Chapter 4823: Archers and cavalry raiding the formation to attack the barbarians

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Without saying a word, Captain Asiba turned around and rode away. Just when Sha Qianmo also turned his horse and wanted to leave, Captain Asiba suddenly turned around and sneered at Sha Qianmo: "

Sha Qianmo, you must live well and don't die in the hands of others, I will decide your life!"

After he said this, he turned around and galloped away. The corners of Sha Qianmo's mouth twitched twice. He wanted to say something, but he ran back to his camp. Soon, a big black flag was erected.

, there are strange patterns painted on it, which are the tribal totems of Sha Qianmo.

Captain Asiba rode back to his own formation. Tan Zhi greeted him in front of the formation and said with a smile: "Brother Asiba, you are back alive. I have always been worried that Sha Qianmo would kill you."

Captain Asiba said calmly: "He also wanted to test the strength of our army. I was very tough during the negotiation and only said that I wanted them to surrender. This time he believed that our army was here, even though he was still saying so.

It’s hard, but I know that he is already flustered.”

Fu Hongzhi on the side smiled and said: "Sha Qianmo rode back and forth in front of the formation just now, and the route back was not exactly the same as the route he came from. The matter we were worried about that he left traps and trenches in front of the formation should be gone. Demon

The thieves really don’t have time to dig out a new line of defense here.”

Tan Zhi nodded: "Don't be careless. If their traps are dug too far, or if they are not trenches but scattered traps, it will cause us a lot of losses. Before a full-scale attack, we still

We need to use some horses to test the position, and according to Brother Daogui's arrangement, we must now start to move to the flanks. Once fighting begins, we must launch an assault at the same time."

Fu Hongzhi frowned: "Flanking around? Do both wings have to outflank?"

Tan Zhi's eyes flashed coldly: "No, don't worry about the north side. According to the plan, Lu Zongzhi's Yongzhou troops will guard there. If Sha Qianmo doesn't escape to Wulindu, he will go to Wulindu.

Flee north, Lu Zongzhi will be there to guard you when the time comes, some demon thieves have already boarded the ship, we don’t need to waste time, the negotiation just took a quarter of an hour, now we start to attack."

Fu Hongzhi laughed and waved his hand: "Look at me." He took the lead and leaped out. Behind him, five hundred light-armored cavalry were scattered in the gaps between the infantry phalanxes scattered to both sides.

, came out in a group, and while running, they dispersed the horizontal cavalry formation formed into three columns, and rushed straight towards the Shaqianmo Army Formation three miles away.

The sound of cavalry galloping and the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground shook the heaven and earth. Although there were only five hundred cavalry galloping, it still shook everyone's heart on the plain in the morning. The Lingnan barbarians on the other side also

They began to roar in unison, waving the short-handled sickle-like weapon in their hands, tapping their shields, and cheering loudly for themselves.

Fu Hongzhi was in the center of the front line. His eyes were fixed on the front, and his breathing was getting faster and faster. There were more than ten dense circular formations on the other side, arranged in an orderly manner in front. On the periphery of the circular formation, there were

The barbarian soldiers holding shields and scythes were all covered with various tattoos and oil paints. Although they were not heavily armored, they exuded a sense of bloodiness and ferocity. Even in the face of the cavalry charge, they were still fearless. It seemed that they

Do you really think that you can stop the thousands of Jin troops with this flesh and blood body?

Fu Hongzhi gritted his teeth and raised his right hand high. At this time, he was less than 300 steps away from the enemy formation in front. Under normal circumstances, the catapults should have started firing. The dense cavalry that was originally crowded together split into three groups.

There was a loose horizontal line of cavalry. The two columns behind reduced their speed and slowed down, while the first column accelerated their attack. Each cavalryman began to lie on the horse's back, holding the big bow in his hand tightly.

With the other hand, he began to draw out the long fang arrow from the quiver and string the big bow!

Next to Fu Hongzhi, a guard soldier shouted loudly: "Two hundred steps away from the enemy!"

Fu Hongzhi's right hand raised high suddenly slid down, and he quickly reined in his horse and headed to the left. All the riders on the left following him were all sloping towards the left wing.

, and the rider on the right, in turn, swept diagonally to the right. The entire parallel first cavalry line of more than 150 riders suddenly divided into two parts, like two whips, sweeping in an arc.


In the front line of the Lingnan barbarians, there was also a dense sound of clappers, and a horn that was completely different from the Central Plains sounded dull. The current five or six circular formations suddenly dispersed in front of the formation gate, and more than thirty troops and eight

The Stone Bull Crossbow was quickly pushed forward, and the flying poles had already been set up on the arms of the crossbow. The ones pushing them were the sergeants of Tianshi Dao, and the shirtless ones holding sledgehammers

The strong men are the barbarians from Lingnan. Obviously, these are the weapons of the Tianshi Taoist army to deal with the Jin army's charge into battle!

The sounds of "click" and "click" were heard endlessly. As the sledgehammers of these hammer-wielding warriors fell, one flying stick after another hit the front, but this time they were attacking not a dense infantry phalanx, but a large phalanx.

Most of the flying spears flew through the gaps between the cavalry who were more than two feet apart. Although their momentum was frightening, they did not hit their targets. Only six or seven flying spears hit the galloping horses. These unlucky horses suddenly fell into disrepair.

He was beaten so badly that he fell to the ground, screaming, and fell to the ground. The rider on the horse was knocked unconscious from the fall, but as long as he was still alive, he would struggle to get off the horse.

Hobbling towards the back.

Behind Fu Hongzhi, two flying sticks passed by the horse's tail. His action of raising his hand just now made the enemy recognize that he was the commander of this cavalry unit, and they also paid special attention to him. However, this

Shooting with flying spears was not as good as shooting with ordinary bows and arrows. The accuracy was much worse. In addition, he was galloping all the way and his horse was extremely fast, making it impossible to catch him. The moment the two spears failed, the guard on the side yelled:

: "One hundred steps away from the enemy's position!"

Fu Hongzhi immediately sat up from the horse. What followed was that his upper body was straight, his bow was like a full moon, and the arrow was on the string. He was facing a crossbow machine a hundred steps away, and he was turning the crossbow arm trying to aim at himself.

A disciple of Tianshi Dao shot out an arrow.

There was a "swish" sound, and the arrow was like a shooting star. The crossbowman was still squinting his eyes to aim at Fu Hongzhi, when he felt that his eyes were blurred, and a white light rushed towards his face. Before his mind could turn around, he only felt that his eyes were black.

This arrow pierced through his left eye, sending him flying backwards two steps without even kicking his legs. He was immediately killed! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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