Chapter 786 The Lonely Man in the Desert

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After refining, his own true energy was full and powerful, but it was impossible to advance.

The feeling is not like before, when I have the urge to advance, and I feel like I can break through the advancement barrier at any time, but now that barrier is not moving at all, no matter how much spiritual flesh I eat, it is impossible.

Ye Wuhan thinks that he needs to use elixirs? After all, he has been promoted a bit too quickly recently and may have reached a bottleneck period.

There is a kind of elixir called Qi Building Pill, which can help break through the barriers of small realms.

It's just that he doesn't have the main spirit grass to refine the Qi-Building Pill now, and he has just been promoted to a cultivation level and does need to be tempered. Let's talk about it later.

He scanned it with his consciousness and saw that Bing Ling was lying on his head, holding his hair and seemed to have fallen asleep again.

It was good that it didn't disturb him, so Ye Wuhan got up and walked towards the bottom of the cave, wanting to investigate it thoroughly.

He was very surprised, where did that hazy chaotic energy come from?

Unfortunately, he searched around and found no clues, because he could feel that the breath seemed to be coming from behind the stone wall.

It's very possible that the lone wolf became powerful because of this.

"Is it possible that there is a cave behind the mountain wall?"

Ye Wuhan searched for a long time but found nothing, let alone any hidden formations, so Ye Wuhan took out the magic weapon dagger and started digging.

He is reluctant to use the flying sword, don't break it or damage it. After all, this is the only one he has at the moment. With the flying sword, he can definitely kill enemies who are stronger than him.

As a result, one layer of the stone wall was dug out, and there was still a stone wall behind it.

Keep digging!

Ye Wuhan thought that it would not be possible to hollow out the middle of Mount Everest, and the more he dug, the stronger the smell became, which made Ye Wuhan look forward to it more and more.

Fortunately, he had just finished eating wolf meat, so he was full of energy and dug quickly.

Finally, he dug and dug. After digging for an hour, he struck down with his sword. There were holes in the front and hollows in the back.

What does this mean? It means that there is most likely a hollow behind this mountain wall.

At this time, he felt more and more that the misty breath was escaping from behind.

Ye Wuhan was overjoyed. He simply took out an ax he had captured before and smashed it against the mountain wall.

Boom boom boom!


The stone wall was smashed down, and Ye Wuhan hurriedly came to the edge of the cave with concentration, but he was stunned at the scene in front of him.

He saw that it was really hollow inside. There was a bottomless abyss beneath his feet, and in the center of the hollow inside, there was a group of five-color airflow that was rapidly rotating like expanding gas.

At the edge of this five-color air flow is the misty chaotic air. I think the misty air in the cave comes from here.

The five-color air flow is dazzling and looks extremely mysterious.

He tried to use his spiritual consciousness to investigate, but there was a stinging pain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, making him unable to scan at all. He was so frightened that he quickly took his spiritual consciousness back.

"What is this?"

Ye Wuhan was extremely surprised. Who would have thought that there would be a hollow in the middle of Mount Everest, and there would be such a huge mass of colorful air hidden inside.

He was observing, not knowing why, but something changed at this moment. The five-color air flow seemed to be disturbed. It suddenly rushed towards the entrance of the cave, and a five-color stream of light disappeared from Ye Wuhan's chest.


Ye Wuhan was shocked. He wanted to hide, but it was too late.

In an instant, the five-color air flow seemed to have established a connection with him. It poured into his body crazily and completely immobilized him. He boasted of his good cultivation, but he was nothing in front of this air flow. He could only

He watched helplessly as this five-color air flow continued to flow into his body.

Then this mass of air began to settle downwards again, condensing and condensing above his Dantian. It could even be said to be compressed.

In the end, this ball of five-color light actually poured into his body, and actually condensed into a seed-like existence that was only the size of a soybean, bronze-colored, above his Dantian.

"What the hell? Is there a seed growing in my body?"

