Chapter 4830: Trading life for life to clear up grudges

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At this point, Captain Asiba has almost only one choice, which is to soar into the sky. As long as his people are still in the sky, they will lose all space for maneuver and dodge. The small sickle stuck in the belt behind his back,

It will be the final blow to end him!

At the same time, Sha Qianmo's hand had already grasped the handle of the scythe he had inserted on the ground. The handle made of fine steel was dripping with blood from the blade.

During the battle, this Lingnan barbarian king killed dozens of elite enemy soldiers. His weapon had already been soaked with the blood of these warriors.

When the blood flowed from the scythe shaft to his palm, he seemed to hear the souls of the dead screaming in pain, and seemed to see the unwilling and fearful looks on his face before they died.

A smile appeared, because in front of his eyes there seemed to be a half-body that was about to fly up from his neck. That was the old enemy in front of him, the fish that escaped under him many years ago, the son of the enemy. This time,

He will no longer have the good luck last time, Sha Qianmo is extremely sure of this!

Sure enough, he saw Asiba ten steps away. As in his plan, he quickly jumped two steps forward to the right. The halberd he just threw brought out a violent wave of air that even knocked Asiba away.

A large piece of tattooed skin flew off Xiba's left cheek. A large blood patch suddenly appeared on Asiba's face, and blood spattered out from the blood patch. You could even see it.

The red and yellow flesh and fat under the skin.

It was even a pity to kill Qianmo. In his mind, this Asiba could be described as a pretty boy from Lingnan. Among a bunch of barbarians who looked 70% monkey-like and 30% human-like, Captain Axiba was the only one.

Handsome young man, no wonder Gullit, an old thief, married his beautiful daughter to Asiba instead of himself.

It can even be said that Sha Qianmo's hatred for Gulit and jealousy for Asiba were the first reason why he betrayed all the tribes in Lingnan and became loyal to Tianshi Dao. Since he couldn't get it, he had to destroy it.

This became Sha Qianmo’s life philosophy from then on. He even thought that after killing Asiba and cutting off his great head, he must make this face the most terrifying and ugliest face in the world.

, only in this way can you satisfy the pleasure of revenge in your heart.

It's just that this pretty boy's face is now ruined. Sha Qianmo even feels a little pity. Originally, he wanted to scratch at least dozens of times on this piece of face that flew off. This change made his movements slower.

For a brief moment, when he saw Asiba's big painted face, which was less than ten steps in front of him, he suddenly realized that he was not sure of victory, and the opponent was not a corpse.

Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth and swept the scythe of death violently. However, because of this moment of confusion, Captain Axiba ran two more steps forward. He originally planned to block the middle and sweep away with this well-thought-out move.

, it was time to make a change. The height of the sweep could no longer reach Asiba's waist. He suddenly found that Asiba's body seemed to be reaching down quickly, and an electric thought flashed through his mind.

: No, this guy wants to hit me with a hob!

Sha Qianmo's thoughts instantly turned into actions. It was too late to swipe him from the waist. Even with such a height, Axiba seemed to be able to roll into the ground before his swipe. He could not cut him.

The scythe swept across from the height of the knees with a roar. This was done by Sha Qianmo's right arm wielding the scythe with one hand. His amazing strength ensured that even with one hand, he could

He could also swing this weapon weighing dozens of kilograms, and his left hand moved around his back like lightning, preparing to pick up the small sickle inserted in his belt. This was what forced Asiba to

Jump up, and then kill him with a knife in the air for the final blow!

Ten steps, seven steps, five steps, three steps! The roar of Sha Qianmo sounded simultaneously with his movements. The moment the sickle in his right hand swept across Asiba's knees, he suddenly discovered that Asiba

The captain did not roll down, let alone jump up. Instead, his body and sword merged into one, and he quickly jumped forward. He ignored the attack of the scythe, but flew up, holding the sword in both hands, and struck directly at himself.


With a "click" sound, the scythe fiercely swept across Captain Asiba's two feet before he could fully jump up. Captain Asiba's feet, from the ankle down, were like cucumbers that had been cut by a sharp blade.

, broke in response to the knife, and the moment Sha Qianmo's left hand just touched the handle of the small scythe behind his back, he only felt a pain in his heart, and the cold edge of the full moon scimitar slashed hard.

It penetrated his belly and penetrated into his heart. He could even feel that his intestines were cut off and his stomach was violently opened.

Immediately afterwards, Captain Asiba's body also hit Sha Qianmo's body hard. The two bloody bodies fell to the ground like this. Sha Qianmo felt a sharp pain on his back again, and his left shoulder

There was also the sound of fractures in his left elbow. He realized that the small sickle on his back had mercilessly penetrated his back and pierced his kidney when he was knocked down.

The weapon he used to kill Asiba actually gave him a finishing blow. How ironic!

Sha Qianmo's eyes were wide open and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth. He knew that he really wouldn't survive this time. Within his five internal organs, as Captain Asiba was still desperately stirring the handle of the knife, it was really a heartache.

, and Asiba’s face, which had lost a large piece of skin, still had a smile on it. Sha Qianmo’s free right hand stretched out to Asiba’s neck, and he gasped for air,

Spouting blood, there was only one thought left in my mind: Even if I am going to die, I will take you with me!

Captain Asiba suddenly lunged forward. His left hand severely suppressed Sha Qianmo's right hand that he wanted to raise, and his bloody mouth opened wide and bit him fiercely.

Sha Qianmo's Adam's apple accompanied his roar: "I'll bite you to death!"

The two bodies fell together, and the terrifying sound of teeth biting through human cartilage, accompanied by the low roar of "Hehe" coming from Sha Qianmo's mouth, resounded as their bodies twisted, and a burst of

Smoke and dust flew up, covering the two people's bodies, and Tan Zhi's roar accompanied by the sound of horse hooves came from the distance: "Brother Axiba, brother Axiba." All grudges and hatred followed this scene.

Smoke and dust return to dust. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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