Chapter 4824: Attack and defense back and forth.

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As Fu Hongzhi killed the enemy with this arrow, other cavalrymen also started shooting. Those with poor archery skills galloped on horseback and did not pick a target. They just shot an arrow at the opposite side, and the arrow was

Marksmen with superb skills will choose to do the same as Fu Hongzhi, first make an emergency stop, and then aim straight at the target that they have already chosen. After hitting the target, they will quickly draw the bow and arrow, and shoot at the target.

The second and third targets are fired continuously.

More than thirty eight-stone bull-running crossbows were pushed to a place about twenty paces outside the formation and fired. The distance from these cavalrymen was itself reduced to between sixty and seventy paces. From this position, it was still impossible to aim directly.

The shot was accurate, but the bows and arrows were within the most comfortable shooting range. With almost only one volley, all the crossbowmen fell down after being hit by arrows, and the huge warriors with sledgehammers were also shot.

About half of them were hit, and the remaining auxiliary soldiers and warriors saw that almost all the crossbowmen were killed by the arrows. They could no longer aim, no longer bothered, and fled towards their own formation.

The barbarian soldiers also clamored up, rushed out quickly with shields, and protected these people from retreating. The Jin army's cavalry passed fifty or sixty steps in front of them along the arc, facing these Lingnan barbarians sideways.

The soldiers sprinkled a shower of arrows into their formation. Soon, more than ten bodies were lying on the ground. Most of them were shot in the legs, where the shield could not protect them.

The guy who was hit by the arrow screamed and cursed the Jin army, but he didn't forget to continue crawling backwards.

Fu Hongzhi led the left wing team and galloped past the front of the barbarian soldiers and went around to the other side. At this time, the second cavalry line also rushed up, again at a distance of 150 steps, left and right.

Separated, each galloped diagonally forward, and at about a hundred paces, launched a gallop towards the opponent's circular formation. Another shower of arrows flew past, and the opposite shield was once again densely covered with arrows.

Suddenly, hundreds of Tianshi Dao archers rushed out of the shield formation of the barbarians. These people were wearing leather armor and holding three-stone-long walking bows.

The Jin cavalry passing by were met with a hail of arrows.

Fu Hongzhi's expression changed slightly. He had not expected that there would be so many infantry archers ambushing the opponent's formation, and that they would even dare to come out and shoot directly at the galloping cavalry.

Relying on the advantage of numbers, and also relying on the stability of shooting on foot compared to shooting on a galloping horse, this round of arrow rain hit, but more than twenty riders were hit by arrows, and more than ten more were hit.

The famous rider was hit by an arrow and was motionless when he fell to the ground, killing him immediately.

Suppressed by the counterattack of this rain of arrows, the Jin cavalry who were galloping quickly retreated one after another. They shot out the arrows in their hands randomly, regardless of whether they could hit the enemy in front of them, and retreated towards the two wings.

Fu Hongzhi bit his lip, because the third line of cavalry had already charged forward. This group of cavalry was led by Lin Huchen. After seeing these archers coming out of the battle, they no longer used side-skidding tactics, but quickly formed a formation.

The three wedge-shaped cavalry formations put up an assault stance and charged at the Tianshi Dao archers a hundred steps away at full speed.

The cavalry of the Jin army crouched on their horses one after another to minimize the risk of being shot by arrows. They held the bow in one hand and touched the cavalry and spears hanging on the weapon hooks with the other hand.

Spears, once the enemy archers still shoot arrows and refuse to retreat, be ready for an assault!

There was a whistle in the barbarian formation, and the archers who were squatting thirty steps outside the formation and still cocking their bows and preparing to shoot immediately turned back and ran away, not even looking at the less than a hundred people behind them.

Taking a look at the advancing Jin cavalry, it was obvious that Sha Qianmo believed that at this distance, the archers' shooting was not enough to stop the Jin cavalry's assault. Once they broke through, the barbarians at the rear would not be able to rescue them.

Only then did they quickly return to their original formation.

At the same time, more than two hundred barbarians holding long-handled scythes ran out of each formation and ran towards the opening of the archers who were retreating to the phalanx. Obviously, these were used to attack the phalanx.

Receiving troops.

Lin Huchen gritted his teeth and waved his hand. The cavalrymen under his command reined in their horses and stopped as fast as possible. Then they raised the big bow in their hands and fired a burst of fire at the barbarians with scythes who rushed forward.

, the sound of piercing the air continued, and more than thirty barbarian soldiers fell to the ground after being hit by arrows, while the remaining people screamed strangely and continued to rush towards the cavalry more than forty steps away.

Lin Huchen waved his hand again, and his cavalry fired another round of arrows, shooting down more than 20 enemy soldiers. However, in front of them came a wave of arrows from the other side, but it was the archers of Tianshi Dao.

Seeing that the cavalry stopped charging, they turned around and turned back. Behind and beside the Da Si Barbarians, a burst of arrows struck. More than ten Jin cavalry were hit by arrows and fell off their horses. The remaining people turned their horses and directly

Retreat to the rear.

The scythe soldiers screamed and wanted to continue to charge forward, but there was a burst of intensive whistles from behind. One of the captains leading the team stomped his feet bitterly and wanted to go forward again. An archery team beside them

The senior brother who led the team inside stepped forward and grabbed him. After saying a few words, he reluctantly dragged the scythe and led the team back. On the battlefield, dozens of corpses were left behind.

Nearly a hundred corpses of barbarians and archers were scattered about a hundred paces away. The armies on both sides withdrew their troops and returned to their own formations, waiting for the next round of competition.

In the barbarian formation, under the general's flag, Sha Qianmo's eyes narrowed slightly. Beside him, Xu Daofu changed into a soldier's clothes and followed him, but his huge body was still eye-catching.

, Sha Qianmo gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you continue to chase? It's still possible for those Jin cavalry to catch up."

Xu Daofu waved his hand, pointed at the dissipated smoke and dust on both sides, and said: "It's not that easy. The first two waves of enemy cavalry detoured back to both sides. If we continue to pursue and stay away from our formation, we only need to be about a hundred steps away."

, they will have three lines of cavalry fighting back at the same time, attacking on both wings and galloping in the middle. If our archers lose the protection of their formation in the wild, the whole army will be annihilated. This is the cavalry's trick of deceiving the enemy and luring them to defeat.

Don’t be fooled.”

Sha Qianmo breathed a sigh of relief: "I see. Fortunately, you arrived in time and saw through the Jin army's plan. However, what should we do now? The infantry in front of the Jin army has also begun to press forward. There are also troops moving in the south.

,Are we still going to be passively beaten here?” ()

This chapter has been completed!
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