Looking forward, the huge five-color air flow from before was long gone, and all the chaotic air had completely disappeared, and it had all gone into his body.

Ye Wuhan felt that this was too weird. He tried to use inner vision to carefully check the seed. When his consciousness focused on the seed, the scene in front of him changed and even he himself disappeared from the place.


The place was empty except for an unknown seed floating in the air.

Ye Wuhan felt dizzy, and when he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that he was already in another space.

The space in front of him was only a few miles in diameter, but there were all kinds of streams, hills, and green vegetation and flowers scattered around. There was a stream flowing in front of him, and there were hills and plains next to it. On the periphery of the space, there were

A gray scene, seemingly an unopened chaotic space, completely cut off from the outside.

No matter how you look at it, this is a separate small world, not the previous world.

"What's going on?" Ye Wuhan looked confused. When he lowered his head, he saw a stone tablet not far from him.

What is going on? Ye Wuhan is confused.

He remembered that the colorful brilliance had poured into his body and formed a seed above his Dantian. How could he have ended up here just thinking about that seed?

He first came to the creek with a strange mood, held up the water inside and felt it. The water was crystal clear and there was absolutely no pollution. This also made him even more strange. He felt that it was a little too clean here.

It is a paradise isolated from the world, and everything is so primitive and natural.

He jumped over the hills and walked towards the edge of chaos. He realized that he couldn't get out and walked back. He even thought of a question. It would be great if this space was his own. He could plant some spiritual grass here and enjoy the primitive nature.

Not bad, hehe.

Involuntarily, he walked towards the stone tablet again. He was very surprised. Everything here was primitive and natural. How could there be a stone tablet here?

But before he could reach the stone monument, boom! A huge translucent illusory figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

This phantom carries supreme pressure, but its true appearance is unclear.

This shadow looked down at him from top to bottom, and it felt like being stared at by a wild beast, making him feel unable to move.

A shadow is so powerful, you can imagine how terrifying it would be if the real body came.


After a while, the phantom suddenly let out a faint sigh, and then with a bang, the phantom suddenly disintegrated, dotted with fluorescence, and finally turned into an illusory stream of light and disappeared into the stone tablet.

And suddenly, a few big characters appeared on the stone tablet, Hongmeng Shengyan Jue!

"What's going on? The handwriting seems to be a set of exercises?"

Ye Wuhan was even more confused. He couldn't help but walk over and put his hand on the stone tablet.


The stone tablet disappeared.

At this moment, a complex spiritual imprint poured into his mind.

Ye Wuhan closed his eyes for a moment to calm down, and when the time was short, he opened his eyes again, showing a look of shock and joy.

"Hongmeng Shengyan Jue!"

The information conveyed to him by the stone tablet turned out to be a chaos technique "Hongmeng Shengyan Jue", just like what was marked on the stone tablet just now.

It was obvious that this was a method of cultivating immortals. The information was transmitted to him through the stone tablet. Ye Wuhan knew that this method should be a cultivation method derived from this small chaotic world and left to him.

The technique of birth of heaven and earth, Hongmeng Shengyan Jue!


Before Ye Wuhan could figure out what was going on, another voice like a bell sounded in his mind.

"Before the heaven and earth were opened, the great road of chaos evolved. Chaos first existed, and then heaven was born. The sky was expanded by Hongmeng, pushing the way of heaven, controlling all things, breaking the nine sky, ascending the world, giving birth to the way of ten thousand realms, breaking the reincarnation of heaven and earth...Those who have the ambition of Hongmeng

Only then can you inherit my way, do it reluctantly, and not enter reincarnation, fall into the eighteenth level of hell, and be destroyed for all generations..."

Then this voice reminded him whether to accept this technique. Ye Wuhan thought about it and understood that if he did not accept this chaos technique, it would disappear from his mind at any time. If he pressed this technique in the future,

Practicing the skills is also very risky. You will be jealous and robbed by others. If you fail, you will not be reincarnated and will be destroyed for all generations.

This chapter has been completed!
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