Chapter 784 Underground Gobi

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"Best regards, sir!" Lu Gu suddenly saluted again. At this moment, he was really convinced, and the "elixirs" he gave him were all beyond their understanding.

Ye Wuhan stepped on his sword and left Jiugong Mountain.

"The strong men in the ancient martial arts world are respected, and it is indeed true!" He also sighed secretly.

Just like today, if you are weak, you will never be able to act. On the contrary, if you are strong enough, hatred can be wiped out. Even if you kill their people and take their things, they will still respect you.

This is where the strong is respected.

The more he understands this sentence, the more he desires to become stronger.

I still have to go back and find Qingtizhi.

It was close to noon at this time, and the sun was shining on the ground, and the mountains in the distance seemed to be somewhat distinct from light to dark. The yin side looked dark, while the yang side looked brighter.

Ye Wuhan suddenly had an idea. He suddenly thought that he had overlooked one thing. Qingshizhi likes to be yin and cold. Should he look for the shady side more often? Although some potholes will also appear, the shady side is undoubtedly more likely.

Thinking of this, Ye Wuhan stepped on his sword and headed straight for the dark side of Mount Everest. The ice spirit was still hanging in his hair, like an ice bar. Ye Wuhan grabbed it and threw it into the last time.

I put the spirit animal I photographed in my bag to prevent it from causing trouble to me.

Then Ye Wuhan stepped on the sword and came to the location marked on the map, but this time it was the other side, and then it landed and looked around.

Suddenly, Ye Wuhan felt a spiritual energy wave coming from the cliff in front. He quickly looked up and saw a spiritual grass growing on the edge of the cliff. It looked like Qingti Zhi.

Ye Wuhan felt excited and hurriedly stepped on his sword to fly towards the cliff. When he reached the top, Ye Wuhan glanced at him and couldn't help but feel more excited. However, it turned out that there was not one plant of Qingti Zhizhi, but four plants. They were growing on the edge of the cliff just now.

He saw a clear-body plant, and there were three more plants inside.

"Hehe, it turns out that hard work pays off." Ye Wuhan was extremely excited. Qingti Zhi was supplemented with other spiritual herbs. One plant can make a furnace of 12 pills. If all four plants are turned into pills, 48 ​​pills can be obtained.

Rejuvenation Pill.

With the Rejuvenation Pill, he can save a lot of spiritual stones.

With excitement, Ye Wuhan hurried forward and carefully dug out the roots of the four Qingzhi mushrooms, sealed them in jade boxes and put them in the ring. But just as he was about to get up, he suddenly felt a hurricane coming from behind.

Moreover, this wind is also mixed with a fishy smell.

Ye Wuhan immediately understood that this was not a hurricane, but a sneak attack on him. He quickly turned around and punched him.


The energy exploded, ice and snow flew, and his fist actually collided with a huge claw. The situation was like encountering a stone. The powerful force shocked him back three or four steps, and his wrists went numb for a while.

This is because he has refined his body and made his body strong, otherwise he is afraid that his opponent will tear his hands into pieces.

The thing that sneaked up on him was obviously repelled by him. He quickly glanced over and saw a giant wolf entrenched not far behind him.

This wolf was no ordinary wolf. It was more than twice the size of an ordinary wolf. It could be called a giant beast when it was entrenched there. It looked up to the sky and roared, and the sound was extremely terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that he clearly has a wolf's head, but a single horn on his head.


Ye Wuhan frowned. With his pure physical strength, he could easily kill an Earth-level person with one punch. The opponent could easily force him back without getting hurt. Doesn't that mean he was much stronger than an Earth-level master?

Coupled with his powerful body and claws comparable to gold and iron, he is far stronger than an earth-level person. It is possible that even a heaven-level expert may not be his opponent.

"What's going on? When did this species exist on earth?"

Looking at its appearance, Ye Wuhan felt that it should be a mutated giant wolf, but judging from its strength, it was much stronger than a wolf. Needless to say, wolves and tigers were far from rivals.

Ye Wuhan suddenly thought of a word, monster!

There are records about monsters in his inheritance. Monsters have appeared in ancient times on earth. Now looking at the strength of this one-horned wolf, I wonder if this wolf has reached the level of monsters? Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?

