Chapter 4832: The last words of establishing a household and bringing together the people

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Tan Zhi sighed: "Aren't you deceiving your people? Not to mention whether they are willing to leave their hometown where they have lived for generations and come to Jingzhou thousands of miles away. Even if they come, it will be difficult for me to find someone like me in Wuling Mountain."

Place them in a suitable place. If they become military households or soldiers, they can be placed in the city or in the military household area. However, in this way, they will be organized into households and the people will be included. From now on, they will no longer be the Yi people in the mountains, but the Yi people in the mountains.

They are the common people who have to bear various military service obligations to the Jin Dynasty, have you really thought about it?"

Captain Axiba nodded: "This is what I have always thought about. In our tribe, if there are few men, and if we do not organize the households into the same people, we will not be able to enjoy the protection of the national law of the Jin Dynasty. If, if this battle

, we won a great victory, without any losses, and we were able to capture a large number of prisoners and enrich our tribe. I, of course, I don’t want to organize households and people so quickly, but, but now, I..."

When he said this, he coughed violently, and blood bubbles appeared in his abdomen again. His face, which was still rosy when he looked back, was rapidly turning pale. It was obvious that he was on the verge of death.

to the extent.

Captain Asiba took out a small wooden sign stained with his blood from his arms. It was made of black material and had a faint smell of sandalwood. It was the totem of their Asiba tribe. He took a big breath and struggled to

He said: "This, this is Zimu Ling, our Azai tribe's token. I, I will give it to you now. Brother A Zhi, I, I told Brother Alimu in advance about this matter. He, he

It's my lieutenant. I, I told him, you, take this Purple Wood Order to him, tell him these last words I said, he, he will definitely cooperate with you to realize, realize

My last wish."

Tan Zhi gritted his teeth and held Captain Asiba's hand tightly: "Don't worry, after your tribe is converted into a military household, I will, I will treat you as my personal guard camp and as my own relatives.

Treat them like brothers, and I will take care of the old, weak, women and children in your tribe as my own parents and sisters. Before your tribe recovers its strength, I will only let them serve as guards in the rear, and will never let them again.

Bloodshed and sacrifice.”

Captain Asiba gritted his teeth: "No, it can't be like this. Ah, brother A'zhi, no merit, no reward. Since you have become a military household, you must, you must fulfill your duties as a soldier."


Tan Zhi held his hand tightly: "Your responsibilities have been completed in this battle. Almost all the troops died in the battle. This is enough for you to have fulfilled your obligations for decades or hundreds of years. In the future, you will not need to

That's it, I will fight for the rewards and titles you deserve based on your military achievements this time. When your tribe comes, they can purchase a sufficient number of troops, slaves, etc. according to the standards of these rewards.

When the next generation of children in your tribe grow up, they will definitely restore the glory of the tribe. When the time comes, I will apply for a military title specifically for you, with a strength of 1,500 regular soldiers, so you can rest assured."

Captain Axiba laughed: "Fifteen hundred regular soldiers, one army, haha, I never thought that my son would have the opportunity to become the army leader of the Jin Dynasty. Ah Zhi, brother A Zhi, I, I thank you.

A great kindness and virtue.”

Tan Zhi said seriously: "Little Dalin is only nine years old now. He cannot take over as the army leader now. I will let your brother Alimu act as his deputy for a few years. When he becomes a man, this army will definitely be handed over to him.

It’s up to you to choose the name of this army.”

Captain Asiba laughed and murmured: "Just call it, just call it the Sha Qianmo Army. It will be used to commemorate, to commemorate me today. I killed Sha Qianmo with my own hands today. I hope, I hope that this army can do something for

Da Jin slays demons, slays demons and eliminates demons, forever, forever..."

When he said this, a strange light flashed in his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his head tilted, and he died.

Two lines of clear tears fell from Tan Zhi's eyes. His hand touched Captain Asiba's eyes, allowing him to rest in peace. He took the blood-stained purple wood order into his arms. He stood up and looked around.

All around, he said in a deep voice to the soldiers on the left and right: "Bring back the body of Captain Asiba. After we return, we will give him a grand burial. We will cut off the head of Sha Qianmo. We will go around the formation to find General Tan Daoji and ask him to take it with him."

Take this head to recruit Sha Qianmo's subordinates."

At this point, a trace of vengeful flames flashed in his eyes. He pulled out the sword from his waist, pointed directly at the ferry in front, and said loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, rush into the ferry, and kill the last one."

Demon thieves, if you encounter anyone who refuses to surrender and fights to the end, kill them without mercy. I will use the blood of these demon thieves to avenge Captain Asiba, my best brother!"

As he spoke, he held up his long sword and rushed on foot towards the ferry opposite, where there was a roar of killing and flames. Behind him were more than 4,000 soldiers in tight formations, with neat military appearances, and everyone's face was

The Jin army officers and soldiers all looked sad, and everyone shouted loudly: "Avenge Captain Asiba and kill the demon!" In this way, they rushed into the ferry.

North side of the ferry, two miles away.

Xu Daofu was still dressed as a soldier, and led a general guard of several hundred people, who were also dressed as ordinary soldiers, and were moving quickly. Although they deliberately disguised themselves, they remained silent.

However, the running team can still show how well-trained and elite this unit is. After all, these combat capabilities and military qualities cannot be concealed by changing one's skin.

Xu Daofu stopped, turned around and glanced back. He saw the situation about three miles behind him. His expression became solemn, and the flesh on his face was beating slightly. A guard next to him stamped his foot: "Damn it, west of the ferry.

The Lingnan barbarians have been defeated, and the Jin army has already entered the ferry. I am afraid that the brothers in the ferry will not have time to get on the boat."

Another guard looked at the river ten miles away. It was already noon, and the visibility was very good. Visible to the naked eye, hundreds of Tianshi Dao fleets that had just set sail from the river outside Wulin Ferry were arriving.

It was besieged by four to five hundred Jin navy warships.

Although these Jin navy ships are generally small in size, there are even many boats that are obviously converted from fishing boats. They are covered with a few cowhide and covered with some large wooden boards to prevent arrows, and can only accommodate more than ten people.

People, like this, led the fishermen holding harpoons and fishing nets into battle. These people all have a sworn blood feud with Tianshi Dao, so how could they miss such an opportunity for revenge? Even the most ordinary people

Ordinary fishermen will now become warriors seeking revenge against monster thieves! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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