Chapter 1473 The situation is not good

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 Each Huiqi pill lasted for an hour. Jiang Wei took two more pills later and did not fall asleep until 4 hours later.

On the first day of the theoretical test, 10 team members participated.

Take the test in the morning and the results will be out in the afternoon.

Computer grading is efficient and fair.

The results were also announced.

Good guys, the distance has widened. The difference between the first place and the last place is nearly 200 points.

With a total score of 1,000 points, the Xiangya team lived up to its reputation, scoring 998 points and only deducting 2 points!

In second place, a dark horse emerged, with 988 points. Qingjiang team was 10 points behind Xiangya team.

Sure enough, Wang Yi only scored 96 points, and she alone fell behind by 3 points.

In third place, the Peking University team scored 980 points, 8 points behind the Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital team.

The fourth place Shanghai team is closely followed with 979 points, 1 point behind.

Next, Tongji, Zhongshan, Huaxi, and Qilu are all within 5 points, and the gap is not big.

There is only a certain distance from the second echelon, but the distance from the third echelon is even greater.

The Qingjiang team is being targeted.

Next is the operation competition.

For three days in a row, the team got off to a bad start. The Qingjiang team did not get any rewards, and the 6 projects were wasted.

Zhang Shan and Li Si returned home in defeat.

They made no mistakes, and their operations were basically perfect. However, they were not as clean as others. They were 0.3 points and 0.7 points behind third place. Zhang Shan was fourth and Li Si was fifth.

There are no bonus points for fourth or fifth place.

The Xiangya team showed strong strength. They got 4 first places, 5 second places, and 2 third places in 6 competitions.

67 extra points.

All of a sudden, the distance between the second place was widened.

The second place now is no longer the Affiliated Hospital of Qingjiang University, but the Beijing University Team.

In the first three days, Beijing University won 1 first place and 1 second place, earning 15 extra points.

Overtaking the Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital team by 7 points.

On the fourth day, there was a small gain. Tang Yun got a third place and gained 2 points.

On the 4th day, Beijing University scored another second place, adding 5 points.

Xiangya shouldn’t say that, they won another first place and gained 10 points.

They already have 5 first place winners.

Tongji Hospital also came up, and the fourth day was Tongji Hospital’s lucky day. They won 1 first place, 1 second place, and 1 third place.

17 extra points.

They rose to second place, tied with Beijing University.

The Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital team has become fourth.

It seems that the Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital team will still have a long road ahead.

The team members were a little downcast.

Liu Muqiao organized everyone to analyze the following format and said: "Out of 20 events, we only competed in 8 events, which is less than half. Don't be discouraged. My confidence is still there. You don't have to worry about the following competitions. Follow the usual training procedures.

Just fine. In fact, you have also noticed that our results are only a few tenths away from third place, so there is a bit of luck involved."

Jiang Wei took two Huiqi Pills at this time.

"I paid attention. In fact, there is still a gap between you. Objectively speaking, their training is more solid than ours. This is mainly due to me. I only train for 3 hours a day, so I don't blame you. Tomorrow's game

, Shanshan, Xiao Linzi, when dealing with epileptic patients with major seizures, you should pay attention to the fact that they are probably not real patients. Therefore, when you two deal with the patient, you would rather do less actions instead of superfluous. This kind of treatment is actually just one

Principle, try to reduce the chance of injury."

She looked at the other two nurses and said, "There are 7 processes for you two to care for arteriovenous fistulas. They must be smooth. The key is steps 5 and 6. Don't be sloppy."

After saying that, Jiang Wei simulated the operation again.

To be honest, in the skills competition on the 5th day, it is difficult to have a chance to win. The key is that the difficulty is not too high, but it is difficult to say who can come first.

"Liu Muqiao, do we still have hope of catching up with Xiangya?" Jiang Wei asked Liu Muqiao after the meeting.

"Theoretically, there is more. Less than half of the project has been carried out," Liu Maqiao said.

"However, the Xiangya team already has five first places and five second places. As for third place, they are not interested anymore. Now our total score is almost 100 points apart, which is a big gap."<


Jiang Wei is talking about the reality that needs to be faced.

Liu Muqiao also had to face this reality.

"The key is that I have too little training time. Others have 12 hours a day, but we only have 6 hours. Even if you sometimes add classes, the training time is only 10 hours a day. In terms of intensity, we lose to others.

Jiang Wei self-examination.

"But your quality is higher than others." Liu Maqiao said.

"My coach is also a master. There is not much difference between him and me."

What Jiang Wei said is also true. Although she is at the master level, isn't someone else's master level? Even if it is not a master level, the gap will not be too big.

"The three best ones we have have not yet appeared." Liu Maqiao said.

"But the five first-place winners in Xiangya are not the same person. It can be seen that their overall strength is very strong."

The fifth day of competition is over.

Still no big gains.

Won 1 second place and gained 5 points.

Xiangya has won 1 first place and 1 second place again. They have already had 6 first places and 6 second places. They are too lazy to remember the third place.

Tongji made another achievement, and they won another first place.

They are already firmly in second place, and Beijing University is ranked third.

Halfway through the tournament.

Xiangya is far ahead, with a skill operation score of 1102 points.

Second place in Tongji, skill score 1025 points.

Third place in Peking University, skill score 1018 points.

The Shanghai team ranked fourth with a skill score of 1010.

The Qingjiang team dropped to fifth place, with only 1007 points.

If the Qingjiang team wants to catch up with the Xiangya team, unless a miracle happens and they get 7 or 8 first places in a row, or a series of second places.

This is unlikely.

Not to mention the Xiangya team, even the Tongji team may not be able to survive.

Zhang Lingzhi can now be said to have finally let go of her worries. She has discovered that no team can catch up and they will win with a huge advantage.

Every time, when she was happy, she would order a plate of fish and a bottle of red wine, and sit alone in the restaurant and enjoy the tranquility.

This kind of tranquility can only be understood when you are happy.

Today, she is like this again.

A bass.

A bottle of Lafite costs 12,000 per bottle.

There is also a side dish - a very spicy side dish.

This is her hobby.

Originally, side dishes were meant to be light, but Zhang Lingzhi was used to spiciness, so I fried a purslane and the chili pepper in it was still half-cooked.

The Xiangya team has opened up a gap of nearly 100 points. For these 100 points, 10 first place players, 20 second place players, or 50 third place players are needed.

Can this gap be caught up?

She took a comfortable sip of red wine. Her face felt slightly warm.

This chapter has been completed!
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