Chapter 4827 The whole line collapses and the turtle is trapped in the jar

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As the two troops on the front and the south side of the Jin army followed Liu Daogui's command, the army that entered the ferry was retreating, while the legions in the field stepped up their attacks. Arrows rained from the sky, and the sound of killing shook the ground.

Wave after wave of Jin troops began to attack the Southern Barbarian Legion that killed Qianmo with all their strength. They stepped on the corpses on the ground and moved forward step by step. All the barbarian soldiers who wanted to rush forward to counterattack were caught in the forest of spears and spears.

Amidst the rain of arrows in the sky, everyone fell to the ground one after another, and the entire front began to waver.

Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth, and under the banner, he kept waving the scythe in his hand and shouted loudly: "Hold on, hold on, don't retreat."

Branches of bows and arrows flew past him. More than a dozen personal guards were standing in front of him, waving shields. A soldier captain named Sha Baifu, who was also his younger brother, waved his shield.

, while saying: "Brother, I can't stand it any longer. Get out quickly. Didn't Marshal Xu say..."

Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth and looked back, only to see a cavalry force of about 500 people inserted between the back of his formation and the Wulin Ferry, galloping back and forth.

They continued to shoot arrows towards the rear of their own formation, which was more than a hundred steps away, causing some slight chaos in the rear formation, which was originally composed of mostly wounded soldiers and non-combatants.

Farther away at the ferry, outside the fence on the north side, there was a group of more than a thousand people, dressed in blue uniforms. They looked like swordsmen from the general's guard. They were quickly moving towards the north. Obviously, this was Xu Dao.

The breakout troops were overturned, and at this moment, he could no longer send a message to Sha Qianmo asking him to evacuate.

Sha Qianmo stomped his feet bitterly: "Xu Daofu, that bastard, actually left me and ran away. Humph, he can run away, but I can't? Hundred Fu, you will take the central and rear troops with you now."

Brothers, move to the north. I will go to the front army and fight with them again. After repelling the attack of the Jin army, I will come to find you."

Sha Baifu blinked his eyes: "But, there are Jin cavalry behind the formation. How can we escape at this time? They will hunt us down?"

Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth: "These Jin army's infantry and cavalry are going to attack the ferry, not to really eliminate us. Compared with the tens of thousands of people at the ferry, our troops are not their primary target.

Even if I lead my troops to break through to the north now, they will not pursue me with a large army. I will definitely fight into the ferry first. It’s too late. If we don’t leave, I’m afraid it will be too late.”

Sha Baifu nodded: "Then I will catch up with Xu Daofu first and tell him that you will be there soon, brother."

Sha Qianmo said bitterly: "Don't fall out when you see him. After all, we have to rely on him to break through to the north. When we get to Jiangxia and meet Lu Xun, we will tell him what happened here. Humph, Xu Daofu

He swore an oath to me, and I will make him fulfill this oath sooner or later."

Behind Sha Qianmo's military formation, Fu Hongzhi led more than 500 cavalrymen, rushing back and forth. These horses dragged branches on their tails and galloped back and forth, kicking up the dust on the ground and flying sand and rocks, leaving several people in the area surrounded.

They couldn't see clearly the movement within a hundred steps, and while they were galloping, they shot out bursts of arrows from time to time in the direction of Sha Qianmo's rear army, and at the same time made bursts of howling sounds to frighten the enemy.

Next to Fu Hongzhi, a guard named Fu Linjie suddenly said: "General, the enemy seems to be running away. They are closing their formation and moving to the north. Should we take the opportunity to rush over?"

Fu Hongzhi laughed: "As expected by Brother Daogui, these barbarians are really going to run away. However, now is not the time to chase them. They are all infantry anyway, and on the north side, Lu Zongzhi's Yongzhou cavalry will attack

They don't want us to take the credit. According to Brother Daogui, after forcing them back, we will attack Wulindu."

Having said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his gaze fell on the Wulin Ferry. At this time, there was already a chaos of war. The Tianshi Taoists who had previously blocked the outside of the ferry were rushing to the dock ferry, and even

Conflicts have already begun with those fellow students who were queuing up to get on the boat. At least tens of thousands of people gathered on the riverside, all crowding and pushing each other. Some people were even pushed into the river from time to time. Everyone refused to give in, and it was chaos.


And under the general's banner near the ferry, Xu Daofu's huge body was still sitting firmly on the general's platform, motionless. Since the beginning of the entire battle, he had hardly moved, as if

There was a statue placed there, and the sergeants guarding the general platform lost their initial composure and began to look around, looking for a way out.

Fu Hongzhi pointed his riding whip at the general platform and said sternly: "Don't let Xu Daofu escape, let's rush into the ferry and capture this big devil alive!"

There was a burst of cheers from his subordinates. In the smoke, the cavalry began to turn around and galloped directly towards the entrance of the deserted west ferry. On the south side in the other direction, Zhu Lingxiu was also waving a big axe.

, led the troops that had previously withdrawn from the ferry and fought back into the ferry. Hu Longshi still jumped onto a beacon tower as before, and began to occupy the high ground, preparing to face the people huddled together on the pier in the distance.

The Tianshi Dao group, which could kill a bunch of people with one stone, launched the final attack.

Outside the ferry, there was an array of Lingnan barbarians. Sha Qianmo held a long-handled scythe and braved the hail of arrows. He charged back and forth in front of the array where the two armies were connected. He slashed across the four or five people in front of him.

The shield was immediately shattered into pieces, and the same five or six long poles were also broken. The Jin army sergeants quickly threw away the length of the pole in their hands and retreated quickly. Along with this battle line

, also took a few steps back.

A sharp whistle sounded, and the entire Jin army formation facing Sha Qianmo slowly retreated. Not only this square formation, but also the six or seven Jin army formations that were charging forward to attack also retreated at the same time. I don't know what happened.

It was not that Qianmo personally led a counterattack and let go of the killing force. Shocked by the momentum of the advancing attack, the Jin army retreated. Although they were retreating, the halberds still pointed forward, but the strong murderous aura and fighting spirit in their eyes

After all, the Jin army also fell hundreds of people in this round of attacks. Facing this wave of fierce assaults by Sha Qianmo and the Chinese army, it seemed that it was indeed difficult to withstand

, we can only temporarily withdraw and reorganize.

Sha Qianmo laughed loudly, slammed the scythe in his hand to the ground, and said energetically: "The Jin army is nothing more than that, I thought you were so powerful. Who dares to fight me?!"

A thunderous voice resounded across the battlefield: "I'm here to take care of you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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