Chapter 785 Bamboo marks, metal rattan

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Ye Wuhan entered the strange rock and looked around but couldn't find it. Ye Wuhan felt that there must be something to cover here. The one-horned wolf must be hiding, so he couldn't see it.

So Ye Wuhan released his spiritual consciousness, and after scanning, he finally found a dark cave entrance at the bottom of a cliff. His spiritual consciousness could be extended into it. This was obviously a cave.

But inside the cave, he saw no trace of the unicorn wolf. The cave was so deep that his consciousness couldn't even scan it to the bottom.

Ye Wuhan jumped over. It was dark and bottomless inside, and he had no idea where it was going.

Ye Wuhan walked a few steps along the cave and smelled the unique smell of the unicorn wolf. There were also bloody claw marks on the ground, also going inward, which meant that the unicorn was inside.

And the further inside, Ye Wuhan discovered that in addition to the breath of the unicorn wolf, there was a special breath in the cave. This breath gave him an extremely powerful feeling when he took a sniff, and the further in he went, the more he walked in.

The smell gets stronger as you walk.

"what happened?"

Ye Wuhan was a little puzzled, wondering if it was this aura that made the unicorn wolf become physically extremely powerful?

In any case, this place was unusual, and he definitely wanted to find out. It was not his character to retreat in the face of battle, so he stayed on guard and chased all the way in.

It was very wide inside, nearly two meters high, and the farther inside, the drier it became. Moreover, as he walked, Ye Wuhan found that his consciousness was blocked by something unknown, which meant that his consciousness was blocked at all.

He couldn't sweep inside, but he was sure that he didn't sweep on the mountain wall.

You must know that after being promoted again, his consciousness can already scan a distance of about one thousand meters.

"This place is very weird!"

Realizing that this cave was different, Ye Wuhan became more careful. He held the flying sword in his hand and walked inside cautiously.

After walking further seven or eight hundred meters, Ye Wuhan finally felt the aura that blocked his consciousness. There seemed to be a gray and unknown gas floating around. However, the cave was flickering in and out, and it was difficult for him to see at all.

It's clear what it is.

Ye Wuhan probed out his spiritual consciousness again, and it turned out that this thing was blocking his spiritual consciousness.

"Chaos gas?" Ye Wuhan thought of such a word inexplicably, and he was convinced that his consciousness was not strong enough. If it were strong enough, this misty gas should be able to penetrate it.

Divine consciousness doesn't work here, so he can only look at it visually.

After walking another mile or so inside, the misty atmosphere seemed to get stronger, and the cave reached the end. Ye Wuhan finally saw the one-horned wolf huddled at the bottom of the cave.

And the weird thing is that it seems to be using that misty gas to heal the wounds.

Ye Wuhan once suspected that it had become so powerful not entirely because of those spiritual herbs, but because this place was special?

Seeing that he was being chased to his lair, the unicorn was furious.


The one-horned wolf let out a loud roar, and was enveloped by the fishy wind as it rushed toward Ye Wuhan. Judging from the situation, its injuries had recovered by at least 30%.

And as the Jedi fought back, the unicorn became even more ferocious. The cave wall seemed to be shaking with its roar, and it looked extremely ferocious.

Ye Wuhan shook his head. This place was too weird. He didn't want to waste time with it, so he directly sacrificed the flying sword.


A stream of blood splashed out, and no matter how strong its body was, it was seriously injured. For a moment, it was bleeding like a stream. The seriously injured unicorn turned back and tried to run inside again. Unfortunately, it was already at the bottom. It had nowhere to escape, so it could only

He turned around and fought again, trying to get out.

It's a pity that it didn't have a chance. The flying swords circled back and forth, killing it completely in a short time and falling to the ground motionless.

Ye Wuhan let out a sigh of relief. This thing is really strong. It would be really difficult to kill it without weapons.

A ferocious beast of this level is already full of treasures, and Ye Wuhan will never abandon it.

He first came to look at the single horn on its head. He had tried it just now, and the flying sword only caused slight scratches on it, and it was difficult to cut it off. This is definitely an excellent material for weapon refining, and it contains spiritual power.

If combined with other weapon refining materials, it can even be used to refine flying swords.

Even if he didn't refine the flying sword, he could refine other weapons. Of course he would not throw away such excellent weapon-refining materials. He first took off the horn and sealed it separately, and then Ye Wuhan used his sword to cut the giant wolf's skin away.

