Chapter 3264 I exchange my blood for the thiefs life

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I don't know where the strong force came from, which made the Jin Army crossbowman named Ermao jump up from the ground. He picked up something he didn't know it was at hand. In short, it was a sharp object. When he bounced up

, the corner of his eye glanced at his right hand, and then he realized that it was an arrow shaft that had fallen on the ground and had been broken off, and what he was holding in his hand was the long arrow with the arrow in the front!

There was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and his figure had already bounced up. The burly figure of the bearded Yan Jun fell to the sky, with blood flowing down his body. About two feet behind him, the last man had a red face.

The spearman of the Yan Army, who dressed himself up in white and black paint to look fierce and forbidding, roared and rushed forward. Among the three spearmen, he was the only one left alive, while his two companions died in front of him.

At the hands of the army, how can he not fall into a state of madness and be bound to take revenge and then be quick?

"Go to hell, I'll kill you!" The Yan Army spearman thrust his spear straight into the chest of Ermao, who had just stood up. Ermao was seriously injured, but he didn't know if he had recovered from his injuries. His abdomen and back

They were all cut with blood by the sharp blade on the ground, but they made a big spin to barely avoid the blow, and threw their whole body forward, dwarfing slightly, and just hugged the colorful face.

The waist of Yan Jun's spearman.

The spearman of the Yan army did not expect that this thunderous spear would actually penetrate the air. He was driven back several steps by this flying spear. However, his execution was very solid. After the sudden attack,

He didn't even fall down. He dropped the spear in his hand, raised his right elbow, and struck Er Mao, who was holding him across the back, with an iron elbow hammer.

Er Mao felt as if a meteorite had hit him hard on his back, stars were popping up all over his eyes, his internal organs were shaking violently, and an uncontrollable stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Before he could even open his mouth to spit out the blood, he saw a knee covered with cowhide armor, being lifted up heavily. This time, it hit his chest mercilessly. He could even hear the sound of his own ribs being fractured, and

Feel the severe pain as the broken bones pierce into your internal organs.

The proud laughter of Yan Jun in the picture was still echoing in his ears: "Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell!"

And along with these roars and laughter, elbows and knees landed on Er Mao's back and chest like a storm, as if he had turned into a human punching bag, and even seemed unable to fight anymore.

In this painting, the Yan army is half a foot out.

In the picture, Yan Jun proudly raised his right elbow high. This time, he used all his strength, and with a deep breath, all the strength of his body seemed to be concentrated on his right elbow. He shouted: "I'm here!"

An elbow can paralyze a cow, so go ahead..."

Before the last word "death" could even come out from the tip of his tongue, a sharp pain suddenly came from his right rib, followed closely by the sound of his heart being pierced, and the sound of his ribs breaking.

, he opened his mouth wide. This was the second time in his life that he felt such a heavy blow to his ribs. The last time was more than 20 years ago, when he was eight years old and had just learned to ride a horse in the Helan tribe.

He broke his ribs when he landed on the ground, but this time, he wouldn't even feel the pain anymore, because if he gave him this blow, he would die directly through the heart!

Er Mao gasped and straightened up. He still had to hold on to Yan Jun's shoulders with difficulty to prevent himself from falling. There was blood between his mouth, nose, and even his eyes. He was extremely heavy.

The internal injuries have made it very difficult for him to even breathe. The half-cut arrow has pierced the right rib exposed by Yan Jun when he raised his elbow to attack his back. And this Yan Jun, who was wearing leather armor,

There is no armor protection under the ribs, so even a broken arrow can penetrate the heart and bone. This made the Donglai crossbowman named Ermao achieve three kills per person!

Er Mao had a smile on his face. He looked at Yan Jun in this scene and said with a smile: "Little boy, who, who will die first?!"

There was a roaring sound all around, and six or seven Yan army infantrymen with knives and spears rushed up from the east side. At least three steel knives and two spears slashed hard at Er Mao's body.

Over and over again, swords and spears stabbed, and flesh and blood flew everywhere, but Er Mao still had a smile on his face, staring at the Yan Army sergeant in front of him. For him, this Yan Army soldier in the picture was stabbed to death.

, I avenged the captain who died in the previous battle, and my life has no regrets!

"Boom!", three or four big stones accurately hit Er Mao's side. The two Yan Jun swordsmen who were slashing him with swords, together with E Mao and the corpse of Yan Jun in the picture, were hit in the air by two stones.

He flew up, flew more than ten steps in the air, and landed directly behind the inner wall. The remaining three Yan Army spearmen were a little further away from these people, almost helplessly looking at the few people a few feet in front of them.

Individuals suddenly disappeared, and the stones shattered when they hit the ground, and several small stones burst out and hit their legs and bodies, immediately knocking them off their feet and falling to the ground.

Stones flew up into the sky and hit the city head. On almost every section of the city wall, wooden compartments were opened constantly, and the sergeants of the Helan tribe inside rushed out with roars, regardless of these.

With flying stones, they quickly besieged the Jin troops who had begun to climb the city.

Outside the city wall of the south city, Wang Zhene frowned. At his position about 200 steps away from the city wall, there were almost no long-range weapons on the city wall that could hit him. Seven or eight units of eight-stone bull-running crossbows still couldn't reach him.

They stood still towards the top of the city in the direction where there was no Jin army, firing crossbows from time to time. However, the Yan troops holding push rods were often five feet away from the city wall. No one could be seen behind the battlements. The city wall was nearly four feet high.

, and makes bow and arrow-style lobs impossible.

Wang Zhene suddenly shouted: "Stop shooting at the top of the city. Shoot at the city wall. For every two feet of height, shoot a crossbow into the wall."

The messenger on one side looked at Wang Zhene blankly: "Wang Shenjun, why is this?"

Wang Zhen'e gritted his teeth: "Our ladder is always pushed away from the city wall by these push rods, and the siege tower cannot be climbed up for a while. Now we have to use other methods to quickly climb the city. Otherwise, our speed on the city wall will not be as fast as the enemy's, and we will be in trouble."

After being shot down, the crossbow gun was pierced into the city wall, which was like a wedge, so that the sergeant on the ladder could grab the crossbow gun on the side and climb up step by step. Quick, carry out my order!"

The messenger's eyes lit up and he waved the flag, but as soon as he raised the flag, he only heard a "Woo" sound. On the city wall, from an unknown wall on either side, a cold arrow shot out and hit him directly.

As soon as the messenger raised his hand halfway, he fell backwards and died!

This chapter has been completed!
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