Chapter 1471 Brothers in Suffering

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 They all seemed very excited.

Many teams are destined to win.

During this period, they have gone through rigorous training. At least 35 of the 36 teams are very confident, and everyone has a reason.

Hard work always pays off.

Everyone thinks they have given their best, and they all think they are the best.

Every team has a goal, and different teams have different goals.

For example, the Beijing University team, their goal is to defeat the Xiangya team.

Peking University and Xiangya are both 985, but Peking University is more famous.

Peking University Medical School should also improve, and their goal is of course Xiangya.

Beijing University spent a lot of money this time. They invited big names in the international nursing community, and the deputy director-general of the WHO Nursing Federation became their training consultant.

The target of the Shanghai stock market is also the Xiangya team.

They are qualified.

Among the 36 teams, they are definitely in the first echelon, and in some aspects, they have surpassed Xiangya.

The history of their school establishment is almost the same as that of Xiangya, and they are related by blood.

Yan Fuqing, the first president of Xiangya Medical College, was the founder of Shanghai Medical University. During the campaign to expel people from other provinces in Hunan Province, he went to Union Hospital as the vice president. He worked there for more than a year and then went to Shanghai.

The city established Shanghai Medical College.

So, they are a competition between brothers and sisters.

They have this qualification.

As for many teams, they all have this dream and can beat Xiangya.

Of course, this is an attitude and a state of life. In the end, when it failed, everyone just laughed.

However, there are several hospitals that really target Xiangya.

It's a meeting.

Liu Muqiao's seat was assigned to a corner.

Seats are particular, although they are said to be in no particular order.

"Are you from Qingjiang University?"

The host of the meeting had not yet arrived, and the person sitting next to Liu Muqiao was the team leader of a provincial hospital in the northwest. Their province did not have a medical school, so they had to send the team from the Provincial People's Hospital.

He is also part of the corner.

"Yes, you are?"

"Qingzhou Provincial Medical Representative Team."

"Nice to meet you."

"We are all in the forgotten corner of love. It is our biggest victory if we don't finish last this time. Your Qingjiang University School of Medicine must have very high goals, right?"

"With so many strong players here, how can we dare to aim high? It's the same goal as yours, just not to be the last one."

A man from behind also came over and said: "We are also brothers in need. What we strive for is not to be at the bottom. Oh, I am from the team of the Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College."

Liu Muqiao wants to cry.

If you hang out with them, you will be regarded as a beggar by others.

Soon, 7 or 8 teams appeared around Liu Muqiao. They were all just fighting for honor and did not want to be ranked last.

Birds of a feather flock together.

There were also 10 teams surrounding the Xiangya team. Before the game started, they started psychological warfare and started to show their cards.

They all began to emphasize their own advantages and show off their outstanding players.

The players they showed off were all geniuses.

Zhang Lingzhi said little while sitting in her seat, she just smiled.

Show off talented students?

She has 19 genius-level players in her hand, but unfortunately, a team only needs 11 players. She really wants to bring all 19 players, which will make others faint.

It's amazing if a team has 1, 2, 3, or 4 talented people, but the Xiangya team has as many as 19.

She did an internal test, which was not public, a mock test, and all 19 people scored 100 points, and the skill operation also reached a rare score of 99 points.

She is too lazy to argue with others.

However, Zhang Lingzhi is still very cautious. Although she is confident in her heart, she does not reveal her performance. Her results are not revealed by bragging, but by comparison.

She is also worried, what if?

"Sister, don't play too good, please save some face for us." The leader of the Huaxi team said to Zhang Lingzhi with ill intentions.

In recent years, West China Hospital has emerged as a new force. In some aspects, they have surpassed Xiangya and even caught up with Union Medical College.

Naturally, they are not willing to be inferior in nursing care.

Nursing and clinical medicine are originally from the same family. Isn’t it lame that medical clinic is strong but not nursing?

While we were chatting, the host came in, and several people from the organizing committee also came in.

Half are foreigners.

The host smiled at Zhang Lingzhi.

Obviously, they know each other.

And most of the others I don’t know.

Liu Miqiao was sitting in the corner anyway, inconspicuous. Besides, the host seemed to know how the seats were arranged, and she rarely looked over here.

The leader of the Qing Province team recited a poem, "...The spring breeze does not pass through Yumen Pass."

After the opening remarks, the host announced the rules.

One theoretical test, 10 contestants, 1000 points, 3 hours of theoretical test time.

There are 20 skill items, each worth 100 points. If two team members participate, they can score 200 points, with a total score of 4,000 points. Each person can participate in 3 competitions.

The host said that this is to allow outstanding contestants to stand out.

It also makes sense. This competition is to select talents to prepare for the next international competition.

It can be seen that Zhang Lingzhi is a little unhappy.

They are very strong overall and do not need the abilities of individual players.

As for the other strong teams, they were very happy. Each team has several talented players, so these talented players have a place to use.

Liu Muqiao had an ominous premonition.

The only good players he has are Zhao Jing, Wang Yi and Liang Fei. With Liang Fei left as a reserve player, only Zhao Jing and Wang Yi are left.

Of the two of them, only Zhao Jing is an all-rounder, while Wang Yi has no advantage in more theoretical skills.

It would be great if Liang Fei also enters the main draw, she can also participate in 3 individual competitions.

However, the host did not mention the substitute players at all.

The less it is mentioned, the more likely it is that the substitutes will have problems. If there is an extra game with the substitutes, it may be the key to victory.

Sure enough, in the end, the host mentioned the substitute players. The substitute players participated in a theoretical and operational interview, and their scores entered the final score.

This is a separate competition that is not included in the pre-competition syllabus. The questions will be tricky and the total score is 300 points.

The purpose is to test the abilities of the main team members.

The host began to ask everyone to sort and determine the order in which the substitutes would compete.

From 1 to 36, the order of the game is also very knowledgeable.

It is not good to draw the queen mother or the queen mother.

Because it’s too far forward, the judges’ scoring will be tighter.

If it is too far back, the jury will be tired and the score will be lowered because it has to take care of the players in front.

Liu Muqiao frowned.

This is the most powerful person in every team.

Who to choose?

Zhao Jing?

Or Liang Fei?

The problem is that neither of these two people may be able to defeat other players.

There is only one truly powerful person, Jiang Wei.

It would be great if Jiang Wei could be a substitute.

Now, it depends on the time drawn by lot.

If it’s not between 9 and 12 o’clock, don’t even think about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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