Chapter 4828 Two Generals Want to Watch a Life-and-Death Fight

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Sha Qianmo's expression changed, and he saw in the retreating military formation on the opposite side, a man holding a big sword and walking towards him step by step. His long hair was disheveled, covering his face, and he had a pair of eyes.

Inside, the muscles all over his body, full of murderous intent and covered with tattoos, were beating gently, and on the big knife dragged on the ground, blood flowed to the ground drop by drop, forming a long line as he walked.

The blood lines on his body are just like the blood stains all over his body. Even if he is fifty steps away, you can still smell the strong smell of blood on his body and feel the soaring fighting spirit! The person coming is not none other than Asiba.

team leader?

Beside Sha Qianmo, a personal guard picked up a blowgun and pointed it at Captain Axiba opposite him, but Sha Qianmo stretched out his left hand and suppressed the blowgun on his mouth.

He shouted to Captain Asiba: "Captain Asiba, you don't want to live long, do you want to come and die? All the Jin people behind you were scared and ran away. You dare to come up and surrender yourself alone?"

A snare?"

Captain Axiba stood about thirty steps away from Sha Qianmo. His two eyes under his messy hair were shining like stars in the night sky. He shouted loudly to Sha Qianmo: "Sha Qianmo"

Mo, I told you before that in this battle, I will definitely come and kill you with my own hands. Now, it is time for me to fulfill this promise. Have you washed your neck? I will behead you soon.

I don't want to get my knife dirty."

Sha Qianmo laughed loudly and said to the sergeants behind him: "You move north as planned to find the second leader. I will find you right after I deal with this kid."

The guard holding the blowgun frowned: "Big-headed man, you have to be careful. After all, there are thousands of Jin troops behind this kid. If they suddenly charge over..."

Sha Qianmo waved his hand: "Jin Gou retreated for us. He was scared out of his wits a long time ago. I took this opportunity to go back and rest. He won't come back so soon. If this kid had help, how could he be here at this time?

A man is rushing to take revenge. Go quickly. If it's too late, you may not be able to escape."

The guard nodded: "Be careful, big-headed man. I heard that Captain Axiba has been practicing martial arts hard for revenge in the past few years. You can't..."

Sha Qianmo sneered and said: "I still know how much this kid weighs. During the battle the day before yesterday, I have been watching this kid's fight. He is a little stronger than before, but he is still not a problem in front of me.

If I can't deal with him, I won't have to hang out in Lingnan anymore, just go ahead and don't force me to say it again."

The guard saluted to Sha Qianmo, and led the clansmen behind him to quickly move in the north direction. Soon, they ran a hundred steps away, and their figures disappeared into the smoke.


In the front line of the Jin army, a hundred and fifty steps behind the battle line, more than a dozen firewood piles were burning, creating thick smoke rising into the sky. Behind the thick smoke, the soldiers of the Jin army that had just withdrawn were sitting on the ground.

They hurriedly replenished food and water, and many people urinate anywhere near the team. The smell of urine filled the air, but they had long been accustomed to this smell. They should eat and drink.

, except for the vigilant sergeant, no one was moved.

On a small hillock, Tan Zhi and Tan Daoji stood side by side. Their horses were under the hillock, guarded by more than ten personal guards. Tan Zhi sighed softly: "Daoji, you have a great responsibility.

The duty of delivering orders was supposed to be to take brother Asiba back, but you let him go up to fight Sha Qianmo alone. Aren't you afraid that Brother Daogui will punish you for falsely delivering military orders when he finds out?


Tan Daoji curled up his lips expressionlessly: "You and I are both soldiers and passionate men, and so is Brother Daogui. Captain Asiba, since his wife and children were killed, his greatest wish in life is to kill Qianmo with his own sword.

Today, in front of the two armies, he finally has such an opportunity, why should we stop him?"

Tan Zhi sighed: "But after all, Brother Axiba fought in the battle the day before yesterday and suffered several serious injuries. Originally, with his physical condition, he should not go to the battlefield again at all. He should stay behind to recuperate. I will take him with me.

It's already a mistake on the battlefield, and if you still let him go one-on-one with a master like Sha Qianmo, you're not asking him to take revenge, you're asking him to die."

Tan Daoji smiled slightly: "Third brother, actually you and I are the same. We all want to see Captain Asiba have such a chance for revenge. If you really cared about his body, you could have forcibly sent him back to Jiangling for treatment.

Why would you let him come here injured? From the bottom of your heart, you also hope to see such a duel."

The corner of Tan Zhi's mouth curled up slightly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "Well, our warriors in the Central Plains fight by galloping back and forth on horseback, fighting him for 300 rounds, or by dismounting and fighting with spears and halberds.

Slashing with swords and stabbings can kill people till death. However, the weapons and fighting methods of these Lingnan people are completely different from those of us in the Central Plains. Today can be an eye-opener. As for life and death, we can only say that everyone can live according to their destiny and have no complaints about life or death.


Having said this, Tan Zhi licked his lips and said: "Brother Axiba, the driving force for living every day in the past few years is today's revenge battle. If he is not allowed to settle the grudge with his own hands, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

We really can't deprive him of this opportunity."

Tan Daoji looked at the evacuating Lingnan barbarians to the north and said, "Are those fleeing barbarians really not going to pursue them? If Lu Gui had not intercepted them and allowed them to escape to Jiangxia,

So what?"

Tan Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly: "A snake can't survive without a head. Kill Qianmo here. As long as we can kill him, the other barbarians won't have anything to worry about. I'm afraid they won't even be able to distinguish between east, west, north, and south.

If we don't chase them and let them run away, it will be difficult to escape to Jiangxia. No matter what the outcome of the fight between Sha Qianmo and the Asiba brothers will be, at least we can't let Sha Qianmo leave alive."

Tan Daoji smiled slightly, turned around and walked under the hillock: "I will handle this matter personally. If I succeed in killing Qianmo, I will also personally avenge the Asiba brothers. Third brother, then go into Wu

I'll leave Lin Du's matter to you. I'll take the first step."

Tan Zhi paid a military salute to Tan Daoji and watched his brother quickly run down the hillock and mount his horse. Dozens of elite cavalry guards followed behind him and moved towards the north. Tan Zhi's eyes

Turning towards the Asiba brother in the distance, he suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a loud roar. He and his sword merged into one, and rushed directly towards Sha Qianmo, who was thirty steps away! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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