Separate from the bones, store them in categories, and later use them to refine the formation flag.

After dismembering the monster beast, Ye Wuhan sealed most of it and put it into the ring. The flesh and blood of this thing contains spiritual power, which can definitely improve the cultivation level. In other words, this is spiritual beast meat, even if he can't

By using it to advance, other people can also use it, especially their own women, whose cultivation base is relatively low. With this ferocious beast, their cultivation base can definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and they can also save a lot of spiritual stones.

As for him, even if he can't advance, he can definitely use it to strengthen his body and temper his cultivation.

And he also left a piece of wolf meat behind, because he was hungry and prepared to barbecue.

It's just that the giant wolf's physical body cannot be taken directly because it contains spiritual energy and violent aura. It needs to be refined before it can be taken. This is different from monkey wine. Monkey wine is brewed from spiritual fruits. It has soft spiritual power and is also used.

It is neutralized by brewing wine, and drinking it can cure diseases and strengthen the body. However, the spiritual power of wolf meat is more violent and violent, and it contains murderous intent. It must be refined before it can be eaten.

So after Ye Wuhan refined the piece of meat, he took out the stove, lit a fire and started grilling meat.

Although he felt that this place was unusual, he wanted to study it carefully, but he would wait until he had enough energy to do so.

The wolf meat was finally roasted. The aroma of the meat was so fragrant that people had the urge to eat it as soon as they smelled it. Ye Wuhan felt that it must be much more delicious than ordinary meat. How could spiritual meat be as good as ordinary meat?


He cut off a piece of the beast and took a bite. Sure enough, the meat was tender, a little silky, and extremely delicious. After eating it, a strong spiritual power gradually spread out and filled the limbs and bones.

"Hey, it's really good!" Ye Wuhan was convinced that this was definitely the most delicious meal of meat he had ever eaten.

Suddenly, Ye Wuhan thought of Ice Spirit. This meat contains spiritual power. Can it be eaten? If it can be eaten, wouldn't he have to save a lot of spiritual stones?

With this idea, Ye Wuhan became excited. He quickly took out the spirit beast bag and released this cute little guy.

As a result, the little guy was staring at him inside. As soon as the spirit beast bag was opened, it flew up to the stone wall. It hung on the stone wall. A pair of cute big eyes stared at Ye Wuhan with tears in his eyes, looking extremely aggrieved.


Obviously, it doesn't like being locked up.

"Okay, stop glaring at me. There are good things to eat here. Come over and eat!" Ye Wuhan also specially tore off a piece of barbecue and put it in his mouth to eat the delicious food to tempt Bing Ling.

In the end, Bing Lingli ignored him, gave him a look of contempt, and turned his face away.

"You are so hard to raise." Ye Wuhan was speechless. If you don't eat the fragrant wolf meat, what else can you eat? You just like to eat spirit stones, or snow lotus, right?

"I'm telling you, if you don't eat this meat, don't follow me anymore, I can't afford to feed you!" Ye Wuhan began to threaten it, while holding a piece of meat dangling in front of it, and continued


It's a pity that the little thing turned his face away, but when he looked at him, his face looked aggrieved, and he was about to cry again.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. I'm afraid of you. Okay, don't cry. Why don't you let me follow you?" The smart and aggrieved look in those big eyes made you really unable to get angry, so Ye Wuhan had no choice but to

He gave up his plan to seduce it and started eating the barbecue with his head down.


Ice Spirit flew up and landed in front of him, then rolled on the ground and stretched out its little paws to look shy, constantly making faces and peeking at him from between its claws.


Ye Wuhan was amused.

"You really can't eat anything, but you are the first in acting coquettishly and cutely!"

Ye Wuhan smiled bitterly, he really couldn't do anything with this guy. Ye Wuhan guessed that he might have owed her a debt in his previous life and came to collect debts.


Ye Wuhan pinched it and threw it directly on his shoulder. The little thing made a face at him, then jumped up to his head, grabbed his hair and played with it, rolling and swinging on it from time to time.

etc., having a great time.

"You are such an ancestor!" Ye Wuhan smiled bitterly, really treating my head as a playground.

Anyway, it's quite happy like this and doesn't bother itself, so just let it go. It's impossible to get spiritual stones anyway, and I've eaten a lot today.

After eating the piece of barbecue left behind, Ye Wuhan's body was full of spiritual energy, running around, and he felt like he was about to explode. He hurriedly sat down to refine it.

This chapter has been completed!
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