Chapter 6060 Return

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 The older you get, the lower your martial arts talent is, and the harder it is to break through small realms. It goes without saying that it is even more difficult to break through big realms.

Without rejuvenating their bodies, it is impossible for the great elders to break through to the supreme realm.

Of course they knew this, but they still chose to help him without any reservation, firstly because they hoped for a miracle to happen, and secondly because they were doing it for the entire family, not just for individuals.

The people of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, of course they have selfish motives, but they also have the awareness to contribute to their family.

If they were all selfish, the family would not be where it is today.

The four ancient races have been inherited for countless years. Their people are much more united than other forces and have a greater sense of honor for their families.

Therefore, many clan members will sacrifice themselves for the sake of their family. ??

Such a family and such warriors are worthy of respect.

The other party tried his best to help him, and he naturally also tried his best to help the other party.

Qin Ming is a person who repays kindness and will not be stingy at all if he can help them.

If you want to help them, you must develop a new formula for mythical beast-level elixirs, and to be able to research mythical beast-level elixirs, you must reach the realm of martial arts.

However, before the martial arts realm breaks through to the divine beast realm, Qin Ming still wants to strengthen his body some more.

He looked at the golden light in the sky, hoping in his heart, "I don't know if you can continue to help me refine my body. After leaving here, if I want to refine my body, I must research a new mythical beast-level elixir."

"And even if a new mythical beast-level elixir is developed, the effect will definitely be much worse than here."

Qin Ming knew very well
, even if there are elixirs, it is absolutely impossible to refine the body much faster than comprehending the great road.

He was able to break through so quickly through physical training because of Lingyun Cave. However, it was simply impossible for him to make such rapid progress after leaving here.

Therefore, even if Qin Ming is sure that he will be able to research the mythical beast-level elixir, he still wants to continue to use golden light to refine his body.

But understanding the great road is different. Qin Ming is certain that the golden light will definitely help him break through the realm of martial arts to the realm of divine beasts.

Even if the golden light cannot, there is still a large amount of black stone in his space ring, which is enough energy for him to break through.

Qin Ming is not in a hurry when the avenue breaks through to the realm of divine beasts. He hopes to further improve his body refining in Lingyun Cave.

Qin Ming continues to move forward now. The pressure around him can no longer affect him at all. Even if he is flying now, it is absolutely impossible to be pressed to the ground by this pressure.

"Lingyundong should be based on the martial arts realm of the warriors, and the world they come to is completely different. Lingyundong Divine Beast Realm powerhouses can also enter. For Divine Beast Realm warriors, this test is too easy." Qin Ming looked at Chao.

I thought to myself as a large amount of golden light came to me.

If he had already reached the realm of divine beasts in martial arts before entering Lingyun Cave, he would definitely be able to pass the first level.

Most of the warriors who enter Lingyun Cave cannot even pass the first level.

The difficulty of the challenge in Lingyun Cave will be very different depending on the current martial arts level of the warrior.

Therefore, the higher the potential of a warrior and the stronger his will, the more benefits he will get in Lingyun Cave.

As he absorbed more and more golden light, Qin Ming also focused his attention on himself, observing his inner organs with his spiritual sense expectantly. The older he gets, the lower his martial arts talent is, and the harder it is to break through a small realm. Breakthrough

Needless to say, it is even more difficult to reach a large realm.

Without rejuvenating their bodies, it is impossible for the great elders to break through to the supreme realm.

Of course they knew this, but they still chose to help him without any reservation, firstly because they hoped for a miracle to happen, and secondly because they were doing it for the entire family, not just for individuals.

The people of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, of course they have selfish motives, but they also have the awareness to contribute to their family.

If they were all selfish, the family would not be where it is today.

The four ancient races have been inherited for countless years. Their people are much more united than other forces and have a greater sense of honor for their families.

Therefore, many tribesmen will sacrifice themselves for the sake of their family.

Such a family and such warriors are worthy of respect.

The other party tried his best to help him, and he naturally also tried his best to help the other party.

Qin Ming is a person who repays kindness and will not be stingy at all if he can help them.

If you want to help them, you must develop a new formula for mythical beast-level elixirs, and to be able to research mythical beast-level elixirs, you must reach the realm of martial arts.

However, before the martial arts realm breaks through to the divine beast realm, Qin Ming still wants to strengthen his body some more.

He looked at the golden light in the sky, hoping in his heart, "I don't know if you can continue to help me refine my body. After leaving here, if I want to refine my body, I must research a new mythical beast-level elixir."

"And even if a new mythical beast-level elixir is developed, the effect will definitely be much worse than here."

Qin Ming knew very well
, even if there are elixirs, it is absolutely impossible to refine the body much faster than comprehending the great road.

He was able to break through so quickly through physical training because of Lingyun Cave. However, it was simply impossible for him to make such rapid progress after leaving here.

Therefore, even if Qin Ming is sure that he will be able to research the mythical beast-level elixir, he still wants to continue to use golden light to refine his body.

But understanding the great road is different. Qin Ming is certain that the golden light will definitely help him break through the realm of martial arts to the realm of divine beasts.

Even if the golden light cannot, there is still a large amount of black stone in his space ring, which is enough energy for him to break through.

Qin Ming is not in a hurry when the avenue breaks through to the realm of divine beasts. He hopes to further improve his body refining in Lingyun Cave.

Qin Ming continues to move forward now. The pressure around him can no longer affect him at all. Even if he is flying now, it is absolutely impossible to be pressed to the ground by this pressure.

"Lingyundong should be based on the martial arts realm of the warriors, and the world they come to is completely different. Lingyundong Divine Beast Realm powerhouses can also enter. For Divine Beast Realm warriors, this test is too easy." Qin Ming looked at Chao.

I thought to myself as a large amount of golden light came to me.

If he had already reached the realm of divine beasts in martial arts before entering Lingyun Cave, he would definitely be able to pass the first level.

Most of the warriors who enter Lingyun Cave cannot even pass the first level.

The difficulty of the challenge in Lingyun Cave will be very different depending on the current martial arts level of the warrior.

Therefore, the higher the potential of a warrior and the stronger his will, the more benefits he will get in Lingyun Cave.

As he absorbed more and more golden light, Qin Ming also focused his attention on himself, observing his internal organs with his spiritual consciousness full of expectation.

This chapter has been completed!
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