Chapter 4835: Strip off your clothes and jump into the river to lure the cavalry into pursuit

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Xu Daofu's expression changed and he stood up. Long Ji'er on the other side looked even pale. He pointed at Yu Wai Lu Gui's hand on the opposite side, which was trembling a little. He said in a trembling voice: "How can there be anything here?

Ambush? My God, there are, there are thousands of enemy cavalry, I’m afraid, I’m afraid we won’t be able to escape this time!”

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth and whispered: "Don't worry, they probably don't know it's me yet. Now that we are all wearing the armor of ordinary soldiers, they may think that we are just ordinary soldiers who broke up. This is the river bank

, there are rocks, and the cavalry cannot use them, so we run to the rocks quickly, pretending to go into the water, and lure them to attack."

Long Jier's panicked look softened a little, and he nodded repeatedly: "Follow your instructions, Commander, I will go and give orders to each team."

Xu Daofu patted him on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Use a whistle to convey orders, don't use flags, and don't shout. At this time, your own people must not panic. However, when fleeing to the water, you must act like you are panicking."

I want some brothers to pretend to take off their armor and dive into the water, so as to attract the enemy to attack. The archers and An Qingzi will stay hidden for me, and when the enemy cavalry gets close, they will release arrows and throw knives at me!"

Long Ji'er's face showed a burst of joy: "Understood, we are the bait to lure the enemy cavalry to enter the beachhead reef area. If their cavalry cannot sprint, they will become our target!"

Xu Daofu's eyes flashed coldly: "Yes, it's Lu Gui who is coming. This man is brave and reckless. Now that we are on the riverside, he is hesitant and afraid that the rocks will be detrimental to his cavalry, so he does not dare to attack.

, It’s just a threat. If we were marching in this plain just now, I’m afraid he would come up and kill us without any nonsense. This is our opportunity, we must make good use of it. After all, he only thinks that we are ordinary defeated troops now."

Long Jier had been whistling at this moment to give out the instructions given by Xu Daofu just now. While he was whistling, he listened to Xu Daofu's words and kept nodding his head until Xu Daofu finished speaking.

Finally, he had finished issuing whistle orders. At this moment, the captains of several squads began to whistle orders in the same way. The area along the river was filled with noise, and there was a squad of about a hundred people, all of whom were already whistling.

They bounced up and ran towards the river. The twenty or so people who rushed into the reef beach first took off their clothes and armor while running, leaving only a pair of calf-nosed shorts, and jumped into the river.

The other teams also pretended to be panicked and ran towards the reef area of ​​more than 200 steps on the beach by the river. However, this time they ran deliberately.

Unintentionally lurking in the crevices of these reef beaches.

In the direction of the barren hills of the Jin army, Lu Gui's face was full of anger. Looking at these Tianshi Dao sergeants who were fleeing to the river, his teeth were chattering. Next to him, a deputy general Yin Qianze said: "Young general, what are these monster thieves doing?"

What's going on, do you want to go to the water to die?"

Another deputy general, Luo Longsheng, shook his head: "No, they are demon thieves. They are very cunning and have good water skills. I'm afraid they want to swim from here to the other side of the river bank. I heard that these old Sanwu thieves are all crazy.

When sailing on a boat, it feels like walking on flat ground, but under water, you can stay sleepless for several days."

Lu Gui nodded seriously: "Yes, these Sanwu old thieves are indeed very good at water. Although they are not as exaggerated as what Lao Luo said, they are not bad at all. There are also those Kunlun slaves in Lingnan. I heard that they can directly

Dive into the sea water, touch pearls and pick sea shells at the bottom of the sea. These people are all very good at water. Although it is impossible to swim back directly from the river, crossing the river to the Jiangnan boundary is still a good idea.

It is possible. Now that Zhu Chaoshi's army has returned to defense, there is no large-scale army of our army in Jiangzhou. These demon thieves can fly back from the ferry. Although they are defeated, they must be elite old thieves.

We cannot let them escape and go back."

Yin Qianze licked his lips and said: "This time we have arranged to not be on the main battlefield, but to set up an ambush here a hundred miles away from the battlefield. We originally thought we could intercept and kill those Lingnan barbarians, but the battle report just came.

The stubborn thieves have been eliminated by the chasing cavalry led by Tan Daoji, with more than a thousand beheaded, and the remaining two thousand or so thieves surrendered. So, this group of demon thieves is our final achievement in this battle."

Lu Gui gritted his teeth: "You are right. If these demon thieves were not cunning and only escaped from the shoals and reefs along the river, we would have wiped them out long ago on flat ground."

Luo Longsheng curled up his lips and said: "If we hadn't been using our tactics all the time, these hundreds of people running from the river might not have been discovered. Now they want to run from the river, but this reef area is not conducive to me.

The cavalry of the army are galloping. If we force past, we may fall into an ambush by the enemy. What should we do?"

Lu Gui's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth without saying a word. Obviously, deep down in his heart, he wanted to rush over. But in this situation, he had to face the enemy in a preset position that he was good at.

It is also a taboo for military strategists to charge forward. How to choose is not an easy task.

The sounds of "plop" and "plop" could be heard again and again. It was the sergeants of Tianshi Dao who jumped into the river one after another like dumplings. Soon, there were forty or fifty people rowing hard in the river.

On the other side, more and more people are hurriedly taking off their clothes and running towards the river. The entire shoal is covered with white flowers, like fish, wanting to return to their own land as soon as possible.

The territory is in the river.

Yin Qianze patted the saddle anxiously and said in a deep voice: "Young General, we can't wait any longer. We don't know when the naval warships on the river will arrive. Even if we wait for them to arrive, these demon thieves will have already escaped.

Now that they are all in a hurry to escape, how can they have the strength to fight back? Even if the rocks are not conducive to the cavalry running, the worst is that after we rush over, we can dismount and pursue on foot."

Lu Gui's heart moved and he curled up his lips: "Well, General Yin, the five hundred Dangyang cavalry under your command are very famous. The victory over the Qiang and Di cavalry in Longyou last year is all thanks to you."

A trace of pride flashed across Yin Qianze's face. He was not Lu Gui's Yongzhou soldiers and horses, but the original garrison in Dangyang. This time he came back with Lu Gui. This was a concerted effort, and it also implied he was against the Yongzhou soldiers and horses.

It was for this reason that Lu Gui finally used his words to send the cavalry unit to the river bank.

This chapter has been completed!
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