Chapter 3261: Poisonous smoke covers the sky to face difficulties

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Helan Lu looked expressionlessly at the black robe who flew down to the city like a big black bird and then disappeared into the crowd. He murmured to himself: "He is really a cold and heartless guy who doesn't recognize his relatives.

, Murong Lan, ah Murong Lan, you are so pitiful, remember not to meet such a brother in your next life."

He said, shook his head, and walked into an empty wooden compartment in front. The sergeant who controlled the chain in the compartment opened his eyes wide: "Master Helan, you, why do you want to go down to the city? This city...


Helan Lu looked at the more than ten soldiers around him who had stopped at about half the height of the city wall and were carrying or carrying the cauldrons of golden soup and iron juice into the double wall, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "

Take me to Cave C, and be quick!"

Guanggu, Nancheng, Jinjun Commandery.

Liu Yu sat firmly in his command position and looked calmly at the gate of the southern city. More than ten bundles of hay were burning feebly. Rolling yellow smoke and thick fog emerged from these bundles, filling the area within a few hundred steps.

On the outside of the city wall, the figures of the Jin troops who were running back and forth near the city gate, carrying sandbags, were completely covered up. Even Xiang Mi, who was standing a hundred steps away from the city gate with a flag in one hand, became blurry.

, vaguely visible.

Liu Zhong murmured: "What the hell kind of ghost smoke is this? It has been hung on the city wall for so long and it hasn't even burned out. It looks like there's a lot of sulfur in it."

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "These grass bundles are mixed with a lot of wet wolf dung, which is similar to the principle of burning wolf smoke. Because it has the effect of sulfur, combined with the wet dung and the wet firewood inside, it will produce this choking sulfur."

The poisonous smoke, but the fire was not too strong, burned the grass all at once. This is the wet smoke method recorded in ancient books, and it seems that the old ghost in black robe has used it again. "

Liu Yu sighed: "It's just that the quantity of this thing is not large. Heipao only released more than a dozen of these sulfur poisonous smoke bundles around the city gate, and they were not used elsewhere. It seems that his inventory is not used."

It’s not much, so you have to use it sparingly.”

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Wet wolf dung and several herbs that control the burning speed are hard to come by. Of course, we have to use them sparingly. However, by doing this, Heipao probably also determined that our main attack direction is not the city wall, but the city wall."

The tower above the city gate."

Liu Yu curled his lips: "Tieniu probably wanted to pretend to attack the city gate, but actually climbed up the city on a ladder or on sandbags. This idea is good, but it's a pity that the black robe saw through it. Now, I'm afraid only

He got hard on with poisonous smoke. Fatty, will this kind of poisonous smoke make people lose their fighting ability?"

Liu Muzhi pondered for a moment and said: "In addition to sulfur, there will be some other medicinal materials in it. Depending on the ratio, it will produce different effects. However, if the speed is fast enough, and if you can use a cloth moistened with wine to

If you cover your mouth and nose, you should be able to avoid losing your fighting ability due to poisoning within half an hour."

Wang Miaoyin's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: "Then if the soldiers are given Bezoar Jiedu Pills or Huoxiang Zhengqi Water in advance, can they last longer? I think the smoke is just scattered outside the city, not

It permeates the top of the city. Probably Yan Jun himself didn’t want to be poisoned, so he was hanging in the air like this. As long as he could board the city, he wouldn’t have to worry about the poisonous smoke.”

Liu Muzhi smiled, shook his head and said: "Queen, we are fighting against time now. How can we have time to go to the front line to deliver these medicines? Besides, we don't know what the thieves mixed in these poisonous smoke bundles. This bezoar detoxification pill and

Huoxiang Zhengqi Water may not be effective, and may even be counterproductive. Commander, I think if the enemy is already on guard, why don't we temporarily change the direction of attack and let Tieniu and the others withdraw first? This poisonous smoke

It should be gone in half an hour, and it won’t be too late to think of a solution then.”

Gu Liuyu shook his head: "I can't command Tieniu. Since he has been given full authority to attack the city gate, he cannot order the withdrawal of troops at this time. Unless he takes the initiative to withdraw, it will chill the hearts of the soldiers. He has already attacked more than one city.

Even if the auxiliary soldiers and civilians are fighting to the death, I cannot interfere with his command at this time."

Liu Muzhi frowned slightly: "But if we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid Tieniu will be in danger. The enemy is clearly prepared, but we still..."

A look of perseverance flashed through Liu Yu's eyes and he said: "When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. I believe in Ah Shou, I believe in Tieniu, and I believe in the soldiers in front. The gap has been opened, and victory is within reach. If you don't try, give up.

They will never feel at ease in this life. Send the order, and the catapults will focus on attacking the Yan army on other sections of the city wall. There is no need to worry about hitting our siege soldiers, and the frontal throwing pole will also increase the intensity of the attack."

Wang Miaoyin's face also changed: "Jinu, what are you doing? If you attack other sections of the city wall with rocks at this time, it will hit our siege soldiers."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "It is because we are concerned about this that the enemy troops began to attack the city in large numbers. They have more people at the top of the city than we can climb up, and it is difficult for bows and arrows to suppress them directly. After all, the city wall is too high.

It is difficult for our archers outside the city to directly kill a large number of the defenders at the top of their city."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a hail of arrows rising up and striking a section of the city head about 150 steps to the west of the city gate. Those who were thirty or forty steps away were immediately hit by the rain of arrows.


However, more than a hundred Yan Army sergeants did not hold weapons in their hands, but held shields. There were even groups of two or three people, directly holding the door panels of ordinary people's homes, as if they were holding up a barrier in the sky.

A group of people, holding push rods, were pushing the ladders that had been erected on the top of the city away from the city wall on the heads of the Yan army sergeants.

This strong attack with thousands of bows and arrows only caused less than ten Yan troops to fall to the ground. The rest was just a lot of extra arrow shafts on the shields and door panels of the Yan troops above.


There was a burst of cheers among the Yan army, and six or seven more ladders that had just been set up on the top of the city were pushed away from the top of the city. They fell from the ladder to the ground. Dozens of Jin army sergeants with bruised noses and faces cursed to their companions.

They supported or even carried them and evacuated to the rear. As they walked, they looked back reluctantly at the city head that they had almost climbed onto. Beside them, a new group of sergeants were holding ladders towards the city wall.

Another round of attacks was launched.

Liu Yu stood up, waved his command flag, and pointed directly at that section of the city: "Smash the catapult, five steps behind the city wall! Beat the drums at the same time, and the front troops shouted in unison to cheer for the next round of attack."

Having said this, he looked towards the city gate and murmured: "Tieniu, I hope the hard work of our brothers can create opportunities for you."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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