Originally, he thought about whether there would be spiritual beings guarding the spiritual grass, but he didn't expect that there was actually one at the level of a monster. He had been so excited when he saw the spiritual grass that he had ignored it before.


The wolf obviously didn't expect to catch Ye Wuhan to death. After it let out a long roar, it flew towards Ye Wuhan again, and suddenly there was another gust of fishy wind blowing in the face.

Ye Wuhan took advantage of the situation to dodge, and click! The hard ice was shattered by it.

This thing has mutated due to being watered by spiritual energy. I don’t know how many times it is stronger than a liger.

After missing a hit, the one-horned wolf became even more ferocious. He suddenly turned back, wrapped in the fishy wind, and rushed towards Ye Wuhan again fiercely.

"Haha, do you really think you are invincible?"

Ye Wuhan poured his true power into his hands and punched out fiercely. It was still a head-on confrontation.

Who hasn't lost his temper? He doesn't believe that he can't defeat it with his physical body without using weapons?

This punch caused a flickering light and created a vortex in the space. Just now, he fought back hastily and did not use his true power. Now that he was circulating his true energy, the power was naturally different from the previous one.


The spiritual power exploded, blood spattered out, and the ferocious beast was knocked back by his punch. One of its claws was shaking slightly, and it was obvious that the claw was injured.

Although its claws are as strong as iron and stone, they can be injured by the sheer force of the shock.


The injury also stimulated its ferocity. The unicorn looked up to the sky and howled, leaping forward and pounced again. Even while pounced, it revealed its huge teeth to bite Ye Wuhan.

Ye Wuhan is very interested in this thing, and every confrontation is an experience, which is good for his own tempering. It is rare to encounter an equally matched opponent, and Ye Wuhan also deliberately does not use weapons. He wants to see this

How powerful are unicorns?

The two moved back and forth, causing snowflakes to splash and ice chips to fly. One person and one animal fought each other on the cliff platform.


The huge body of the unicorn suddenly stood up and slapped its claws continuously. The mountain peaks trembled with the huge force and the ice and rocks cracked.

Ye Wuhan refused to give in and punched the unicorn to the flesh, beating the unicorn until it howled repeatedly, its roar shaking the world.

Wave after wave of wolf howls radiated around like shock waves, causing the snow on distant mountain peaks to shake and trigger an avalanche.


Continuous snow and ice rolled down from the mountain, like thousands of horses galloping, and the vast expanse of white was as far as the eye could see. The scene was spectacular. If anyone climbed here in such a scene, he would definitely die if he encountered an avalanche.

Hopefully there will be no bones left.

Ye Wuhan's blood surged, and his spiritual power surged throughout his body. The more he fought, the braver he became.

He wished he could fight for a while longer and temper his body more, but the lone wolf obviously couldn't hold on any longer.


It suddenly let out a shrill and strange roar, then turned around and ran away after sprinkling a cloud of blood.

Apparently this ferocious beast has lived here for a long time and is very familiar with the terrain. It unexpectedly rushed down a steep mountain road on the other side of the cliff.

Although this wolf is huge, it walks on ice and snow as if it were flat ground. It can jump several feet between ice and rocks, and sometimes even rolls and crawls, almost ignoring the cruel terrain here. It is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye In the meantime, he had already rushed down the cliff.

This giant wolf has reached the level of a monster, and its flesh and blood already contains spiritual energy. It can be said that it is a treasure. How could Ye Wuhan let it run away so easily?

However, if he could compete with it by running, he really couldn't do it on this steep Mount Everest. This wolf uses its claws to grasp the ground and is extremely sensitive. How can humans compare?

Ye Wuhan simply sacrificed the flying sword and pursued it with his sword, circling all the way downward in pursuit of the one-horned wolf.

Unfortunately, this ferocious beast is also extremely cunning. It relies on the terrain to spin, constantly making sudden U-turns, relying on the terrain to block Ye Wuhan, leaping and jumping all the way, and running wildly downward.

A piece of strange peaks and rocks appeared in front of him, and the fierce beast suddenly slipped into the rocks. When Ye Wuhan arrived, he found that the one-horned wolf had disappeared.

"What's going on? Can it escape even with this?"

Although this wolf was very cunning, Ye Wuhan wouldn't believe it if he could escape right under his nose.

This chapter has been completed!
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