Chapter 4825: Surrounded by three, missing and one, the end is near

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Xu Daofu said coldly: "According to the plan, if we don't pretend to be exhausted and completely defeated, how can we have a chance to break out from the north?"

Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "I said, Lao Xu, do you really not want the more than 10,000 subordinates in this ferry? That is your old brother who started the business. Are you going to abandon them just like this?"


Xu Daofu's face twitched, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "Of course I want to take every brother out, but the Jin army is determined to kill us this time, how can they do this to us?

Chances? Everyone has no choice but to disperse and seek their own blessings. If we delay here a little longer, we can also let more brothers board the ship. As for whether they can escape the pursuit of the Jin Navy after boarding the ship, it depends on them.

If we take the land route, it will be equally dangerous. However, as long as we keep the green hills, we won't be afraid of running out of firewood. If we escape this time, we will have a chance to fight back in the future."

Sha Qianmo laughed: "I just saw this boy Axiba and understood this truth. Back then, I killed this boy's wife and the whole clan, and I also killed ten of this boy's tribe.

One or two, but now after he escaped, he has grown stronger again. In the last battle, this guy's subordinates were almost wiped out by us, but today he can still stand and talk to me like a dog, and he dares to

He's talking big and wants to take my life. Hmm, putting aside his big words, as long as this kid is alive, he can develop again."

Xu Daofu nodded: "Yes, our divine sect is actually the same. We have suffered repeated defeats and battles, almost destroyed, and in dire straits. But as long as we leaders are preserved, the separated tribes can always be reunited. As long as we fight a few more times,

Once we win the battle, there will be a steady stream of people coming to join us, but only if we can rush out first can we have a future."

Sha Qianmo sighed: "What should we do if we rush out? Should we go back to find Master Lu? If you fail to attack this time and lose your troops, he will probably take the opportunity to attack you."

Xu Daofu said in a deep voice: "We can't take care of these things for now. There is still an army of 200,000 soldiers there with Senior Brother Lu. After we get there, we will work together to defeat Liu Yu's pursuit. If we are lucky, we can lead the army and attack again."

Jingzhou, and our internal support is still there, we can use help the next time we fight."

Sha Qianmo's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, he heard the sound of drums and horns in front of him. Within the smoke, a large number of Jin army infantry had already formed up. This time, it was no longer the hundreds of cavalry that had just raided the formation.

, but an infantry phalanx of three thousand, with archers in front and a large number of heavily armored halberdiers behind. Because all the eight-stone bull-running crossbows were lying alone in front of the formation,

There was no one to operate the crossbow anymore, the crossbow arm was crooked, and some flying spears fell to the ground weakly, obviously no longer posing a threat. That's why the Jin army's infantry dared to approach in such a dense formation. They did not consider being attacked by a large-scale bull-running crossbow.

Possibility of killing.

Sha Qianmo stomped his feet bitterly: "Damn it, if I had known earlier I shouldn't have pushed these eight-niu crossbows forward. It was my mistake."

Xu Daofan waved his hand: "It's nothing. Laosha, you haven't come to fight outside the mountains much before. I don't know how this kind of battle is fought. I blame me for coming a little late, but it's okay. We still have archers and we can still fight.

They caused a lot of damage."

Sha Qianmo nodded and looked to the south. A burst of smoke and dust rose up, and the ground shook slightly. It seemed that a large number of cavalry were galloping past that way. His expression changed and he said: "Not good."

, the cavalry of the Jin Army has moved to the south, and it should be the same troop that attacked us just now."

Xu Daofu nodded: "There, I have arrangements. I sent a thousand halberd bearers, and brought horses and antlers, and pushed fifty carts over, hiding them in your five circles.

In the formation, if the Jin cavalry charges over this time, we will push out these obstacles. If they ride and shoot, we will shoot at them from behind these obstacles. If they charge into the formation, we will be ready to hit us.

With their carts and halberds, I don’t think the Jin army would be so stupid.”

Having said this, he pointed his finger at Wulindu behind the formation. Most of the fences had been removed. Only some wooden fences and a few arrow towers were still standing on both sides. But the sergeants on duty on the arrow towers,

They were already absent-minded, and kept looking back in the direction of the dock on the river. Obviously, they were spending time like a year, and they were afraid that they would be left behind and not be able to get on the boat.

Xu Daofu said in a deep voice: "The Jin army is not stupid. Facing this prepared formation, most of them will not attack. They will probably rush to Wulin Ferry. I finally ambushed 3,000 troops in the ferry, led by Xu Daoan. Once

If the Jin army goes straight to the ferry, they will rush up and use the terrain of the ferry to fight. However, the Jin army will not attack completely with cavalry. A large number of infantry will inevitably follow behind, and the frontal offensive will also be strengthened in order to penetrate our enemy.

The purpose of the defense line is to leave only one channel to the north, forcing us to escape from the north, and they will hunt down the ships that leave on the water with navy."

Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth: "So, in the end, the remaining troops in the ferry were delaying us and buying time. In fact, we did the opposite, running from the north first. If there are people who can support us, they will help us break through.

Success, right?"

Xu Daofu laughed: "Yes, that's it. Therefore, we have to hold on here for a while, and we cannot collapse at the first touch. That would be too fake. We can only fight fiercely until the Jin army breaks into Wulin.

When we were crossing the ferry, we ran again, which made it look realistic. Moreover, the Jin army at that time was anxious to enter the ferry and annihilate our troops, and would not pursue us with the main force. By the time they reacted, we had already fled to

This is the direction of Jiangxia."

Sha Qianmo looked back at the ferry and saw a general flag with the word "Xu" flying high near the pier. Under the flag, a big man with a similar body shape to Xu Daofu wore a

Wearing a fully enclosed helmet and face mask, he sat on the horse, holding the flag in his hand, motionless. Even a huge vajra pestle was placed beside him.

Sha Qianmo laughed: "You even found a substitute teacher long ago. It's really amazing. Do I need to find a substitute first now?"

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "The heights of the two of us are too obvious together. It is your business whether you want to find a substitute. I will not accompany you. Now I am going to the back to arrange the defense of the south. You can support me here.

To avoid the attack of the Jin army, as soon as you see the signal I agreed to, move north quickly, and you must not be reluctant to fight!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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