Chapter 1472 Jiang Wei wakes up

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 Xiangya has encountered serious challenges.

The overall level of her team members is very strong. Compared with the team performance, it can be said that there is almost no suspense. If they don't take first place, others will not dare to do so.

However, the current competition arrangement is very conducive to individual heroism.

36 teams, 396 players, how do you know there are no talented players among them?

Once a team has super strong players, the game may deviate.

Xiangya cannot afford to lose.

They have worn their crowns for so long that they are no longer used to not wearing them.

The current situation is very worrying.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Liu Muqiao was also worried. He originally came to fight for the whole.

Because Jiang Wei and I are the coaches of the Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital team, after three months of training, although I can’t say that I will definitely win the Xiangya team, I have a good chance of getting into the top three - to say the least, I can get into the top six.

There will definitely be no problem.

They have this confidence.

However, the situation has changed now. The Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital team does not have any particularly outstanding talented players.

Wang Yidu is considered the best. Team Qingjiang is in trouble.

Zhao Jing and Liang Fei are geniuses, but they can only be said to be close to geniuses. With players of their level, there are at least 20 of the 396 players. Perhaps, they can only be regarded as mid-range players in the Xiangya team.


Liu Muqiao is worried.

Start drawing lots.

Determine the order in which substitutes will appear.

Liu Muqiao came on stage in person.


No. 36!

Liu Muqiao was frightened.

It is impossible for 36 people to compete from 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning.

The hope of arranging Jiang Wei as a substitute is gone.

Now there are only two choices.

Zhao Jing and Liang Fei.

Who is stronger between the two of them?

If you look at it from the outside, I would definitely choose Zhao Jing. She has several years of administrative experience, has a stronger sense of the overall situation, and is more mature.

However, if you think about it carefully, Liang Fei has her advantages. It seems that her theory is more solid and her operation is more powerful. In other words, in terms of talent, Liang Fei may be just a little bit better than Zhao Jing.

Liang Fei is a student of Zhang Lingzhi, and Zhang Lingzhi is now the number one expert in the domestic nursing field. Her students are really powerful.

Returning to the hotel, Liu Maqiao was extremely worried when he saw Jiang Wei sleeping soundly. There was no one with whom to discuss.

When Jiang Wei wakes up, she will have to wait until after 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, as the theoretical exam has already started.

A replacement must be decided tonight.

Zhao Jing or Liang Fei, who is more suitable?

It can be said that half of this game is playing as a substitute.

"Zhao Jing, come here." Liu Miqiao called Zhao Jing.

Soon, Zhao Jing came.

"There is a problem. Who will be the substitute, you or Liang Fei?" Liu Maqiao had already told everyone the rules when he came back. Now, he gave Zhao Jing a problem.

"For those of us in the game, I can only ask the leader to make the decision."

Zhao Jing is right, she is a person in the game, and if she wants to see the true face of Lushan, she must step out.

Liu Muqiao was a little troubled.

"You'd better say a few words."

"Liang Fei and I may each have advantages and disadvantages. However, I am not shirking responsibility. It may be better to choose Liang Fei. In recent years, nursing science has made great progress, and Liang Fei's knowledge is relatively new.

In addition, she is a student of Professor Zhang Lingzhi, so she may be more suitable than me."

"Well, but you are more mature." Liu Maqiao said objectively.

"Maturity is not necessarily an advantage, because maturity loses its edge. Sometimes, courage and passion are needed to solve problems." Zhao Jing said.

"Well, it makes sense. Sometimes, maturity is a disadvantage. However, in nursing, mature nurses will provide higher quality care."

"So, it all depends on luck. I mean, maturity is not always an advantage." Zhao Jing answered seriously.

"Your overall awareness is greater." Liu Miqiao said Zhao Jing's second advantage.

"Overall, I already have boundaries. Maybe Liang Fei doesn't. Her world is simpler, and a simple world lacks more fetters." Zhao Jing analyzed.

Liu Muqiao nodded. It makes sense. A simple person without any fetters may have a broader vision.

OK, then make up your mind.

After sending Zhao Jing away, Liu Miqiao called Liang Fei over again and asked her the same question.

Sure enough, unlike Zhao Jing, she readily agreed.

"Choose me, I will work hard to complete the task."

"Why don't you be humble?"

"Is there still this routine? I don't understand."

"What do you think of Zhao Jing?"

"Zhao Jing? Zhao Jing can do it too. The two of us are indistinguishable, so it is right to choose her. Wang Yi is not good, she can only win in the operation."

"Okay, let me think about it again, this matter is too difficult to decide."

After Liu Muqiao sent the two people away, he sat alone in the room and thought.

Suddenly, he thought, didn't he have a high-end treasure box in his hand?

Now that we have encountered a problem, can we open a treasure box?

What can you drive?

He couldn't even imagine what could be developed that could solve the current problem.

You can't even imagine it yourself, so why bother?

What if you could prescribe a medicinal solution that could help Jiang Wei wake up?

Haha, is it possible?

You can drive whatever you want. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Thinking of this, Liu Muqiao suddenly thought of a question.

Since Jiang Wei has shared the medical wisdom system, can she share the liquid pills that I usually prescribe?

Try it?

Thinking of this, he came to Jiang Wei's room next door, sat on the bedside, took out the Qi Qi Pill and put it in Jiang Wei's mouth. Just a second later, Jiang Wei woke up.

"Are you awake?"

"When is this?"

"It's 9 o'clock in the evening."

"Ah, how could I wake up at this time? Just now, I seemed to have taken a pill. You gave it to me. What pill did I take?"

Liu Muqiao turned around and said to Xi Yu and Zhong Ling, "You two hurry up and help Jiang Wei get something to eat. She's woken up."

Xi Yu and Zhong Ling were surprised.

It has been several months, and Jiang Wei never wakes up at this time. Isn't this because she is recovering from her illness?

They hurried out to get food.

When Liu Muqiao saw them leaving, he said: "You took my Huiqi Pill. I have many more. I'll give them all to you. You take them."

Liu Muqiao didn't consider whether Jiang Wei could accept it. He gave her dozens of pills in one fell swoop.

Jiang Wei can't answer it at all.

She ate another one, and Liu Maqiao brought it to her mouth.

"I can't take your pills, but I can take them."

"You can eat it, Jiang Wei. I have decided that you will be the substitute. The substitute is the key to the success or failure of this game."

Since Jiang Wei can share the pills and liquid in Liu Maqiao's pocket, he can control her sleeping time, and there will be no problem in the competition.

It's a pity that Jiang Wei can't keep the pills and liquid medicine.

However, I am satisfied. This is already good. I can wake up when needed. What else is better than this?

"Okay, starting from tomorrow, I will be a substitute. Now let's try it and take two pills to see how long I can last."

This chapter has been completed!
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