot at the Tianshi Dao disciples who are running forward, leaving their backs to them, as if they are targets.

Yin Qianze said loudly: "Everyone, don't dismount. Keep charging in, chase down the fleeing enemies, and shoot the thieves who jumped into the river. As long as their heads are exposed to the river water, no one will be spared!"

From the rocks in front, a cold and murderous laughter came out: "Well said, don't let anyone go, kill them!"

Yin Qianze's smile froze on his face. The third line of cavalry had just rushed into the piles of rocks. Suddenly, more than twenty black figures jumped out from the gaps in the piles of rocks.

, he jumped on the horseback of these cavalry who could no longer be said to be fast. The shining swords wiped the necks of these cavalry, and blood suddenly appeared, but the bodies of the killed were still sitting on the horse.

, they didn’t even get off their horses. These terrifying attackers jumped off their horses in an instant after succeeding in the attack and disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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